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Cranial Nerve Nuclei


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Oculomotor Nuclear Complex
-midbrain (by superior colliculus)
-Motor nucleus to superior, medial, and inferior rectus and inferior oblique muscles
Edinger-Westphal nucleus
-dorsal to oculomotor complex
-preganglionic parasympathetic to constrictor pupillae
Trochlear nucleus
-beneath inferior colliculus (midbrain)
-motor to superior oblique
-after exiting brainstem, fibers decussate
Mesencephalic Nucleus of V
-midbrain and pons
-sensory (muscle sense info from muscle spindles), contains ganglion cells
-project to motor nucleus of V and spinal nucleus of V (analogous to Clarke's Column)
Motor Nucleus of V
-motor to muscles of mastication via mandibular division of V.
-medial to chief sensory nucleus of V
Chief Sensory Nucleus of V
-sensory for fine touch and pressure of face (analogous to dorsal column nuclei)
-projects to contralateral VPM nucleus of thalamus
Nucleus of Spinal Tract of V
-pons, medulla
-continuous with dorsal horn
-receives pain and temperature afferents from face
-projects to contralateral VPM nucleus of thalamus
-analogous to lissauer's tract, substantia gelatinosa, nucleus proprius of s.c.
Abducens Nucleus
-motor nucleus for lateral rectus muscle
-nestled in genu of facial nerve
Facial Nucleus
-motor to muscles of facial expression
-fibers loop around the abducens nucleus before exiting the brainstem
Vestibular Nuclei
-complex of 4 nuclei in lateral floor of 4th ventricle
-descending fibers to medial and lateral vestibulospinal tract
-ascending fibers to medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) to ocular nuclei, thalamus, and cerebellum
Cochlear Nuclei
-auditory input from CN VII
-output to superior olivary nucleus via trapezoid body
Nucleus of Tractus Solitarius
-taste from VII, IX, X
-visceral autonomic afferents from IX and X
-output to dorsal motor nucleus of X, taste to thalamus, reticular formation
Dorsal Motor Nucleus of X
-preganglionic parasympathetic motor mucleus. innervates major body organs.
-located dorsolateral to hypoglossal nucleus
Nucleus Ambiguus (Ventral Motor Nucleus of X)
-branchiomotor fibers from IX and X to larynx, pharynx, and soft palate
Hypoglossal Nucleus
-motor to tongue muscles

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