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The West


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Site of the battle which saw the defeat of the Metis forces during the North-West Rebellion
commander of the Canadian Red River force
Status Indians
have full privileges as Canadian citizens as well as special rights as Indians. In turn, they are divided between treaty Indians, and Registered Indians
Thomas Scott
Irish labourer executed by Riel and the Metis for treason against the new provisional government
Non-status Indians
although they have Indian ancestors, have lost their special rights for a variety of reasons
John Shultz
Leader of the Canadian Party in the Red River colony
Gabriel Dumont
Riel's military leader
Rupert's Land
land given to Hudson Bay in North-west Canada
Manitoba Act
Created the new self-governing province of Manitoba in 1871
first lieutenant-general of Manitoba
inhabitants of the area around Red River. They were of mixed blood-French and Scottish fur traders and natives
Hudson Bay Company
founded in 1670 in London, England, by a group of British merchants eager to exploit the resources of northern Canada.
Louis Riel
Metis leader of the Manitoba and North-West rebellions
Canadian Pacific Railway
Plains Cree chief, was a prominent figure in the North-West Rebellion of 1885
A government that holds temporary authority pending the creation of a permanent structure of government

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