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Physical Agents


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physical agents can alter collagen extensibility by
increaseing tissue temperature-extensibility of collagen, ROM, massage
modification of inflammation and healing process effects
reducing circulation, controllig motion, reduction pain, reducing enzyme activity rate, assist with moving to the proliferation phase.
examples of thermal agents
deep heat(diathermy), superfical heat(heat pack, parrifin, fluidotherapy), cooling(cold pack)
physcial agents directly alter muscle tone via
altering nerve conduction/sensitivity, altering biomechanical properties of muscles
pain relief length of use
continued as long as pain persists but should be stopped when pain subsides
examples of mechanical agents
traction, compression (elastic bandages, compression pump), water (whirlpool), sound (US)
pain relief is
pain is the body's normal protective response to prevent further injury, It can become a problem when it is chronic and begins to limit daily functional activites
physical agents indirectly alter muscle tone via
pain reduction , addressing the underlying problem causing the tone abnormality
effects of assisting during the maturation phase
by helping balance collagen synthesis and lysis, improving alignment of newly laid collagen network
general precautions/contraindication to using physical agents
pregnancy, malignancy, pacemaker(absolute), impaired sensation, and impaired mentation
effects of assisting during proliferation phase
by increasing circulation, increasing enzyme activity rate, promoting collagen depostion, assist with moving to the maturation phase
what do electromagnetic agents do
utilize energy for tissue healing, alter cellular dunctional membraine permeability and transport)
Solving the underlying problem causing pain by
modify tissue inflammantion, alter collagen extensibility , modigy muscle tone
what do mechanical agents do
increase/decrease pressure on the body or its parts, alter fluid flow by controlling motion
collagen extensibility
if not used for long periods of time (immobilization, limited ROM), collagenous tissue and its supported structures can become shortened
examples of electromagnetic agents
electormagnetic feilds (ultraviolet), electric currents(tens, estim), ionto
modification of muscle tone
increased tone around area of injury to splint and prevent further injury, prolonged "splinting" may prevent healing, decreased muscle tone can occur secondary to pain and limit function
modification of muscle tone abnormalites
increased ( spastic/rigid) or decreased flaccid muscle tone results form CNS damage, secondary to pain caused by another tissue injury
what do thermal agents do
heat or cool tissues, either superfical or deep, change circulatory rate and chemical reaction of tissues following injury
physical agents can control pain by
modifiying pain transmission, affects transmission at the SC level, change nerve conduction rate, alter release of neurotransmitters signaling pain
collagen is the main support system for
skin, tendons, bones and connective tissues

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