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Biology 1109 Final


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fungi cell walls are made of
tissue lining coelom, suspending organs
earliest plant ancestor, grows on edges of lakes
seedless and seeded
two branches of vascular plants (420 mya)
Wallace (Alfred Russell)
developed theory of evolution independent of Darwin
clumped dispersion
pattern in which individuals are aggregated in patches (most common dispersion pattern in nature, often results from unequal distribution of resources)
carrying capacity
what is K in the logistic growth equation
vertebral column
what distinguishes vertebrates?
which population curve represents squirrels
bottleneck effect
event that drastically reduces population size (earthquakes, floods, fires)
automatic movement directed toward or away from some stimulus (stream fish automatically facing upstream)
ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
what are the three skin layers of animals?
animal relates stimulus/response to reward or punishment
associative learning
hybrid inviability, hybrid sterility, hybrid breakdown
what are the three postzygotic barriers
400,000 ago
about when did hominids develop fire?
differing habitats
habitat isolation
instead of hindwings, have small, club-shaped organs called halteres, which function in maintaining balance during flight
allopatric speciation
speciation w/ geographic separation
gametes die before uniting or fail to unite
gametic isolation
4 billion
global population in 1975
courtship ritual
confirms that individuals are of same species, opposite sex, physically primed for mating, and not threats to each other
How did mitochondria/ Chloroplasts evolve?
2 mya
about when did hominids develop stone tools
female flower part
no true tissues (porifera), true tissues (eumetazoans), radial/bilateral symmetry, deuterostomes/protostomes
in order, name the branches of animals
random movement in response to stimulus (sow bugs increasing movement when in dry land)
asco/ sac fungi
yeast, cup, morels, many plant pathogens, lichens
tropical forest, savanna, desert, chaparral, temperate grasslands, temperate forest, taiga, tundra
name the seven biomes
two haploid mycelia fuse
sexual reproduction of fungi
100,000 ago
about when did language develop
westward (westerlies)
from 30 degrees N & S to arctic/antarctic circles, wind travels
tissue filled region
200,000 ago
about when did hominids begin constructing shelters
glomeromycetes/ mycorrhizal fungi
symbiotic mychorhizea
475 million
how many years ago did plants first evolve?
hollow space lined by tissue layer
area where freshwater stream or river merges with ocean
digestive tract
of all types of insects, which kind does not undergo complete metamorphosis
suspension-feeding worms, clams, and predatory crustaceans
what organisms characterize the sandy intertidal zone?
batesian mimicry
when a palatable species resembles an unpalatable one
nutrients from detritivores and oxygen get trapped at the bottom of this during summer
How many kingdoms of Prokaryotes are there?
founder effect
colonization of new location by small number of individuals
ployps (hydra, anemone) and medusae (jellies)
two forms of cniderians
stabilizing, directional, disruptive
what are the three selection curves:
542 mya - 15 mil after
when is cambrian explosion
575 mya (precambrian)
when do first animal fossils appear
grasshoppers katydids, crickets (orthoptera); beetles (coleoptera); moths and butterflies (lepidoptera); flies and mosquitoes (diptera), ants, bees, and wasps (hymenoptera)
what are five groups of insects
77,000 ago
about when did art develop?
sea stars, sea urchins, (sand dollars)
what are two echinoderms
reproductive organs do not work
mechanical isolation
what are hyphae made of
leaves at base of flower (usually green)
uniform dispersion
often results from interactions among individuals, such as territorial behavior and competition for water
ciliates, dinoflagellates, apicomplexans
three types of alveolates
about when did humans migrate from Africa?
what percent of the world's resources do the top 20% of humans use?
additive effects of two or more genes on single phenotypic characteristic
polygenetic inheritance
which population curve represents clams
intertidal, pelagic (open ocean), benthic (sea floor), photic, aphotic
what are the five oceanic zones?
homo floresienssis, 18,000 ya
what are the hobbits in Indonesia called and how long ago did they live
cancer in body tissue
what is sarcoma
protistan-like, earliest lineage of fungi, common in lakes, pond
temperate zone
23.5 N or S to arctic/ antarctic circles
crossing over, independent variation, allelic variation, genetic mutation, chromosomal
List five sources of diversity:
genes that influenc emultiple characteristics
less surface area (thicker cuticle)
why do conifers have pine needles?
homo erectus (1.8 mya)
what is the first hominid to leave africa?
fixed action patterns
unchangeable behavioral sequences
sympatric speciation
speciation w/ no geographic separation
when nuclei of fused fungi have not yet mixed
heterokaryotic stage
chytrid, zygo, glomero, sac fungi (asco), club fungi (basido)
five types of fungi
true or false: 250,000 of 290,000 plant species are angiosperms
cognitive mapping
gray whale uses coast to make trip from Alaska to Baja California, birds navigate by stars,
from 30 degrees N & S to the equator, the wind travels
stinging cell on Cnideria that unravel a fine thread (often poisonous)
what is a cnidocyte
how many starlings, numbering 100 million in less than a century, were released in central park in 1890
high temperatures in tropics evaporate water from earth's surface, creating an area of calm of very light winds know as _______
body covering
tightly packed mycelium
what are mushrooms made of
mating or flowering occurs at different seasons or times of day
temporal isolation
failure to produce functional gametes
hybrid sterility
true or false: most animals are diploid except for haploid sperm/egg cells?
pollen grains meet with egg in ovulate cone, form seed
explain gymnosperm reproduction
which population curve represents humans
4 mya
about when did hominids adapt bipedalism?
mullerian mimicry
when two unpalatable species look like each other
secondary sex characteristics evolved through intrasexual selection or intersexual selection
sexual dimorphism
arachnids, crustaceans, myriapods, and insects
what are the four groups of arthropods
stigma (sticky tip), style (stalk), and ovary
three parts of carpel
200,000--30,000-40,000 ago
about when did Neanderthals live in Europe and when did they go extinct
How many known species of Prokaryotes are there?
true or false: multicellularity evolved several times in eukaryotes
male flower part
gymnosperms and angiosperms (140 mya)
two branches of seeded plants (360 mya)
diplomonades, euglenozoans, alveolates, stramenopiles, diotoms, brown algae, amoebazoan, red algae, green algae
name eight branches of protists
water evaporation from plants (through stomata)
define transpiration
agonistic behavior
because violent combat may injure victor as well as vanquished in way that reduces reproductive fitness, natural selection favors ritualized contests. This is associated with the term
unchangeable behavioral sequences
fixed action patterns
threadlike filaments that branch out from fungi for feeding
tropical forest, savanna, desert, chaparral, temperate grasslands, temperate forest, taiga, tundra
what are the eight major bioms?
no sexual attraction between different species
behavioral isolation:
sedentary organisms that stick to rocks (algae, barnacles, mussles)
what organisms characterize the rocky intertidal zone?
genetic mutation
changes in nucleotide sequence that create new alleles and is rarely beneficial to adaptation
about when did music/writing develop?
learning that is irreversible and limited to sensitive time period in animals life
millipedes, centipedes
what are the two groups of myriapods?
gastropods, bivalves, and cephalopods
what are the three groups of mollusks?
5-7 mya
about when did hominids diverge from chimpanzees and bonobos?
2 billion
global population in 1930
process by which bacteria share genes (even between species)
Lamarck (Jean Baptist)
believed organisms evolve through inherited traits
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
four phases of mitotic/ meiotic division
1 billion
global population in 1850
offspring of hybrid weak or infertile
hybrid breakdown
How many known species are there of Eucaryotes?
filament (strand) anther (pollen ball)
two parts of stamen
gibbon, orangutan, gorilla, chimpanzees, bonobos
what are the main branches of hominoids in order? (not including humans)
photosynthetic prokaryotes
how did oxygen enter atmosphere?
360-299 mya (Carboniferous period, giant lycophyte trees and fern trees, created peat forests, may have contributed to global cooling)
period for seedless plants
cancers in external or internal coverings of body (skin/ intestine lining)
what is carcinoma
if they do not affect organism until after reproduction (alzeimers)
how do dominant alleles escape evolutionary elimination?
prehensile tail (all new world monkeys arboreal)
what main characteristic do new world monkeys have that old world monkeys don't?
Cuvier (Georges)
proposed catastrophisism, that the bible represents only of many cycles in creation and catastrophy
cancers in blood
what is leukemia/lymphoma
Protista, Fungi, Plantea, Animalia
What are the kingdoms of Eucaryotes
decreased (increased pair bonding, decreased intrasexual speciation)
in early homo, sexual dimorphism increased or decreased?
continental shelves
submerged parts of continents
populations grow beyond carrying capacity if unchecked, must be massive mortality, similarities/ differences heritable, some more likely to survive than others
four main elements of Darwin-Wallace theory
nonvascular plants/bryophytes (liverworts, hornworts, mosses), vascular plants, seedless plants (lycophytes and pterophytes), and seed plants (gymnosperms and angiosperms)
in order, name the branches of plants
500 million
global population in 1650
beetles (coleoptera)
largest order in animal kingdom, 350,000 species
club mosses and ferns
two branches of seedless plants
dorsal hollow nerve cord, notochord (flexible, supportive longitudinal rod located between digestive tract and nerve cord), pharyngeal slits, post-anal tail
four characteristics of chordates
meiosis mistakenly creates 2n gametes in sterile hybrid; hybrid self-fertilizes and produces new species w/ double the chromosomes
how do plants exhibit sympatric speciation to advance species?
chordates, craniates, vertebrates, jawed vertebrates, tetrapods, amniotes
give the order of deuterostomes
who has pseudocoelom?
what are club mosses?
basidio/ club fungi
mushrooms, puffballs, shelf fungi
mostly molds, ball at top of stalk
genetic drift, bottleneck effect, founder effect, mutation
four main means of genetic variation:
G=rN(K-N)/K (G=growth, r= intrinsic rate of increase, N=original size, K=carrying capacity)
logistic growth equation
fossils, homologous (vestigial) features, comparative embryology, DNA sequencing
four main pieces of evidence for evolution:
most ancient, anaerobic, Giardia
after releasing moisture, air from tropics is try and absorbs moisture in regions N & S (and rain shadows)
how do deserts form?
Mezozoic Era, 250 mya (food for herbivorous dinosaurs
period of gymnosperms
natural selection maintains stable frequencies of two or more phenotypic forms in a population (heterozygote advantage in SS anemia)
balancing selection
about when did humans enter New World
failure to reach sexual maturity
hybrid inviability
organisms have one allele per parent
law of segregation
among most numerous of all animals in species and individuals, live everywhere there is rotting material
liverworts, horworts, mosses
bryophyte groups
what are ferns?
are sperm and egg held on a separate gametophyte structure or the same?
fern requires layer of water to pass sperm to eggs
temporal, habitat, behavioral, mechanical, gametic,
what are the five prezygotic barriers
to protect from UV-induced loss of folate (not skin cancer)
why was dark skin favored in places closer to equator?
highly motile animals like fish, cephalopods, mammals, and plankton (zooplankton and photoplankton)
what organisms characterize the pelagic zone?
intrinsic rate of increase (organism's maximum reproductive rate)
what is r in the logistic growth equation
23.5 N or S to arctic/ antarctic circles
what is the temperate zone?
space between mesoderm and endoderm
chromosomal mutation
large scale deletion, disruption, or rearrangement of many gene loci at once, extremely rare to be positive
earthworm, polychaete, leech
three groups of annelids
membrane infolding
How did most eucaryotic structures evolve?
cniderians (hydra, anemone, jellies, corals)
defined by radial symmetry
survival/reproduction of any one morph declines if phenotypic form becomes too common in population (search image)
frequency-dependent selection
must obtain chemicals from soil and air, support its weight, maintain moisture, reproduce on land
plant adaptations from algae
2.4 mya
about when did hominids adapt larger brains?
water, CO2, nitrogen, and phosphorus
what are the four most essential abiotic components to life?
spatial learning (wasp)
uses landmarks to orient in environment; more advanced than kinesis or taxis
platyhelmates, nematoda, annelida, moluska, athropoda
what are the five groups of protostomes
defined by having no true tissues

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