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Anthro Mid Term Primates/ Adaptation


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focuses on shared derived homologous traits & classifies organisms based solely on their evolutionary relationship.
refers to any condition in which the temperature of a body drops below the level required for normal
controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, and circadian cycles.
High Altitude Cerebral Edema (or HACE)
is a severe (usually fatal) form of altitude sickness. HACE is the result of swelling of brain tissue from fluid leakage. It generally occurs after a week or more at high altitude. Severe instances can lead to death if not treated quickly.
pulmonary edema (HAPE)
affects the lungs. While not nearly as life threatening as HACE in the initial stages, failure to descend to lower altitudes or receive medical treatment can also lead to death.
parallel evolution:
1) independent evolution of similar traits in closely related species, such as the increase in dental size among a number of early human ancestors.
Convergent evolution.
: independent evolution of similar traits in more distantly related species, such as the evolution of flight in both birds and flies
Homologous traits:.
traits found in different species that have a common origin but may have different functions
A time during the month when females are sexually receptive (in “heat”)
1.Primitive (ancestral) traits:
1. traits that are shared w/ an earlier ancestral form. The 5 digits of the human hand and foot are primitive traits inherited from earlier vertebrate ancestors.
Derived (specialized) trait:
1. traits that have changed from the ancestral state/ appeared by mutation (the horse’s single toe)
chisel-shaped front teeth used for cutting, slicing, and gnawing food.
teeth located in front of the jaw behind the incisors used for puncturing & defense.
1 of the types of Back teeth used for crushing & grinding food.
the teeth furthest back in the jaw used for crushing & grinding food

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