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Emotional response to other's harm and distrust
Guilt (feeling discomfort in knowing you harmed another) Shame (embassassment when they dont meet moral standards) Empathy (experiencing the feelings of someone who is an uncomfortable situation, even though they didnt cause it ) Sympath (assume another person's feeling and have real concerns for their well being
IQ and school achievment
intelligence and achievement have a correlational relationship, not a cause and effect, IQ scores have a limited shelf life
Preconventional (obedience and punishment, idividualism and exanche)
dont do things for fear or punishment; realize not just one way to view the rules--different people have different view points
self worth
belief in your own capabilities
contemporary views of development of self
childhood (self assesments become more realistic with age and experience) early adolescence (imaginary audience personal fable) late adolescence (sense of identity)
acroynym for eriksons theory of pyschosocial development
TAIIIIGI....Thanks Alex I Invited Ian In Great Information
intimacy vs isolation
forming intamite, reciprocal relationships
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
Naturalist, Inrapersonal, Musical, Body Kinesthetics, Linguistic/Literacy, Logical/mathmatical, visual/spacial, interpersonal
idustry vs inferiority
self confidence, diligence in completing tasks
identity vs confusion
role confusion
initiative vs guilt
independence in planning and undertaking activities
integrity vs despair
self concept
assesments of one's own characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses
Sternberg's Triarchic Theory
Prior Experience, Environmental context, Congitive Processes
autonomy vs shame and doubt
confidence in their ability to do things for themselves
Measurement of Intelligence
Binet, Wechsler (WAIS, WISC, WPPSI), Stanford-Binet, Group Administered (Otis-Lennon, CogAt, Tests embedded in achievement batteries)
Theoretical perspectives of intelligence
Spearman, Catell
generativity vs stagnation
sense of accomplishment
trust vs mistrust
learn to trust if caregivers are dependable
self esteem
judgments and feelings about one's own value and worth
gender differences
Physical activity and motor skills; cognitive and academic abilities; motivation in academic activities
more gender differences
sense of self, interpersonal behaviors and relationships; classroom behavior
fluid intelligence- acquiring and adapting new knowledge; crystallized intelligence- knowledge and skills they have gotten from schooling, culture, experiences
Origins of gender differences
role of biology (hormones) socialization, peer behaviors, peer behaviors, teacher behaviors
Contributing factors to variences in IQ scores among groups
nutrition and medical care (malnurished pregnant women) Home environment (variety of stimulation, adult interaction)
postconventional (social contract and indiv rights, Universal Principles)
Keep society functioning, good society is a social contract with all groups; working towards conception of good society
Cognitive styles and dispositions
analytical vs holistic processing (parts vs whole approach to tasks) verbal vs visual learning ( words vs pictures) stimulation seeking, need for cognition, critical thinking, open mindedness
Conventional (Good Interpersonal Relationships, maintaing social order)
Moral than simple deals, people should live up to their expectiation and make connections with people; get to know the other's feelings, obeying laws, respecting authority
General factors of intellignece, deals with processing and encoding speed and efficiency with processiong and encoding speed and efficiency; specific factors of intelliencce (verbal ability)
Levels of Morality
Preconventional (obedience and punishment orientation, Individualism and Exchance) , Conventional (Good Interpersonal Relationships, Maintaining the social order) Postconventional (social contract and individual rights, Universal Principles)
Kohlberg Morality
exhibition of prosocial behaviors, honesty, fairness, respect for other's rights and needs
sense of self
Ability to apply prior knowledge and experiences flexibly to accomplish challenging new tasks
Trends in Moral development
(by age 4) use of internal standards to monitor inappropriate behavior, distinction between moral and conventional transgressions
group differences
there is typically MORE variation within a group than between groups
factors affecting sense of self
previour performance, bhavior of others, group membership and achievements (ethinc identity)

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