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Family Therapy Final


undefined, object
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parental acts and statements that express the parents image of their children; may be objective or distorted
Strategic Core Problem Dynamic
More of the same solutions
Who came up with internal family systems therapy?
Cognitive- Behavioral Core Problem Dynamic
Inadventent reinforcement, Aversive control
What is the concept of experiential theory?
1. battle for structure and initiative 2. use of craziness 3. creativity 4. communication 5. self worth 6. intergenerational theme
what is narcissism
self regard, object relation term
what is the theory of dysfunction in experiential therapy
1. scapegost--> anxiety relief, rigid rule and communication, intolerance of indifferences, symptoms =nonverbal messages
Narrative Core Problem Dynamic
Problem-saturated stories
what does SORKC stand for
S= stimulus, O= state of Organism, R= tareget Response, KC= nature and Contingency of consequences
operant conditioning
A form of learning whereby a person or animal is rewarded for performing certain behaviors; the major approach in most forms of behavior therapy.
What is contextual therapy and by whom?
appreciation of relational ethics, invisible loyalties, by Nagy
Psychodynamic Core Problem Dynamic
Conflict, Projection identification, Fixation and regression
overcome resistance by suggesting that family not change
What are the major assumptions of the Milan Group?
They read and followed many of the works of MRI and Haley and Madanes, worked with power struggles and boundaries as well, and focused on long time spans spanning even multiple generations. They worked mostly with anorexic and schizophrenic families.
Strategic Key Techniques
Reframing, Directives
Laing's concept that many families distort their children's experience by denying or relabeling
the term Mahler used for transference
Minuchin's term for loss of autonomy due to a blurring of psychological boundaries
what is family myth
an experiential term, a set of beliefs based on a distortion of historical reality and shared by all family members that help shape the rules govering family functioning
what is mystification
an experiential term coined by Laing, families distort their children's experience by denying or relabeling it
A postmodern approach to exploring meaning by taking apart and examining taken-for-granted categories and assumptions, making possible newer and more sound constructions of meaning.
Strategic Founders
Don Jackson, Jay Haley
Reinforcing change in small steps.
aversive control
Using punishment and criticism to eliminate undesirable responses; commonly used in dysfunctional families.
cognitive construction or core belief with which people structure their experience
structural therapy focus on -------&-------and work on ---- and is -----
present, some past, process, triadic
de Shazer's term for a client who describes a complaint but is at present unwilling to work on solving it.
what is the central tenets of behavioral therapy
behavior is maintained by its consequences
a person related to not as a separate individual but as an extension of the self
self object by Kohut
what is countertransference
emotional reactivity on the part of the therapist
Prescribing the symptom
a paradoxical technique that forces patient either to give up symptom or to admit that it is under voluntary control
Cognitive-Behavioral Founders
Gerald Patterson, Robert Liberman, Richard Stuart
an interaction stimulated in structural family therapy to observe and then change transactions that make up family structure
the term Nagy used for transference
Feedback loops
return of portion of output of a system, especially when used to maintain output within predetermined limits (negative feedback) or to signal a need to modify system (positive feedback)
social constructionism
Like constructivism, it challenges the notion of an objective basis for knowledge. Knowledge and meaning are shaped by culturally shared assumptions.
Eliminating behavior by not reinforcing it.
Smaller units in families, determined by generations, sex, or function
a defense mechanism whereby unwanted aspects of the self are attributed to another person and that person is induced to behave in accordence with these projected attributes
projective identification, object relation term
Cognitive-Behavioral Key Techniques
Functional analysis, Teaching positive control
partial arrest of attachment or mode of behavior from an early stage of development
fixation, object relation term
Existential Encounter
A relationship based on direct personal contact, rather than artificial professional roles
A three-person system; according to Bowen, the smallest stable unit of human relations.
social constructionism
Like constructivism, challenges the notion of an objective basis for knowledge. Knowledge and meaning are shaped by culturally shared assumptions.
systematic desensitization
Gradual exposure to feared situations paired with relaxation.
what is the term Klien used for transference
projective identification
Double bind
A conflict is created when a person receives contradictory messages on different levels of abstraction in important relationship and can't leave or comment.
Identified patient
symptom bearer/official patient
Family drawing
An experiential therapy technique whereby family members are asked to draw their ideas about how the family is organized
traumatic occurrences that damage the bond between partners and, if not resolved, maintaine negative cycles and attachment insecuritites
attachment injuries, experiential term
Paradoxical intervention
The therapist directs family members to continue their symptomatic behavior. If they conform they admit control and expose secondary gain, and if they rebel, they give up their symptoms.
Family therapists have "turned against" strategic therapy because...
its strategies provoked or manipulated families to change with or without their cooperation.
General systems theory
a biological model of living systems as whole entities that maintain themselves through continuous input/output from environment
what is the theory of dysfunction in object relations theory
projection of early repressed internal objects on to others
The intellectual birthplace of family therapy and strategic therapy:
the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto
Kohut's term for the expression of understanding and appreciation - not praise but appreciation of what the other is feeling
A relativistic point of view that emphasizes the subjective construction of reality. It implies that what we see in families may be based as much on our preconceptions as on what's actually going on.
Who are influential theorists in experiential theory?
Whitaker, Warkentin, Felder, Malone, Satir, Schwartz, Johnson and Greenberg
role rehearsal
The use of role-playing, especially in couples therapy.
using high probability behavior(preferred activities) to reinforce low probability behavior (non-preferred activities)
a CBT technique, Premack priciple
what is mirroring and by who
expression of understanding and appreciation not praise but appreciation of what the other is feeling. needed for secure attachment, by Kohut
family of origin
A person's parents and siblings; usually refers to the original nuclear family of an adult.
behavior in relationships maintained by ratio of cost/benefits
behavioral exchange theory by Kelly & Thibaut
A behavioral technique for extinguishing undesirable behavior by removing the reinforcing consequences of that behavior; typically, making the child sit in a corner or go to his or her room.
Solution-Focused Founders
Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg
Hierarchical structure
family functioning based on clear generational boundaries whereby parents maintain control/authority
Family myths
A set of beliefs on a distortion of historical reality and shared by all family members that help shape the rules of governing family functioning
formula first-session task
Solution-focused therapists routinely ask clients at the end of the first session to think about what they do not want to change about their lives as a result of ' therapy. This focuses them on strengths in their lives and begins the solution-generating process.
Contemporary antipositivism, according to which knowledge is viewed as relative and context dependent; questions assumptions of objectivity that characterize modern science. In family therapy, challenging the idea of scientific certainty and linked to the method of deconstruction.
Communications theory
study of relationships in terms of exchange of verbal/nonverbal messages
what is the stance of CBT therapist
observer, teacher, coach, and decides which behavior to increase or decrease
CBT was inspired by...
Ellis, Beck and Pavlov
good enough mothering
Winnicott's term for the average expectable parenting, which is sufficient to nurture a reasonably healthy child
experiential theory focus on ---, ------ and is -----
past, content, monadic
Understanding and acknowledging what someone is really feeling: in structural family therapy, empathy is used to help clients stop bickering and talk about their feelings.
Define: What is acting out the parts of important characters to dramatize feelings and practice new ways of relating?
Role playing, experiential term
Bowenian Key Theoretical Construct
Differentiation of self
What are the major assumptions of the Haley and Madanes Strategic Approach?
They followed these same ideas as the MRI, but with some variations: (1.) The founders of this group were concerned with the function a symptom served, as it marked a payoff in the system that resulted due to the structure of the system. (2.) They also formulated that rules followed a hierarchical order, and thus improving the hierarchical and boundary problems would prevent dysfunctional feedback loops from starting, a sort of "plan ahead" strategy. (3.) They believe families go through dysfunctional stages to get to functional ones. Thus, They were interested more in short sequences, but also in long ones that last months or years and reflect chronic structural problems.
what is the stance of experiential therapist
highly active, some blunt and confrontational, some warm and supportive
Invariant prescription
an intervention in which parents are directed to mysteriously sneak away together
relative influence questions
Questions designed to explore the extent to which the problem has dominated the client versus how much he or she has been able to control it.
What does experiential theory emphasize?
flexibility and freedom and expanding individual's experience
A blurring of psychological boundaries between self and others and a contamination of emotional and intellectual functioning; opposite of differentiation.
Relabeling a family's description of behavior to make it more amenable to theraputic change; for example, describing some one as, "discouraged" rather than "depressed"
The art of analyzing literary texts or human experience, which are understood as fundamentally ambiguous, by interpreting levels of meaning.
what is the goal of structural therapy
structural change
name the object relation techniques
listening, empathy, interpretation, analytic neutrality
What are the earliest object relation
introjection and identification
Psychodynamic Key Techniques
Silence, Interpretation
Family Sculpting
A nonverbal experiential technique in which family members position themselves in a tableau that revleas significant aspects of their perceptions and feelings
relabeling a family's description of behavior to make it more amenable to therapeutic change
Bowenian Key Techniques
Genograms, Process questions
differentiation of self
Psychological separation of intellect and emotions and independence of self from others; opposite of fusion.
what therapy uses co-therapist
experiential, by Whitaker
Minuchin's term for psychological isolation that results from overly rigid boundaries around individuals and subsystems in a family
second-order cybernetics
The idea that any one attempting to observe and change a system is therefore part of that system.
self-regard. the exaggerated self regard most people equate with narcissism is pathological narcissism
what are parts
a term by Schwartz, various reactive elements that make up a person's sub personalities
contingency management
Giving rewards and punishments based on children's behavior.
Function of symptoms
The idea that symptoms are often ways to distract/protect family members from threatening conflicts.
what is the goal of experiential therapy
find fulfilling role for oneself without concern for family as whole
distorted emotional reactions to present relationships based on unresolved early family relations
Elements of a system automatically adjust to coordinate their functioning: pepole may gave to work at it
Bowenian Core Problem Dynamic
Triangles, Emotional reactivity
longing for appreciation, human being long to be appreciated and internalize this acceptance in the form of a strong self confident personality
self psychology by Kohut
solution-focused therapy
Steve de Shazer's term for a style of therapy that emphasizes the solutions that families have already developed for their problems.
Boszormenyi-Nagy term for the amount of merit a person accrues for behaving in an ethical manner toward others
solution-focused therapy
de Shazer's term for a style of therapy that emphasizes the solutions families have already developed for their problems.
Scwartz's term for the various reactive elements that make up a person's subpersonalities
Narrative Key Theoretical Constructs
Narrative theory, social constructionism
de Shazer's term for a client who describes problem and is motivated to work on solving it.
Internal family systems therapy
A model of family therapy that uses systemic principles and techniques to understand and change intra-psychic processess, developed by Richard Schwartz
what is the theory of change in CBT
change reinforcment contingencies--> behavior change, reward appropriate behavior, modify specific behavior pattern
Observational learning.
a structural family therapy term for accepting and accommodating to families to win their condifence and circumvent resistance
Experiential Key Techniques
Confrontation, Structured exercises
Cognitive constructions, or core beliefs, through which people filter their perceptions and structure their experience.
balanced acceptance of family members
undifferentiated family ego mass
Bowen's early term for emotional "stuck-togetherness" or fusion in the family, especially prominent in schizophrenic families.
Minuchin's term for changing maladaptive transactions by using strong affect, repeated intervention, or prolonged pressure.
The process by which an individual removes himself or herself from the motional field of two others.
quid pro quo
Literally, "something for something"; an equal exchange or substitution.
hierarchical structure
family functioning based on clear generational boundaries, where the parents maintain control and authority.
Psychodynamic Key Theoretical Constructs
Drives, Selfobjects, Internal Objects
relationship experiments
Suggestions for trying new ways of responding to family stresses, designed more to help family members understand how emotional processes work than to solve problems.
problem-saturated stories
The usual pessimistic and blaming accounts that clients bring to therapy, which are seen as helping keep them stuck.
invisible loyalties
Boszermenyi-Nagy term for unconscious commitments that children take on to help their famlies
Strategic Key Theoretical Constructs
Homeostasis, Feedback Loops
Experiential Core Problem Dynamic
Emotional suppression, Mystification
a primitive form of identification; taking in aspects of other people, which then become part of the self image
Role playing
Acting out the parts of important characters to dramatize feelings and practice new ways of relating
Narrative Founders
Michael White, David Epston
Solution-Focused Key Techniques
Focusing on solutions, Identifying exceptions
what is SORKC
It is a behavioral parent training
maximize rewards and minimize cost in relationship
theory of exchange by Kelly & Thibaut, object relation
The creation of new and more optimistic accounts of experience.
multigenerational transmission process
Murray Bowen's concept for the projection of varying degrees of immaturity to different children in the same family; the child who is most involved in the family emotional process emerges with the lowest level of differentiation and passes problems on to succeeding generations.
An event, behavior, or object that increases the rate of a particular response. A positive reinforcer is an event whose contingent presentation increases the rate of responding; a negative reinforcer is an event whose contingent withdrawal increases the rate of responding. Intermittent, or irregular, reinforcement is the most resistant to extinction.
Narrative Key Techniques
Externalization, Identifying unique outcomes, creating audiences of support
unconscious commitments that children take on to help their families
invisible loyalties by Nagy
classical conditioning
A form of respondent earning in which an unconditioned stimulus cues), such as food, which leads to an unconditioned response (UCR), such as salivation, is paired with a conditioned stimulus (CS), such as a bell, the result of which is that the CS begins to evoke the same response; used in the behavioral treatment of anxiety disorders.
Every message has 2 levels: report and command. This term is the implied command or qualifying message.
Satir believed that...
good communication among family--> individual self expression
Emotionally focused couples therapy
A model of therapy based on attachment theory, in which the emotional longings beneath a couple's defense reactions are uncovered as they are taught to see the reactive nature of their struggles with each other, developed by Leslie Greenberg and Susan Johnson
process questions
Questions designed to help family members think about their own reactions to what others are doing.
behavior exchange theory
An explanation of behavior in relationships as maintained by a ratio of costs to benefits.
a paradoxical intervention in which client is directed to do something that is more of hardship than symptom
Family life cycle
Stages of family life from separation from one's parents to marriage, laving children, growing older, retirement, and, finally, death.
study of control processes in systems, especially analysis of flow of info in closed systems
reflecting team
Tom Andersen's technique of having the observing team share their reactions with the family at the end of a session.
recurrent patterns of interactions that define and stabilize the shape of relationships.
parental acts and statements that express tha parents' image of their children; may be objective and distorted
delineation, object relation term
partial arrest of attachment or mode of behavior from an early stage of development
not merely imitation but appropriation of traits of an admired other
Who were influential theorists in CBT?
Wolpe, Skinner, Patterson, Liberman, Stuart, Thibaut, Kelly
Detouring conflict between two people by involving a third person, stabilizing the relationship between the original pair.
a self-contradictory statement based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises
Solution-Focused Core Problem Dynamic
Problem talk
what are techniques used in behavioral parenting training
1. premack principle 2. shaping 3. token economy 4. contingency contracting 5. time out 6. Ellis's ABC theory
contextual therapy
Boszormenyi_nagy model that includes an appreciation of relational ethics
a relationship based on direct personal contact, rather than artificial professional roles
existential encounter, experiential term
what are object relations
internalized images of self and others based on early parent-child interactions that determine a person's mode of relationship to other people
an alliance between two persons or social units against a third
object relations focus on---, ---- and is ----
past, content, monadic
return to a less mature level of functioning in the face of stress
Michael White's technique of personifying problems as external to persons.
What are the major assumptions of the MRI?
Families make common-sense but misguided attempts to solve their problems. The solution selection as well as its success is governed by system rules. The attempts go awry and the result is a positive feedback loop that makes the problem worse. What do you do? Three steps: (1.) identify the feedback loop, (2.) find the rules governing it, and (3.) change the loops and rules.
collaborative model
A more egalitarian view of the therapist's role; a stance advocated by critics of what they see as the authoritarianism in traditional approaches to family therapy.
what is involved in CBT
attitude change + reinforcement of behavior
A schematic diagram of the family system, using squares to represent male family members, circles to indicate female family members, horizontal lines for marriages, and vertical lines to indicate children.
miracle question
A technique that asks clients to imagine how things would be different if they woke up tomorrow and their problem was solved. Solution-focused therapists use the miracle question to help clients identify goals and potential solutions.
projective identification
a defense mechanism whereby unwanted aspects of the self are attributed to another person and that person is induced to behave in accordance with these projected attributed
Experiential Founders
Virginia Satir, Carl Whitaker
The art of analyzing literary texts or human experience, understood as fundamentally ambiguous, by interpreting levels of meaning.
emotional cutoff
Bowen's term for flight from an unresolved emotional attachment.
Premack principle
Using high-probability behavior (preferred activities) to reinforce low-probability behavior (nonpreferred activities).
Emotional reactivity on the part of the therapist
a primitive form of identification; taking in aspects of other people, which then become part of self image
introjection, object relation term
A relativistic point of view that emphasizes the subjective construction of reality. It implies that what we see in families may be based as much on our preconceptions as on what's actually going on.
punishment and criticism to eleminate the undesirable response
aversive control, CBT term
what is the concept of object relations
we relate to others on the basis of expectations formed by early experience (internal objects)
cross-generational coalition
an inappropriate alliance between a parent and child, who side together against a third member of the family
false self
Winnicott term for defensive facade that comes to dominate some people's dealings with others
functional analysis of behavior
In operant behavior therapy, a study of a particular behavior, what elicits it, and what reinforces it.
what are the goals of object relations theory
1. internal experiences 2. history of experience 3. triggers that partners bring on 4. therapists input
Family ritual
(from Milan systemic model/Palazzoli) prescribes set of actions designed to change family systems' rules
object relations theory
psychoanalytic theory derived from melanie klein and developed by the British school (Bion, Fairbairn, Gunrtrip, Winnicott) that emphasizes relationships and attachment rather than libidinal and aggressive drives as the key issues of human concern
whatis the theory of change in object relations theory
1.expression of repressed objects 2. resolution of repressed objects 3. detachment from bad objects 4. individuation
Family rules
a descriptive term for redundant behavior patterns
the process whereby the infant begins, at about two months, to draw apart from the symbiotic bond with mother and develop his or her autonomous functioning
theory of social exchange
Thibaut and Kelley's I theory according to which people strive to maximize rewards and minimize costs in relationships.
Psychodynamic Founders
Nathan Ackerman, Henry Dicks, Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy
amount of merit a person accrues for behaving in an ethical manner toward others
entitlement by Nagy
what is the central tenets of cognitive therapy
our interpretation of other people's behavior effects the way we respond to them
self object
kohut's term for a person related to not as a separate individual but as an extension of the self
the tendency to exaggerate the virtues of someone
Strategic therapy is ___ and does not ____ the client or offer clients ___.
brief, educate, insight
family structure
the functional organization of a family that determines how family members interact
object relations
internalized images of self and others based on early parent child interactions that determine a persons mode of relationship to other people
what is the theory of change in experiential theory
1. unblocking defenses to bring vitality, change the foundation,
the term Bowen used for transference
family projection process
Family homeostasis
The tendency of families to resist change to maintain steady state.
unique outcomes
Michael White's term for times when clients acted free of their problems, even if they were unaware of doing so. Narrative therapists identify unique outcomes as a way to help clients challenge negative views of themselves.
Good me, bad me, not me
by Sullivan
the term Shapiro used for transference
Strategic therapy
any of several artful approaches that aim to manipulate behavior change to solve family problems
Vogel term for transference
Bowenian Founder
Murray Bowen
Internal family system
term coined by Schwartz, intrapsychic processes, parts
A statement that acknowledges one's personal opinions rather than blames others ("You never.. .") or moralizes ("Children should always. . .").
reinforcement reciprocity
Exchanging rewarding behaviors between family members.
appropriation of traits of an admired other
identification, object relation term
Structural Key Theoretical Constructs
Subsystems, Boundaries
distorted emotional reactions to present relationships based on unresolved early family relations
Who founded the Milan Model?
Palazzoli was a prominent Italian psychoanalyst. She and her team of 8 other analysts read the works of Bateson, Haley... and did lots of research. In 1980, they split, with ½ continuing research and the other doing training.
What does experiential theory consider the cause of problem?
emotional suppression and denial of impulses
Pretend techniques
a paradoxical intervention in which family members are asked to pretend to engage in symptomatic behavior, paradox is if they are pretending to have symptom then symptom can't be real
what are the two techniques of CBT
1. behavioral parent training by Patterson 2. Behavioral couple therapy by Jacobson
contingencies of reinforcement
The specific pattern of reinforcing (or punishing) consequences of a behavioral sequence.
3 main models of Strategic Therapy:
Mental Research Institute (MRI), Haley and Madanes, and the Milan systemic model.
Structural Founder
Salvador Minuchin
Circular causality
the idea that events are related through series of interacting loops/repeating cycles
Madanes posits four categories that problems are the result of:
(a.) desire to control and dominate, (b.) desire to be loved, (c.) desire to love and protect others, and (d.) desire to repent and forgive.
token economy
A system of rewards using points, which can be accumulated and exchanged for reinforcing items or behaviors.
homework designed to help families interrupt homeostatic patterns of problem-maintaining behavior
what are the stages of object relations therapy
1. insight 3. identify projective mechanism 4. recognition that present problems emerge from past
The dominant approaches of the 21st century have encouraged therapists to focus on ___ rather than ___ and have encouraged therapists to be ___ rather than ___.
cognition, behavior, collaborative, manipulative
Structural Key Techniques
Enactments, Boundary making
scaling questions
Solution-focused therapists use scaling questions to identify exceptions and to build a positive mind-set. Using a 1 to 10 scale, clients rate how much they want to re solve their problems, how bad the problem is, how much better it is than it was at the time of the last session, and so on. If the problem is rated a 4, the therapist can ask why it isn't a 1 or how the client can move it to a 5.
contingency contracting
A behavior therapy technique whereby agreements are made between family members to exchange rewards for desired behavior.
Anderson and Goolishian's term for approaching families with as few preconceptions as possible.
Experiential Key Theoretical Constructs
Authenticity, Self-actualization
cognitive-behavior therapy
Treatment that emphasizes attitude change as well as reinforcement of behavior.
Circular questioning
a method of interviewing (Milan) in which questions are asked that highlight differences among family members
Cognitive-Behavioral Key Theoretical Constructs
Reinforcement, Extinction, Schemas
object relation theory and founder
By scharff in USA, and Melanie Klien in Britain, emphasizes on the need for secure attachment relationship.
memories, feelings, and impulses of which a person is unaware. Often used as a noun, but more appropriatley limited to use as an adjective
internal objects
Mental images and fantasies of oneself and others; formed by early interactions with caregivers
Strategic therapy's big names (3)
Jay Haley, John Weakland, Mara Selvini Palazzoli
what is the stance of therapist in object relation
detective, referee, neutral
A postmodern approach to exploring meaning by taking apart and examining taken-for-granted categories and assumptions, making possible newer and sounder constructions of meaning.
Strategic therapy taught us two major pieces of insight into human nature:
(1) that families often perpetuate problems by their own actions (2) that directives tailored to the needs of a particular family can sometimes bring about sudden and decisive change
social learning theory
Understanding and treating behavior using principles from social and developmental psychology as well as from learning theory.
what is the theory of dysfunction in CBT
learned response reinforce behaviors
Who came up with emotionally focused therapy?
Susan Johnson and Greenberg
Solution-Focused Key Theoretical Constructs
Language creates reality
Structural Core Problem Dynamic
Self Actualization
Roger's term for innate human tendency for each of us to seek what is best for us. A tendency that gets subverted by the need to please but can be released again in the presence of unconditional positive regard.
de Shazer's term for times when a client is temporarily free of his or her problem. Solution-focused therapists focus on exceptions to help clients build on successful problem-solving skills.
First-order change
a superficial change in a system that stays invariant
shaping competence
Reinforcing positives rather than confronting deficiences
Strategic therapy grew out of which theory?
Communications theory
de Shazer's term for a client who does not wish to be part of therapy, does not have a complaint, and does not wish to work on anything.
self actualization
an experiential term, innate human tendency for each of us to seek what is best for us and can be released in the presence of unconditional positive regard
A concept used in structural family therapy to describe emotional barriers that protect and enhance the integrity of individuals, subsystems, and families.
Second-order change
a basic change in the structure of a system
Self Psychology
Kohut's version of psychoanalysis that emphasizes the need for attachment and appreciation rather than sex and aggression
Who founded the Mental Research Institute (MRI)?
It is a group started by Jackson who worked with Bateson, as well as with Haley on the Bateson project.
Who founded the Haley and Madanes Strategic approach?
They were heavily influenced by Erikson, Bateson, and Minuchin. Erikson believed the unconscious was full of wisdom; thus, he didn't need to give people insight, just help them get access to it on their own.
Positive connotation
ascribing positive motives to family behavior to promote family cohesion and avoid resistance to therapy

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