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US Government Chapter 6 Vocabulary

Terms regarding constitutional powers, investigation and oversight, and Congress and the President.


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Willful obstruction of justice.
A formal accusation of misconduct in office against a public official.
Revenue Bill
A law proposed to raise money.
Implied Powers
Powers that the government requires to carry out the expressed constitutional powers.
Legal proceedings to administer the assets of a person or business that cannot pay its debts.
A legal order that a person appear or produce requested documents.
Necessary and Proper Clause
Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which gives Congress the power to make all laws that are necessary and proper for carrying out its duties (also called Elastic Clause).
Ex Post Facto Laws
Laws that make crimes of acts that were legal when they were committed.
Writ of Habeas Corpus
A court order to release a person accused of a crime to court to determine whether he or she has been legally detained.
Bill of Attainder
A law that establishes guilt and punishes people without a trial (Congress is denied the authority to pass these laws).
National Budget
A yearly financial plan for the national government.
Expressed Powers
Powers directly stated in the constitution (also called Enumerated Powers).
National Debt
the total amount of money the government owes at any given time
Interstate Commerce
Trade among the states.
Lying under oath.
Legislative Veto
The provisions congress wrote into some laws that allowed it to review and cancel actions of executive agencies.
Legislative Oversight
A continuing review by Congress of how effectively the executive branch carries out the laws Congress passes.
Line-item Veto
Allows the President to veto only certain lines or items in a bill (determined unconstitutional after Clinton used it)
Freedom from prosecution for witnesses whose testimony ties them to illegal acts.
The president's refusal to spend money Congress has voted to fund a program.
The exclusive right of an inventor to manufacture, use, and sell his or her invention for a specific period, currently 17 years, and may be renewed.
Appropriations Bill
A proposed law to authorize spending money.

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