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the missed


undefined, object
copy deck
party leaders
speeker of the house for the house of reps
congressional commities
commities for by congressmen for a specific cause
grate compromise
what gave large states more power in the house but each states equal power in the senate
magna carta
list of the rights of the english even the monarch could not take away
seperat but equal
there can be seperation but it has to be equal
court system
the systam of courts for the american justice systam
how a bill becomes a law
a bill must pass though each house of congress befor reaching the president then it is the presidents decision
supreme court
a court that has the last ruling that can not be over ruled
house of represenatives
one of the two law making branches of congress that as 435 members
public schools
any person can go to this education center
obligation to follow the laws of the constitution
Americn Cultural Mosaic
a melting pot
equal protection
every citizen has equal protection for justice
native americans
which had their land added to the United states?
presidential powers
issue executive orders, can veto, pass, or pocket veto a bill, and he can pardon people
the members of the senate ... each state has two
tinker case
based on freedom of speech ... the tinker wor arm bands to protest the vietnam war
voting rights
the right of a U.S. citizen to right for who he choses
articles of the constitution
a compact (awritten aggreement) for a loose alliance of indipendant states that called for a national legislature
checks and balances
the system that allows the three branches of government to watch over eachother
bill of rights
the first ten amemdments to the constitution
nazi's wanted to march through a heavy populated town of jews...skokie law required inshurance but they couldn't afford it.. they ended up marching in a different area
guaranteed in the constitution and protected by our laws Example... the right to vote and free speech
congressional powers
deligated powers given by the constitution
obligation to contribute to the common good
executive departments
government departments incharge of maney executive responsibilites ... Examples Departmen of transportation and departmen of education
state of the union adress
president speeks about policiesm, problems, and solutions

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