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history Exam


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Electoral College
the group which elects the Vice President and President of the US. A candidate has to get 270 electoral votes to win.
Inalienable rights
Found the Declaration of Independence
Boston Tea Party
In response to the tea act, the sons of liberty dressed up as mohawk indians and dumped a lot of tea in the boston harbor
North Carolina
most living there were frontier people who grew tobacco.
Judiciary Act of 1789
Congress established a court system
George Washington and his role for the revolution.
he was a war hero and was the commander of the colonial forces.
what were the major powers in 1700's?
france and england
Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of the treasury/ Helped to establish the financial independence for the US/ leader of the federalists
Spain and France
Countries which helped the colonists in the revolution
The last colony to be settled in 1732. Had strong ties to england.
The ship in which the pilgrims came over.
opposite from Patriots
stamp act.
law in which the colomists had to pay for stamps to put on the paper that they had bought.
Lexington and concord
The first battle of the revolution in which British General, Thomas Gage, went after the stockpiled weapons in Concord
Great awakening
a powerful religious revival that swept over the colonies beginning in the 1720's. Jonathan Edwards was the most famous preacher at the time.
Proprietary colony.
a colony in which land was given by the king to a small group of people.
What is King Henry the Vlll well known for?
He is known for his six wives and creating the Church of England.
Mayflower Compact
The document that was the basis for government in Plymouth. It was written on the ship coming over to the new world. it was a step towards democracy in America.
Articles of Confederation
The first constitution of the US. No president/ could only be changed unless there was a unanimous vote.
colony settled by the puritans. Eventually merged w/ massachusetts bay colony.
Checks and balances
A system where each branch of government limits the power of the other branches, so that no one branch is too powerful.
Constitutional Convention
Philadelphia penn: summer of 1787
spanish explorers in the new world
Fort Christina
The main Swedish settlement in the new world
Bi-cameral legislature
A two house legislature
proclomation of 1763
act in which the colonists were forced to NOT settle west from the appalachian mts.
northwest passage
an all water route to asia from america which the europeans hoped to find.
Boston Massacre
British soldiers fired into a crowd that was teasing and taunting them. 5 colonists died. The colonists blamed the british and the Sons of Liberty and used this excuse as a way to start the revolution.
Senators from TN
Lamar Alexander & Bob Corker
a religious group that wanted to purify the church of england. They came to America for religious reasons and to settle Massachusettes Bay.
Washington's farewell address
1. stay neutral 2. keep religion in your life 3. no political parties
log cabin
it came from the Swedish
Royal Colony
A colony that was controlled by the king and his advisors.
Bill of RIGHTS
the first ten amendments to the constitution
Jay Treaty
With england. Didn't help US at all
Treaty of Paris- 1763- (ended french and indian war)
1. england got west of mississippi river and canada. 2. Spain got louisiana and new orleans. 3. British got Florida from Spain.
colonists who were trained to fight in a minutes notice.
Three Branches of Government
Executive- a. President b. Vice-President c. Cabinet Legislative a. Congress Judicial a. Supreme and all other courts
Religious Tolerance
Religious freedom. One of many reasons people settled in the new world.
tax on goods coming into a new country.
1. President- natural born citizen/ 35 years old/ 14 year resident 2. Senate 9 year resident/ 30 years old/
How many voyages did columbus take?
Also called separatists. They made their own religion. They came over on the Mayflower in 1620 and settled the colony of plymouth.
Indentured servant
someone who worked for 2-7 years for free passage to the new world
South Carolina
they had large plantations: grew indigo, cotton, and rice. They wanted to keep strong ties w/ england and followed England's customs.
Toleration Act
A law which protected religious freedom from Christians in the Maryland
writs of assistance
gave brit troops the right to search colonial houses for smuggled goods.
Aaron Burr
Killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. He tried to overthrow the government.
Declaratory Act
After the british repealed the stamp act, Great Britain said that it could still do anything to the colonies that it deemed necessary to keep them in line.
Tax on goods coming into the US
Excise Tax
tax on goods within the US
Judicial Review
the supreme court can make a law made by congress UNCONSTITUTIONAL
who founded New york, and what was the original name?
Name: New Amsterdam/ Founder: Dutch
people who were from independence from england
Townshend Acts
this was a tax on paper, paint, lead, tea, and glass that was put on the Colonists.
New Netherland
Became New York. Founded by the dutch.
Why was the French and Indian War Imnportant.
1. George Washington became a war hero. 2. The colonists learned how to fight. 3. British began to tax the colonists to pay for the French and Indian war.
sons of liberty
group of men that were determined to get independence
Who could vote in the american colonies?
White, land-owning people
Pinckney treaty
W/ Spain/ good/ we got to use the Mississippi river as a transporter device
colony settled in VA to make money. It was the first permanent english settlement in 1620.
navigation Act s tha Laws t england put on the colonists to ensure that they would only trade w/ england.
Laws that england put on the colonists to ensure that they would only trade w/ england.
City of brotherly love
Philadelphia. Settled by the Quakers
Charter colony
A larger colony than the proprietary colony in which was given by the king to a large group of people
Reasons for spanish exploration
1. To get gold and silver/ 2. to convert the native americans to catholicism/ 3. to expand the empire with new lands
Massachusetts Bay
Colony settled by the puritans Very strict/ later became boston
germans fighting for British
Ben Franklin
a statesman that from pennsylvania who was one of the most famous colonists during the revolutionary times. he invented the Franklin Stove, bifocals, the lightning rod, and many other things. discovered that lightning was electricity. Signed the Declaration of independence, Articles of Confederation, and the constitution.

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