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World Civ Final


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called by holy roman emperor, forced 3 popes to step down and new pope to be chosen
counsel of constants
name the 3 Monetary Abuses
simony, dispensations, indulgences
hold position in church by paying money
receive written permission to do something against God's Word for money
sold to take place of penance (Sinsurance)
church positions given to family members
holding 2 church positions at one time while collecting 2 salaries
fake claims for money
phony relics
Englishman who protested against abuse of pope
john wycliffe
translated Bible to English
john wycliffe
followers of wycliffe
declared "Jesus is head of church, not Pope"
john huss
german monk who wrote 95 theses
martin luther
translated Bible to german
martin luther
french reformer, Institutes of Christian Religion, TULIP
john calvin
person must be believing christian to be baptized
built the first science building (castle observatory)
tycho brahe
said planets orbit circularly
tycho brahe
said planets orbit elliptically
johannes kepler
invented first telescope
galileo galilei
came up with the law of falling bodies
galileo galilei
method used by aristotle
method used by plato
method that performed repeated experiments that led to a conclusion
method that relies on reasoning of presuppositions assumed to be true in advance
believed that man fell from his state of innocence and his dominion over creation
francis bacon
came up with law of gravity and calculus
isaac newton
interested in not only the how, but the why
isaac newton
6 impacts of the scientific revolution
increased production
improved military weapons
government funding of sciences
need to be more accurate and precise
unexplainables werent blamed on witchcraft
changed peoples view of universe and nature
belief that God is like a watchmaker
father on enlightenment
wanted freedom without the reformation of the bible (no christian base)
believed in pervasiveness (man will learn to do right thing if left alone)
thought of separation of powers, 3 branches of gov
when painting was dream-like during enlightenment
classical ricocco
most famous composer of enlightenment
James I, believe that only monarchs are subject to God
divine right of kings
3 disagreements with kings
money - raise tax w/o permission
religion - forced to worship
rights - free speach, unfair taxing
loyal to charles I
loyal to parliament
leader of roundheads in the english revolution
oliver cromwell
given the name 'lord protector'
oliver cromwell
the joint monarchs
william and mary
restatement of the magna carta in 1689
english bill of rights
rejected the divine right of kings, excersized social contract with government and the right of rebellion
john locke
american propogandist during war
thomas paine
convinced france, spain, holland to aid colonies
victory at saratoga
our government of 13 colonies before the constitution
articles of confederation
no national assembly, taxed only the 3rd estate in france
the old regime
used to write new constitution for french
tennis court oath
freed prisoners even thought there were little
storming of the bastille
when no one new what would happen or who would be executed
the terror
"people prefer dictatorship to anarchy"
resource in europe that started industrial revolution
textile industry
government owned
privately owned
came up with idea of letting people buy from who they want
adam smith
people in economy are pushed to do what is best for themselves, which will in turn help the economy
invisible hand
a utopian, believed in a perfect society
thomas moore
building an empire, extension of political or economic rule of one people over another ourside borders
using resources and people from other lands for gain of conquerers
exploitative imperialism
sharing by the concquered in advantage of the empire
beneficient imperialism
prince of austria, assassinated in serbia
archduke ferdinand

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