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Key Concepts: History Final

1st Semester Honors History Final - Phillips


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>Kalakaua is king in 1886 & tries to minimize US influence >400 Americans organize to overthrow him and force him to sign Bayonet Constitution (giving US the rights to Pearl Harbor) >1891 his sister succeeds him & tries to return power to the people >Annexation of Hawaii
Dough Boys
slang for American soldiers (because of their uniforms)
Planned Obsolescence
Products are designed to be obsolete (think: ipods)
Originated among African Americans in the south, esp. New Orleans (Big Bands popularized jazz for dancing)
Mexican Revolution
>Diaz was president for more than 30 years >Madero wins over Diaz in 1910 election (democrat) >Huerta seizes control in 1913, killing Madero >Wilson refuses to recognize Huerta as a leader
Dollar Diplomacy
Taft's idea of using economic influence rather than force to protect US
Spanish American War
U.S. helped Cuba gain freedom from Spain -> Causes: de Lome letter is intercepted and published, it insults McKinley; U.S.S. Maine explodes in Cuban port, killing 260
Goals of Progressivism
(1) protect social welfare (2) create economic reform (3) promote moral improvement (4) fostering efficiency
Women gain the right to vote in 1919
(1906) North American Association of Colored People; founded by W.E.B. Dubois & Jane Addams
Rough Riders
volunteer cavalry led by Wood and Roosevelt
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
1866 - large labor union headed by Samuel Gompers, used strikes to raise wages
1920 - 1933; the ban of alcohol for any purpose other than medical
Gilded Age
1870s - 1890s; time period looked good on the outside, despite the corrupt politics & growing gap between the rich & poor
Settlement Houses
community centers providing help to mostly foreign immigrants in slum neighborhoods
sold to US in the Treaty of Paris (along with the Philippines)
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
(1911) 146 women killed while locked into the burning building (brought attention to poor working conditions)
Big Stick Policy
Roosevelt's corollary to Monroe Doctrine. Claimed the US had the right to interfere with other countries in the western hemisphere
This term applies to newspaper reporters and other writers who pointed out the social problems of the era of big business. The term was first given to them by Theodore Roosevelt.
someone who donates time, money, or resources
Forms of Entertainment
Commercial Radio (by 1929 more than 800 stations reached more than 10 million homes), Nickelodeons ($.05 / sound added to movies), Dancing, Drinking, Speakeasies, Jazz
Open Door Policy
China's ports were open to every country at all times
the belief that your culture is superior or correct above others
lists of people not to hire, usually people associated with unions or rebels
Knights of Labor
1969 - labor union led by Uriah Stephens; open to all laborers, regardless of race, gender, skill... etc; "an injury to one is a concern to all."
Harlem Renaissance
Period of artistic development of african american writers, artists, actors, and musicians in the 1920s
Boxer Rebellion
1900 - Chinese gang rebels against foreigners in China
Teddy Roosevelt
26th President (1901-1909) Republican, Harvard Grad, youngest to be president (after McKinley died), filed anti-trust suits
Charles Lindbergh
Pilot, First to fly nonstop solo from New York to Paris (had a Ticker-tape parade)
multi-family urban dwelling - crowded, unsanitary
Yellow Dog Contracts
contracts employees signed, giving them low wages and conditions like not joining unions

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