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connective tissue


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cells that possess characteristics of firoblasts and smooth muscle cells
morbid obesity
defective leptin receptor leads to
inhibits fibroblasts, long term exposure leads to breakdown of tissues and decreased bone mass
periphery of cytoplasm
location of nucleus in unilocular adipocytes
mediator of inflammatory response and hypersensitivity reaction
mast cells are
fiexed cell that posses the cellular machinery for the synthesis and secretion of fibers and ground substance
dense regular elastic
type of connective tissue with sparse ground substance, elastin forming thing sheets of fenestrated membranes, elastic fibers branch and run parallel to one another, scatterd fibroblasts, and found in ligamenta flave, arteries
indented oval nucleus, golgi, rER and lysosomes
cytologic attributes of macrophages
depress appetite
function of leptin
fibroblasts (active, quiescent), myofirbroblast, adipocytes, mast cells, macrophages
fixed cells of connective tissue
type of connective tissue with abundant ground substance, type III collage (scattered reticular fibers), mesenchymal cells, found in embryonic IM bone formation
type of connective tissue with abundant ground substance, few collagen fibers (type I and III), fibroblasts, and located in umbilical cord as wharton's jelly
loss of body fat
loose (areolar)
type of connective tissue with abundant ground substance, loose array of collagen, reticular and elastic fibers, and lies immediately deep to the epithelium, surrounds blood vessels
bone marrow stem cells
mast cells are derived from
causes tissue swelling and increased mucus production of the nasal mucosa
first to show up on the scene
B lymphocytes
plasma cells are derived from
phagocytose cellular debris and microorganisms, present antigens to lymphocytes
functions of macrophages
dense regular collagenous
type of connective tissue with sparce ground substance, densely packed parallel array of type I collagen, scattered fibroblasts flattened between collagen bundles, and found in tendons, ligaments, aponeuroses
mast cell
fixed cell that has many secretory vesicles of diverse chemical constitution
type of connective tissue with little ground substance, reticular fibers, reticulocytes, and found in RB marrow and lymph tissue organs
euchromaitc nucleus, well formed rER, golgi
characteristics of fibroblasts
secrete extra cellular components, bring gaping edges of wound together
actions of myofibroblasts
monocytes emigrate into the connective tissue from the blood stream where they develop into
clock face nucleus, secretes antibodies, negative golgi
signature characteristics of plasma cells
immunoglobulins (antibodies)
plasma cells synthesize and release
monocytes -->macrophages
second wave to show up
release of leukotrienes in respiratory mucosa elicits
adipocytes secrete
structure, defense and protection, nutrition, energy reserves, insulation, cushioning
functionos of connective tissue
fuse to form giant, multinucleated cells
when confronted with large matter to phagocytose macrophages
vimentin filaments
lipid droplets are ensheathed by
plasma cells, leukocytes
migratory cells of connnective tissue
adipose (white)
type of connective tissue with sparse ground substance, adipocytes, found in subcutaneous areas and abdominal cavity
sparce rER, reduced golgi, thin spindle shaped appearance
characteristics of fibrocytes
adipose (brown)
type of connective tissue with sparse ground substance, adipocytes, anf found in the fetus and newborn
signet ring
unilocular adipocytes resemble a ____ in light microscopy
hypertrophy (become epithelial-like in appearance)
in chronic inflammatory states macrophages
multilocular adipocyte (brown fat)
well-endowed with mitochondria which generates heat.
sites of inflammation
___ attract leukocytes
dense irregular
type of connective tissue with sparce ground substance, tightly packed type I collagen fibers oriented in many directions found in the dermis of the skin

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