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Government Semester Exam


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Governing powers are shared between national and local government
Located in Artical 3 section 2
Judicial Review
instraments of production, distribution, and exchange are publicly owned
Principle which allows each branch some control over the other two branches
Checks and Balences
Instraments of production, distibution, and exchange are privetly owned is the basic nature of
Argument against _____ is that it stifles individual ambition
What denies the national government the most powers?
Constitutional silence
The national government is a government of powers granted to it by the constitution, called
Delegated Powers
Profit is the motive
The local governments have all the governing powers
The Supremacy Clause
Artical 6
The struggle between two or more people to become the government
Principle most resopnsible for our basic personal freedoms
Limited Government
Ratification Process for the new Constitution
Artical 7
Governing powers contitutionally divided between the national government and the state government
Repealed National Liquer Prohibition
Amendment 21
Federal Income Tax
Amendment 16
The power of the courts to determine the constitutionality of a government action
Judicial Review
Bill of Rights
Amendments 1-10
Created the Judicial Branch
Artical 3
Democracy is a belief in
The individual person
How is compition good for consumers?
best products at the lowest prices
Established National Liquer Prohibition
Amendment 18
Fair distribution of wealth is motive of
Competition is the lifeblood
Governing powers are held by a small elite group
Contains formal amendment procedure
Artical 5
A major agument against _____ is that eventually all wealth will belong to a very few people
Created Specific Relations between states
Artical 4
Created Executive Branch
Arcitcal 2
Lowered voting age to 18
Amendment 26
Established womans sufferage
Ammendment 19
Abolished slavery
Amendment 13
Love of country
Give and take process
Executive branch is made up of the legislative branch
3/4 approval is necessary for state government to _____ a formal amendment
An actual change in the Constitution
Formal amendment
Tacit Approval
approval by inaction or "not complaining"
Power of national government distibuted among three branches
Seperation of Powers
Rule by the People
Popular Soverighnty
All governing powers belong to the national government
Methods of informal ammendment
* Legislative Action
* Executive Action
* Judicial Action
* Party Practices
Why has constitution been able to last so long, but remain so brief?
Contains principles rather than details
Executive and legislative branch are two separate groups
Priviledges and Immunities
A resident of one state may not be unreasonably discriminated against by another state
Full Faith and Credit
Each state mush honor the legal transactions of every other state
Agument against _____ is that certain peoeple have never had a fair chance to compete
Powers the national government spell out
Expressed powers
Who has more control over our daily lives? National or State governments
State governments
The states are governments of
reserved powers
Who can admit a new state?
One person has all the power
The process of returning a suspected criminal to the state from which he fled
Artical I, Section 8, Clause 18
* Elastic Clause
* Implied powers
The "Umpire of the Federal System"
Supreme Court
Powers belonging to the national government because it is the national government
Inherent Powers
An indirect representative democracy
Democracy insists on equality of
oppertunity and under the law
To propose a formal amendment the national government needs
2/3 approval
Governing powers beling to the people.
Created Legislative Branch
Artical 1

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