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History Exam - Events, Etc.

These are all the events listed on the history exams, and all the other things not including people.


undefined, object
copy deck
ship that the Pilgrims came over in
Supreme Court and all other courts; interprets the laws
Germans who were paid by George III to fight for the English during the Revolution
Guerilla Warfare
where a force attacks quickly and then retreats
Southern Colonies Religion
New England Colonies Major Cities
Boston, Massachusetts
What was New York originally called?
New Netherland; New York City originally called New Amsterdam
Treaty of Paris 1763
ended the French and Indian War; England got lands east the Mississippi River and Canada; Spain got New Orleans and Louisiana Territory; British got Florida and Spain
Writs of Assistance
gave England the authority to search colonists' homes at anytime for smuggled goods
Southern Colonies Gov't
controlled by the wealthy landowners; oligarchy (rich rule)
The XYZ Affair
the U.S. sent a delegation to France to negotiate a treaty
brought ice skating to the New World
Stamp Act
law in which the colonists had to pay for stamps to put on all paper documents; these documents included wills, playing cards, newspapers, etc
Electoral College
group that elects the President and Vice President of the U.S.; candidate has to get 270 votes to win; number of representatives + number of Senators = number of electoral votes
religious group; wanted to purify the Church of England; came to America for religious freedom; settled the Massachusetts Bay
Articles of Confederation
first Constitution of the U.S.; could only be changed by a unanimous vote; no president
Middle Colonies Major Cities
New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Mayflower Compact
document that was the basis for government in Plymouth; written on the ship while coming over to the New World; step towards democracy in America
Forth Necessity
Fort that George Washington built in the Ohio Valley to protect the English from the French
House of Representatives
must be at least 25 years old; citizen of the United States for 7 years; resident of the state in which he/she represents; term is 2 years; based on population; 435 members
Middle Colonies Education
parochial school; public education was not widespread
What were the two major powers in 1700?
France and England
Checks and Balances
3 branches "check" on each other so no one branch has more power
religious group that settled Pennsylvania; believed in no war and equality for all
"City of Brotherly Love"; settled by the Quakers
Spanish Armada and Results
a group of Spanish warships who were defeated by the English in 1588; began the decline of Spain as a world power; rise of England as the most powerful country in the world
Proclamation of 1763
act in which colonists were not allowed to settled west of the Appalachian Mountains
Great Awakening
a powerful religious revival that swept over the colonies beginning in the 1720s; Jonathan Edwards was the most famous preacher of the time
Declaratory Act
after the British repealed the Stamp Act, Great Britain said that it could still do anything to the colonies that it deemed necessary to keep them in line
When was the French and Indian War?
1754 to 1763
Battle of Trenton
George Washington crossed the Delaware River to surprise the Hessians on Christmas Day
also called Separatists; made their own religion; came over the Mayflower in 1620; settled the colony of Plymouth
must be at least 35 years old; must be a natural born citizen; must have lived in the U.S.A for 14 years; four year term; carries out laws
Coercive Acts
response of the British to the Boston Tea Party; closed the Boston Harbor to shipping; British officials went back to England to be tried; put a royal governor back in power and suspended the representative assembly; colonists called these acts the Intolerable Acts
New England Colonies Colonies
New Hampshire, Massachusetts (including Maine), Connecticut, Rhode Island
Who founded New York?
Southern Colonies Education
private tutors for wealthy; only college was william and Mary
Countries that helped the colonists during the Revolution
Spain and France
Indentured Servant
someone who worked for 2 to 7 years for free passage to the New World
New Netherland
colony founded by the Dutch in the New World; became New York
Original Jurisdiction
may hear court cases for the first time; very rare
Alien and Sedition Acts
President John Adams said that you could not speak or write anything against him or the government; increased time to become a citizen; laws kept people from joining the Dem-Reps
Fort Christina
main Swedish settlement in the New World
Judicial Review
Supreme Court can declare a law made by Congress unconstitutional
Patriots who were ready to fight the British in a moment's notice
Townshed Acts
tax on paint, paper, lead, tea, and glass; put on Colonists
Toleration Act
a law which protected religious freedom for Christians in Maryland
crossroads city between Europe and Asia; when Turks took this city over trade routes were disrupted, and countries began looking for new trade routes which led to exploration; 1453
Battle of Saratoga
turning point of the Revolution; after colonists won the battle France decided to support us with money, troops, ships, etc.
Proprietary Colony
a colony that the land was given by the King to a small group of people
a colony settled in Virginia to make money; first permanent English settlement; 1607
New England Colonies Religion
Dates of the Revolution
1775 to 1781 (the Peace Treaty was signed in 1783)
the capital of the French Empire in America
How many electoral votes does Tennessee have? Why?
11 electoral votes; 9 representatives + 2 senators
Supreme Court Justice Term
Three-Fifths Compromise
for purposes of population in the House of Representatives, slaves were counted as three-fifths of a person
Jay Treaty
with England; "bad treaty"; didn't help the U.S. at all
opposed the Constitution
persons who were for the independence from England
Joint Stock Companies
companies that financed the settlement of America
Sea Dogs
English Pirates
congress (House of Representatives, Senate); makes the laws
colony founded as haven for Roman Catholics who had been persecuted in England
Middle Colonies Gov't
colonial assembly-elected legislature
House of Burgesses
first representative assembly in the New World which was in Jamestown
Southern Colonies Economy
plantations-produced rice, indigo, cotton; wealth was in land and slaves
The Federalist Papers
series of essays supporting the Constitution; written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton
another name for Pilgrims
an addition to the Constitution; amendments change it
How many government branches?
Southern Colonies Major Cities
Charleston, South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia
year the Magna Carta was signed;
first state to ratify the Constitution
Middle Colonies Religion
many different religions (due to many ethnic backgrounds)
last colony settled; in 1732; had strong ties with England
the church and the government are the same
religious wars between the Christians and the Muslims to capture the Holy Land
Southern Colonies Colonies
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
Reasons for Spanish exploration
to get gold and silver, riches; to convert the Native Americans to Catholicism; to expand the empire with new land
July 4, 1776
the date that most of the delegates signed the Declaration of Independence; our Independence Day!!!
first African-Americans were brought by the Portuguese to be slaves
an economic system in which colonies are used as a source of natural resources and trade ONLY with the mother country
Line of Demarcation
an imaginary line that the Pope drew through the New World; land east of the line belonged to Portugal; land west of the line belonged to Spain
Elastic Clause
Article 1, Section 8; stretched the power of the Constitution because it said anything could be done that is "necessary and good" for the U.S.
Religious Tolerance
religious freedom; one of the many reasons people settled the New World
must be at least 30 years old; citizen of the United States for 9 years; must be resident of the state in which he/she represents; term is 6 years; based on equality; each states has 2 representatives; 100 members
Habeas Corpus
allows a person to be seen and heard i a courtroom by a judge; government may not take away this right
North Carolina
most living there were frontier people who grew tobacco
Magna Carta
document signed by King John in Great Britain in 1215; gave people more power; contained a provision for a trial by jury
Navigation Acts
laws that England put on the colonies to ensure that America would only trade with England; England profited tremendously; the basis of these laws was mercantilism
Who was the French and Indian War Between
French, Huron Indians and Spanish VS. English and Iroquois
Excise Tax
tax on goods within the U.S.
Whiskey Rebellion
the government put an excise tax on whiskey; farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelled; Washington sent in 13,000 troops to stop it; significance - the U.S. government would and could enforce its lawas
Boston Massacre
British soldiers fired into a crowd of colonists who were teasing and taunting them; five colonists were killed; colonists blamed the British and the Sons of Liberty used this incident as an excuse to promote the Revolution
Who could vote in the colonies?
white; land-owning, males
established in 1587; called the Lost Colony; financed by Sir Walter Raleigh; its leader was John White; all the settlers disappeared; historians still don't know what became of them
Lexington and Concord
first battle of the Revolution in which British general Thomas Gage went after the stockpiled weapons of the colonists in the Concord, Massachusetts
Constitutional Convention
Philidelphia, Pennsylvania; summer of 1787
South Carolina
had large plantations; grew cotton, indigo, and rice; most wanted to keep strong ties with England and followed England's customs
What is the House of Representatives based on?
Boston Tea Party
In response to the Tea Act; the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Mowhawk Indians and threw 342 chests of thea into the Boston Harbor; worth thousands of dollars; British were furious
colony settled by the Pilgrims; eventually merged with Massachusetts Bay Colony
movement to improve the Roman Catholic Church; began when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg Church of Germany; began the Lutheran religion and other religions followed
Appellate Jurisdiction
may review cases already decided
Middle Colonies Economy
lumber; grain-the breadbasket of America
Amendment I
freedom of press, assembly, petition, speech, and religion
Bill of Rights
first 10 amendments
Sons of Liberty
group of men who were determined to get independence; founder was Sam Adams
Inalienable Rights
found in the Declaration of Independence; Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Executive Branch
President; Vice-President; Cabinet; Executive of the Laws
Triangle Trade
a trade route that exchanged goods between the West Indies, the American colonies, and West Africa
New England Colonies Economy
shipping, foreign trade, fishing, small farms
Northwest Passage
all-water route to Asia across North America; Europeans hoped to find
governing body in England
New England Colonies Gov't
town meeting-all adult males could attend
Fort Duquesne
in Ohio Valley; controlled by the French; English wanted;became Ft. Pitt, then Pittsburg
Charter Colony
land was given to a large group of people to establish a colony
How many members are in the House of Representatives from TEnnessee?
Bi-Cameral Legislature
a two house legislature
Massachusetts Bay
colony settled by the colony of Plymouth; very strict; eventually became the city of Boston
Pinckey Treaty
with Spain; good treaty because we were allowed to use the Mississippi River for shipping
French Economy
based on the fur trade
Ex Post Facto Laws
punishes people for a crime that was not a crime when it was committed; Congress cannot pass these laws
New England Colonies Education
tax-supported public schools; first colleges were Harvard (Massachusetts), Yale (Connecticut) to produce ministers
tax on goods coming into the U.S.
King Charles II was restored to the throne after his father, Charles I, had been beheaded by the Puritans; Oliver Cromwell came to power in England and ruled for 11 years as a Puritan; when Cromwell died, Charles II was restored to the throne and began colonization again by giving land in the New World to people who had been loyal to him
Two causes for the French and Indian War
the English and French both wanted the fur trade in the Ohio Valley; the French were giving Indians guns to fight the British
wanted to ratify the Constitution
Royal Colony
a colony controlled by the King and his advisors
last major battle of the war; Charles Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington; French helped us; war was over; COLONISTS WON!!!
Log Cabin
came from the Swedish
tax on goods coming into a country
Spanish conquistadors in the New World
Why was there a halt to French Exploration?
French didn't find gold and silver; French were involved in wars and couldn't afford it
Judiciary Act of 1789
Congress established a court sytstem
Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria
ships used by Columbus and his crew to sail to the New World
Tories or Loyalists
persons who were against independence and wanted to remain loyal to England
What is the Senate based on?
Middle Colonies Colonies
New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
Results of the French and Indian War?
colonists learn to fight; Great Britain began taxing the colonists to pay for the French and Indian War; George Washington becomes a was hero

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