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US Hist TAKS set #3


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Joseph Pulitzer
American journalist; one of the men responsible for yellow journalism during the Spanish-American War
Emilio Aguinaldo
rebel leader who led the Filipinos in revolt in the Philippine-American War
William Hearst
American publisher; one of the men responsible for yellow journalism during the Spanish-American War
William McKinley
25th president of the US (1897-1901)
Matthew Perry
American naval officer, who commanded the expedition that established United States relations with Japan
Theodore Roosevelt
26th president of the US (1901-1909)
"Rough Riders"
a voluntary cavalry, commanded by Theodore Roosevelt and Leonard Wood, that served in the Spanish-American War
Queen Liliuokalani
Queen of Hawaii (1891-1893), who formally abdicated her throne in 1895, becoming the last monarch in Hawaiian history
Sanford B. Dole
American statesman and lawyer, elected president of the republic of Hawaii and appointed territorial governor later
Alfred T. Mahan
American naval officer and historian, who urged the government to build up American naval power in order to compete with other powerful nations
William Seward
Jose Marti
Cuban writer and patriot, whose poetry, political prose, and eventual death in battle made him the martyred symbol of Cuban aspirations to independence
George Dewey
American naval officer, who became a hero during the Spanish-American War when the U.S. fleet he commanded destroyed the Spanish fleet at Manila
USS Maine
the battleship that was mysteriously blown up in Havana in February, 1898. The press blamed the explosion on Spanish sabotage, enraging American public opinion.
the increase of a country's size by the acquisition of new territory
Open Door Policy
term that refers to the principle of equal trading rights in China at the end of the 19th century. It is also used to describe policies of equal trading rights in other countries.
a country or region that is defended and controlled by a more powerful state, or the relationship between the two
Open Door Notes
messages sent by Secretary of State John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britian, France, Italy, and Japan, asking the countries not to interfere with trading rights in Europe
yellow journalism
the use of sensationalized and exaggerated reporting by newspapers or magazines to attract readers
Roosevelt Corollary
an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, in 1904, under which the US claimed the right to protect its economic interests by means of military intervention in the affairs of Western Hemisphere nations, announced by President Theodore Roosevelt
Boxer Rebellion
an unsuccessful rebellion in China in 1900, the objective of which was to drive out all foreigners, remove all foreign influence, and compel Chinese Christians to give up their religion
causes of Mexican Revolution
an effort to overthrow the 30-year dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz that grew into a widespread rebellion
results of the Civil War
results of American Revolution
American colonies win independence from Great Britain
results of Mexican Revolution
results of Spanish-American War
Treaty of Paris that ends the Spanish-American War is signed
16th Amendment
progressive amendment that created a graduated income tax
Treaty of Paris (1898)
signed on December 10, 1898, and ratified by the U.S. Senate on February 6, 1899, ended the Spanish-American War
Foraker Act
passed by the U.S. Congres in 1900, established civil government in Puerto Rico but did not clearly define the colony’s relationship with the United States. Under the Foraker Act, the people of Puerto Rico became subject to U.S. federal law.
Platt Amendment
specified conditions under which the federal government might intervene in the internal affairs of Cuba, included in the Cuban constitution (1901) and in the treaty between Cuba and the United States (1903)
The Influence of Sea Power
De Lome Letter
private letter that was published in the press in which the Spanish ambassador called President McKinley "weak"; De Lome's letter inflamed Americans against Spain
White Man's Burden

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