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Cold War


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Hollywood Ten
refused to testify and decided to go to prison rather than testifying to the HUAC claiming protection from the Constitution
grew 6x faster than cities---resulted from increased car production--white flight from urban areas from black migration-gov't polices insured bother builders and homeowners
Election of 1948
Truman defeats Dewey in a stunning upset--Henry Wallace leds new Progressive party--Dewey Rublications
Smith Act
1940-made it illegal to advocate the overthrow of the goverment by force or to belong to an organization advocating sucha position--Truman admin used to jail American Communist Praty
Truman's Fair Deal
housing, full employment, and higher minimum wage, better farm supports, new TVAS, extension of Social security, and increased rights for African Americans--only major successes were:raising minimum wage, public housing, and extending old-age insurace to more beneficiaries (SSA)--Coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats prevented little more than the maintenance of existing programs
John Birch Society
ultra-conservative nationalist group
Vital Center
1948-1968--a political censensus developed in America, although bitter political wrangling continued to characterize america---three components: anti-communism,belief that economic growth can solve all of society's problems, political pluralism (belief that a variety of ideas can compete in America)--elected Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson
Economic boom
National income nearly doubled in 1950s almost doubled again in 1960s--60% owned their own homes--postwar jobs went to women in urban offices and shops--feminist revolt in 1960s--economy largely fueled by the growth of the defense industry--cheap energy and increased supply of power facilitated growth--productivity rose due to increases in education and technology
Civil Rights
gain for African Americans--1946 Truman--committee publishes To Secure These Rights--desegregation--ani-lynching--poll taxes--1948 banned racial discrimination in fed gov. hiring and ordered desegregation of armed forces--blacks integrated in 1953
Red Scare
communism at home--fear of spies infiltrating US govt (Alger Hiss, Rosenburgs)--Fear of nuclear war--spread of communism around the world (e.europe, fall of china in 1949, Korea--demagogue politicians using fear for gain (HUAC McCarthy)--fear of another depression
dr.benjamin spock
the commonsense book of baby and child care--sold 1 million copies--said that womens primary responsibility was to stay home and nurture their children
Presidential Succession Act
1947--contingency for nuclear war--vice president, speaker of the house, president pro tempore, secretary of state in line for succession
Middle class
5.7 million 1941--over 12 million by early 1960s
loyalty oaths
increasingly demanded of employees esp teachers--many felt civil liberties suppressed
Iindicts Alger Hiss 1947--created in 1945--sensationalistic--liberals and member of new deal targeted--Nixon led the movement to indict Alger Hiss
McCarran Internal Security Bill
1950--required communist-front organizations to register with the attorney general and prevented members from defense work and travel abroad--Truman vetoed so the president could arrest and detain suspicious person during an internal security emergency
mushroomed as americans had more disposable income: cars, gadgets, vactions
Government employeee forbidden
criticize us foreign policy--advocate womens rights--own books on socialism--attend foreign films
Baby boom
population grew over 28 mill--97% in urban and suburban areas--between 1946and1961 63.5 mill babies were born---proportional growth in population unprecedented in American history
loyalty review board
investigated more than 3 million fed.emply.--3,000 resigned or were dismissed--212 fired
cult of domesticity re-emerges
a few advocated that science supported the idea that women could only find fulfillment as a homemaker
Loyalty program
Truma--attorny general indentified 90 disloyal organizations who werent given the right to prove their innocence--gave FBI approval
Sunbelt vs. Frostbelt
suadvent of air-conditioning spurred enormous growth--war industries and high-tech industries attracted million to the west coast--aerospace industry and huge military installations attracted million to Texas and Floride--Rustbelts states of the Ohio Valley angered at federal outlays for Southern and Western states--ever president since 1964 has come from sunbelt (15 state area from Virginia thru florida and texas to arizona and california)
1954--convicted and executed for allegadly giving atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets
Senate hearing created an atmosphere of conformity and fear--downfall of McCarthy occurred when he took on the Army in 1954
GI Bill of Rights
response to unemployment fears resulting from 15 mill returning GIS from WWII--Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944--Veterans Administration--bill contributed to economic prosperity that emerged in late 1940s
22nd Amendment
1951--limited president to two terms--coservative move--over 17 years of continuous democratic rule in the white house (since FDR and Truman)--FDR elected to 4 terms--many saw unamerican
Taft-Hartley Act
June 1947--passed over Truman's veto--conservative response to powerful labor unions--Republicans gained congress in 1946--strike--John Lewis--United Mine Workers--80 day cooling-off perioid--outlawed closed-shop (only hiring union members--union shop allowed (obligated new workers to become union members--unions flourised

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