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Chapt. 5 Test


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What is the smallest unit of election administration?
What is the joining together of people with diverse intereests for a common goal?
What is consisting of several distinct cultures and groups?
Pluralistic society
What is the dominant political parties in the United States?
Major Parties
What is casting ballots for candidates from different parties for different offices in the same election?
Split-ticket voting
What is a part of a city divided for election of city council members?
What is the types of parties that seek to affect one aspect of government policy?
Single-issue parties
What is the greatest number of votes cast for a single office?
What is a general agreement of various groups?
Who are the people who can vote in an election?
What are parties that have borken off from a major party?
splinter parties
In the United States, a political party is made up of a group of people who?
Work to get candidates nominated to political offices.
The major functions of the two parties in the United States are?
-to keep the general public informed about key issues
-to assure the qualifications of candidates for office
-to monitgor the conduct of its candidates in office
What is a multiparty system?
composed of parties with special interests.
Memebership in either of the two major parties is
Based on personal choice
The two-party system developed in the United States mainly because
conflicts about the constitution created opposing viewpoints.
The era of one-party domination that began in 1968 was different from past eras of one-party domination because
one party controlled Congress while the other controlled the presidency.
Descriptions of minor parties
-members of a minor party are united by a particular group of viewpoints
-minor party is a party that has broken away from a major party.
-minor party expresses discontent over the state of the economy.
minor parties have contributed most to United States politics by
causing major parties to adopt their ideas.
The decentralization of both major parties
-neither party has a chain of command at national, state, and local levels.
-government of the United States is a federal system.
-function of nominating candidates creates party conflict.
What does the national chairperson of a major political party do?
manages the party's headquarters
The basic element of a major party?
-the people who run the party machinery
-the voters who vote for the party's stand on issues
-the party's officeholders at all levels of government
The sign of a weakened political party?
a large number of independents
The "Publican Party" calls for an overhaul of the American political, economic, and legal systems-
Ideological Party
The "stoned silly" party is formed by deviants intent on legalizing the use of "pot"-
Single issue
Farmers and ranchers unite to form a "Farm-Ranch Party" rto get higher prices for their products
Economic issue
A group of Republicans dissatisfied with the apparent approval of "King George as the party's nominee, form a new "Peoples Rights" party to back Jonathan B. McCain.
Ideological Party
The "Libera Party" works to end discriminatrion against immigrants
Single issue
The Republican and Democratic parites are the two ___________ in the United States.
Major parties
Becaues the United States is a ________,
the only candidates who have a reasonable chance of winning an election are either Republican or Democratic.
two-party system
Any party that has less support than one of the major political parties in the United States is a (n)_________.
Minor Party
The ______is made up of all the people who are eligible to vote in a election.
_________seek to cause a change on one public policy matter.
single-issue parties
Parties that want to express their disfavor with the current economy are known as_______.
economic protest parties
_______ parties that hold a particular set of beleifs, have often supported Marxist thinking.
Ideological parties
A _____ could more realistically be called a "no party" system.
one-party system
Contests in which only one candidate from the district is elected to each office on the ballot are known as ___________ elections.
single-member district
Although United States political parties focus on winning election, most political parties also___________
Have certain common principles they want
Although United States political parties focus on winning elections, most
political parties also
have certain common principles they want adopted in government.
The functions of the majoy parties in United States politics include ________.
nominating candidates for office,insuring the good performance of their elected candidates, and providing a mechanism for the conduct of government. -
That it is often difficult to distinguish the two United States political parties gbased on issuse reflects__________.
the idea that Americans are ideologically homogenous.
A one-party system
exists in nearly all dictatorships today.
People belong to a particular political party-
voluntarily, because they made a personal choice.
Federalists are-
-those who do not want a strong National Government.
- now called the Republicans
From 1800 to 1860, American government was dominated by which party?
Bull Moose
Most single-issue parties have been__________.
short lived
Over time, the ideas first developed by minor parties are _______ by major parties.
The State party organization__________.
are generally independent of the national committee.
An Irish Catholic shoe salesman in Michigan earning $20,000 is most likely which party affiliated?
A retired farmer lilving in rural Maine is most likely which party affiliated?
A Cathoilic female lawyeer in New York City is most likely affiliated with which party?
A 20-year-old high school drop out in Nashville, TN. is most likely affiliated with which party?
Won't vote
A college graduate, social worker, minority,living in Little Rock, AR. will most likely be affiliated with which party?
A band president in Seattle, WA. is most likely affiliated with which party?
A blue collar factory worker in Pittsburg,PA. will most likely be affiliated with which party?
A farmer living in rurual North Carolina will most likely be affiliated with which party?
CEO of a grokerage firm in Denver, CO is affiliated with which party?
A senior government student in Haven, KS is most likely affiliated with which party?
won't vote
A Middle-aged high school English teacher living in rural Haven, KS is most likely affiliated with which party?
A Jewish sales clerk in Miami is most likely affiliated with which party?
A Protestant hoursewife in Des Moines, IA is most likely affiliated with which party?
A female bus driver, age 23, earning $23,000, minority living in Chicago, IL is most likely affiliated with which party?
A New York University coed majoring in social work, from New York City is most likely affiliated with which party?
A Hispanic male, lawyer, livingf in Houston, TX is most likely affiliated with which party?
A white male, lawyer, brings a class actgion law suit against a tobacco company is most likely affiliated with which party?
A female cattle rancher in Rock Springs, WY is most likely affiliated with which partya?
What two terms does the author use to diescribe what third or minor parties have brought to the American political system?
critic and innovator
Name one reform that third or minor parties have originated that is now a part of our governmental system?
women sufferage
old age pensions
national conventions

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