The Constitution
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- Writing began on The Articles of Confederation on...
- June 12, 1776
- ___ delegates signed the Constitution...
- 39
- ___ delegates attended the Constitutional Convention...
- 55
- On December 15, 1791 this document was added to the Constitution...
- The Bill of Rights
- Ratification of The Articles of Confederation took place on...
- March 1, 1781
- This event led the Federalists towards the creation of a new government document...
- Shay's Rebellion
- The Constitutional Convention was held in...
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- The Constitutional Convention began on...
- May 25, 1787
- Ratification of the Constitution began with this state...
- Delaware
- The final state to ratify the Constitution was...
- New York
- Our Constitution was signed on...
- September 17, 1787
- The secretary of the Constitutional Convention and the 40th signer of the Constitution was...
- William Jackson
- The Bill of Rights is composed of ___ amendments...
- 10
- Today our Constitution has ___ amendments...
- 27