Turkish Verb Conjugations
undefined, object
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Actions happening now, or started in the recent past and continuing. 'I am writing'- The point is that I am writing even as I speak. -
geliyorum- I am coming
gidiyorum- I am going
(Note that the 'o' does not undergo vowel harmony.) -
General (Aorist):
Things generally true, hence timeless. I am a writer. — Although I am not necessarily writing anything at this very moment. -
gelirim- I come
giderim- I go -
Actions that will happen. -
gelecekim- I will come
gidecekim- I will go -
Actions that must, or should be taken. -
gelmeliyim- I must come
gitmeliyim- I must go -
If ...
With non-simple moods, expresses unfulfilled conditions, hopeless wishes of the past, etc. -
gelsem- If I come
gitsem- If I go -
No statement of fact, things that might happen or have happened. With non-simple moods, expresses unfulfillable past wishes, or quotes of those expressions. -
geleyim- Let me come
gideyim- Let me go - Verb Mood: Past
geliyordum- I was coming
gidiyordum- I was going - Verb Mood: Conditional
gidiyorsam- If I am going
geliyorsam- If I am coming -
Reported Past:
A present state caused by past action, or things the speaker is reporting without having seen. - -miÅŸ-
Simple/Perfect Past:
Both the simple past (did) and the perfect past (have done). - -di-