Government Congress Quiz
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- Which Congress are we currently in?
- 109th
- How many House members are there?
- 435, set number and proportional to state population
- How many Senate members are there?
- 100, 2 from each state
- Speaker of the House
- Dennis Hastert (R)
- House Majority Leader
- Tom DeLay (R)
- House Majority Whip
- Roy Blunt
- House Minority Leader
- Nancy Pelosi
- House Minority Whip
- Steny Hoyer
- President Pro Tempore
- Ted Stevens
- Senate Majority Leader
- Bill Frist
- Senate Majority Whip
- Mitch McConnell
- Senate Minority Leader
- Harry Reid
- Senate Minority Whip
- Richard Durbin
- Order of command
- Pres --> VP --> speaker of the house --> pres pro tempore
- President Pro Tempure is...
- one of the senators; longest-serving senator; only a symbolic title; 4th in command for presidency