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Communications Chapter 9


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small group
three to fifteen people who share a common purpose, feel a sense of belonging to the group, and exert influence on one another
small group communication
the transactive process of creating meaning among three to fifteen people who share a common purpose, feel a sense of belonging to the group, and exert influence on each other
a coordinated small group of people organized to work together to achieve a specific common goal
primary group
a group that exists to fulfill basic human needs, such as a family
study group
a group that exists to help group members may have
therapy group
a group that provided treatment for problems that group members may have
problem-solving group
a group that meets to seek a solution to a problem
focus group
a group that is asked to discuss a particular topic or issue so that others can better understand how the group members respond to the topics or issues presented to them
social group
a group that exists to provide opportunities for group members to enjoy the company of others
the consistent way a person with others in a small group
task role
a role that helps the group achieve its goal and accomplish the work
social role
a role that helps the group manage relationships and affect the group climate
individual role
a role that focuses attention on the individual rather than on the group
team ground rules
a way of talking about the prescribed behaviors that are expected of group members; team members develop explicit rules of acceptable behavior
standards that determine what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in a group
an individual's importance and prestige
the ability to influence other people's behavior
legitimate power
power base that stems from being elected or appointed to a position of authority
referent power
power that stems from being liked and able to influence the behavior of others
expert power
power derived from having expertise and information that can influence the behavior of others
reward power
power that comes from the ability to provide rewards or favors
coercive power
power that stems from being able to punish people
the degree of attraction members feel toward one another and toward their group
communication interaction pattern
a consist pattern of who talks to whom
group deviate
a group member who holds an opinion, attitude, or belief that is different from that of the other group members
a smaller, cohesive group within a larger group
the first phase of group interaction, in which members become adjusted to one another and to the group's task
the second phase of group interaction, in which group members experience some degree of disagreement about social and task issues
the third phase of group interaction, in which conflict or disagreement is managed, decisions are made, and the work plan and group problems begin to be solved or managed
the fourth phase of group interaction, in which group members express positive feelings toward each other and toward the group
primary tension
anxiety and discomfort that occurs when a group first meets
secondary tension
conflict that pccurs over group norms, roles, leadership, and differences among member opinions; develops after the members of the group have become acquainted with one another
the tendency or preference to focus on individual achievement rather than on group or team accomplishments
the tendency or preference to focus on group, team, or collaborative achievement rather than on individual accomlishments
use of time that emphasizes doing one thing at a time, giving attention to deadlines and schedules, and using time efficiently
use of time in which people may do many things at once, are not very concerned about deadlines and schedules, and consider relationships to be more important than work and meeting deadlines
high-contact culture
cultural preference for closer personal distances and personal touch when communicating with others
low-contact culture
cultural preference for greater personal distances and less personal touch when communicating with others

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