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COM 112 Final Exam


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The process of acting on information
Social information processing theory
how you can develop quality relatinships with others via email and other means
communibiological approach
some people inherit certain traits/characteristcs that affect the way they communicate with others
Social learning theory
we learn how to adapt and adjust our behaviors toward others--how we behave is not dependant on our genetic makeup
a subjunctive description of who you think you are
learned predisposition to respond to a person, object or idea
human ability to think about what we are doing while we are doing it, ie, we can lie while speaking
taking into account another's thoughts, feelings, values, background, perspectives, like being other oriented
self-fulfilling prophecy
what one believes about one's self often comes true
the need to be included in activities with others, to experience fellowship, like kids in kindergarten on a playground
degree of influence on relationships establishsed with others
social penetration theory
how much/what kind of information people reveal in various stages of a relationship, usually we want it to stay low at first
dyadic effect
you disclose to me, i'll disclose to you
the process of experiencing the world and making sense of one's experiences
impression formation theory
we form impressions through perceptions of physical qualities and behavior, information people disclose about themselves, and what third parties tell us
primacy effect
attending to the first piece of information we observe
recency effect
to put a lot of stock in the last thing we observe
implicit personality theory
a pattern of associated qualities that we attribute to people which allows us to understand them (stereotypes?)
Horn Effect
think of horns, attribuiting a varieyt of negative qualities to people we dislike
attribution theory
how you generate explanations for the motives or causes of peoples' behaviors
casual attribution theory
identifies potential cause for any person's actions: circumstance, stimulus, person
standpoint theory
theory that a person's social position, power, or cultural background influences how the person perceives the behavior of others, where you stand makes a difference in what you see, helps us explain the behaviors of others
to place people in a rigid category
a learned system of knowledge, behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms that are shared by a group of people
a distinct cultural group within a larger cultural context, ie, roman catholics, compared to all catholics
process of communicating a groups culture from generation to generation, all of grandparents' stories
getting other approaches, beliefs, values, from coming into contact with other cultures, like yoga, teas, etc.
high context cultures
rely on nonverbal cues to interprete messages, asians
low context cultures
rely on language, instead of nonverbal cues, americans
think that one's own culture, traditions, assumptions are superior
relational empathy
essence of a relationship that permits varying degrees of understanding, rather than requiring complete comprehension of another's culture or emotions
a complex process of attending to, constructing meaning from, remembering and responding to verbal and nonverbal messages
the physiological process of decoding sounds
people-oriented listeners
comfortable with, and skilled at listening to people's feelings and emotions, empathize, like dr. phil, or luke wilson, dad, in family stone
content-oriented listeners
more comfortable listening to complex detailed information than others
action-oriented listeners
prefere info that is well organized, brief and error free
time oriented listeners
like messages delivered quickly and briefly
people are treated as objects, like sales clerks or people at a drive through window
your communication is influenced by forces that may not be immediatley evident to you or your communication parter
originator of thought/emotion
emotional noise
when emotional arousal interferes with communication effectiveness, SJP "no I will not marry you"
critical listening
listening to evaluate the quality/value/appropriatness/importance of the info you hear
information triage
a critical listener seeks to ID both good info and info that is flawed or less helpful, process of evaluating, sorting information
symbolic interaction theory
society is bound together by the common use of symbols, like "peace, ok, hi"
linguistic determinism
launguage shapes the way we think, influences our thoughts/perceptions
linguistic relativity
each has unique elements embedded w/in it, like how Native Americans don't stammer
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
language shapes our culture and culture shapes our language
restricted code
a set of words that have a particular meaning to a subgroup or culture, 18 wheelers on CB, comp programmers
specialized language
language that makes unqualified/untrue generalizations, about all women
nonverbal communication
is behavior other than written or spoeken lang. that creates meaning for someone.
interaction adaptation theory
describes the transitive process of how ppl adapt to the communication behavior of others
interactional synchrony
mirroring of nonverbal behavior while communicating
nonverbal cues w/ specific, generally understood meaning
nonverbal behaviors that accompany verbal messages, and either contradict, accent, or compliment
affect displays
nonverbal movements, postures, used to communicate emotions: how you sit=if you'll be approached
nonverbal msgs. that help people control intrxn of comm. b/w ppl: hold hand up to interrupt
nonverb. behaviors that help satisfy a personal need/adapt/respond to the immediate situation: rub hands when cold
expectancy violation theory
each person enters into the relationshiop w/ preconceived expectations about the other's behavior
emotional contagation theory
people catch the emotions of others
interpersonal conflict
ppl can't agree on a way to meet needs, achieve goals
myth 1
conflict=a poor interpers. relationship
myth 2
conflict can be avoided
myth 3
conflict occurs b/c of misunderstandings
myth 4
conflict can always be resolved
myth 5
conflict is always bad
lack of understanding, wording issue, simple conflict
constructive conflict
helps build new insights, estab. new patterns in a relationship
destructive conflict
conflict that dismantles, doesn't strengthen
interpersonal relationships
connections that develop w/ others b/c of interpers. comm. w/ them
systems theory
changing the system will change the elements
predicted outcome value theory
assessing the potential of a relationship to meet our needs vs its cost
interpersonal power
ability to get what you want, to influence one in the wanted direction
dependent relationship
one person has a greater need for the parter to meet their needs
traditional family relationship
share a lot
independent family relationship
allow space
separate family relationship
have opposing values
mixed family relationship
have mixed perceptions on roles
social exchange theory
ppl make relational decisions to get the most reward for the least cost
dialectical theory
all relational development occurs w/ various opposing forces/tensions: connectedness vs autonomy, predictability vs novelty, openness vs. closedness
nonverbal immediacy
cues displayed when attracted
affinity seeking
things done to get ppl to like you
uncertainty reduction theory
seek info to control/predict the future
compliance gaining
persuasive strategies to accomplish personal goals
failure event
violation of understandings b/w ppl in relationships
understood w/o talking about
agreed upon
saying that a failure event has occurred
a response to a reproach
social exchange theory analysis
analysis of rewards and cost to analyze the potential survival of a long distance relationship
incessantly challenging others' views, someone seen as always arguing: sister (rachel), mom, SJP A dinner, gay kids
fades away
partners drift further apart
sudden death
unplanned, abrupt ending of a relationship
conflict and problems accumulate until the breaking point
a self-defined unit of any # of persons who live/have lived in a relationship w/ e/o over time
natural family
mom dad natural kids
blended family
2 adults, their kids w/ divorce, adoption, brangelina
single parent family
1 parent and at least 1 child
extended family
family of origin
family in which you were raised, adopted kids' families
pelz effect
subordinates want a boss who will bat for them
quid pro quo
do something for me, i'll do something for you

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