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UNH CMN 456.01.02: Propaganda and Persuasion Quizes


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What are the three genres or types of classical rhetoric?
Deliberative, Epideictic, Forensic
What are the three artistic modes of proof?
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
If a UNH student is arrested for cocaine possession, the cocaine introduced as evidence in court would be considered what?
An inartistic constraint
Burke's ideas about "collaborative expectancy" are best understood in connection with what?
Formal identification
Analyze the following passage:

"I say it with a sad sense of the disparity between us. I am not included within the pale of this glorious anniversary! Your high independence only reveals the immeasurable distance between us. The blessings
Artistic constraints
Bitzer says that Ted Kennedy's 1980 speech "presumed the audience's knowledge of events" and "made appeals to unstated presumptions and values in the audience." Considering this, we might say Kennedy was aware of what?
Artistic constraints
If you are asked to give a eulogy at the funeral of a deceased friend, and decide what to say, in part, based on the type of speech you are giving, you would be responding to what?
Generic constraints
According to Aristotle, what is the "end" or purpose of government?
Analyze the following passage:

Thank you Wildcats! . . . I'm not the type to make empty promises. But, if you make me your next President, my first executive order will be to give a full pardon for anything you did on spring break. Sound good?
Aristotle defines rhetoric as the counterpart of what?
Analyze the following passage:

"It would be strange that a subject which has aroused, in turn, all the passions of the country should be discussed without the interference of any of our own. We are men, and, therefore, not exempt from tho
When Lloyd Bitzer (“Rhetorical Situation”) talks about rhetoric as a “pragmatic” art, he means what?
Rhetoric is meant to affect change in the world
In addressing the Houston Ministerial Association, presidential candidate John Kennedy was addressing which rhetorical exigence?
The need to attract some Protestant votes, especially in Texas.
Analyze the Following Passage:

"There are some who say that communism is the wave of the future. Let them come to Berlin. And there are some who say in Europe and elsewhere we can work with the Communists. Let them come to Berlin. And the
formal identification
Analyze the following passage:

"And in a Court of Justice, where there are two parties present, justice demands that the rights of each party should be allowed to himself, as well as that each party has a right, to be secured and protecte
The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Scandals like that involving Jack Abramoff and the influence of money and professional lobbying on members of Congress reveal the ways that an ideal rhetorical culture can be compromised. In a less corrupt rhetorical culture the main influence on our pol
Analyze the following passage:

"May it please your Honours: I was desired by one of the court to look into the [law] books, and consider the question now before them concerning Writs of Assistance. I have accordingly considered it, and no
What type of argument does Aristotle consider to be the "substance of rhetorical persuasion?"
Which of the following are the three parts or constituents of a rhetorical situation?
Exigence, Audience, Constraints
In recognizing that rhetoric typically deals with matters of opinion and belief, rather than with scientific truths or certainty, we are reminded that we find rhetoric.
Where judgments are based on probabilities
When Daniel Webster tells the Salem jury that the murder of Captain White was not the result of passion or revenge, but rather “a cool, calculating, money-making murder,” he is employing which type of forensic topic from Aristotle?
The incentives to do wrong.
When President George H. W. Bush says that those who were killed at Pearl Harbor “knew the things worth living for but also worth dying for: Principle, decency, fidelity, honor,” he is attending primarily to which of the functions of epideictic disco
Ideological function
Which of the following are the inartistic proofs identified and discussed by Aristotle?
Oaths, Laws, Contracts, Witnesses, Torture
According to Aristotle, which of the following modes of proof is related closely to our understanding of epideictic topics?
Which best characterizes Patrick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” speech?
A deliberative speech relying on topics of advantage and disadvantage.
Which is not characteristic of most epideictic oratory?
Relies on central topics of the good and advantageous
Analyze the following passage:
“From beneath that humble roof went forth the intrepid and unselfish warrior, the magistrate who knew no glory but his country’s good; to that he returned, happiest when his work was done. There he lived in noble s
The historical function
Analyze the following passage:
"I stand before you under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted at the last presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus do
Question of Definition
Analyze the following passage:
"The material I will present to you comes from a variety of sources. Some are U.S. sources and some are those of other countries. Some [of] the sources are technical, such as intercepted telephone conversations an
Arguments crafted from consideration of inartistic proofs
Analyze the following passage

"It is an easy matter, O Athenians, to begin this accusation. But to end it without doing injustice to the cause will be attended with no small difficulty. For the crimes of Eratosthenes are not only too atro
All of the above
According to Aristotle, which of the following is not considered to be a motive for voluntary action?
If a defendant acknowledges taking a car, but says he “borrowed” it with permission, rather than “stole” it, he would be arguing on what?
The issue of definition
Consider the following special topic from Aristotle's Rhetoric:
Things that deserve to be remembered are noble, and the more they deserve this, the nobler they are.

To which of the genres, or types of rhetoric does this special topic belo
Apologia⬝ is best defined as:
A forensic address by a politician caught in a scandal
Which best characterizes Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “Address to the New York Legislature?”
A deliberative speech addressing matters of legislation
In a criminal trial the prosecution has what?
burden of proof
In selling a product by comparing it to its competitors, an advertiser might employ which of Aristotle’s topics?
deliberative topics of the better
Analyze the following passage:
“As one example out of many, I might refer to Gen. John Stark, well known for his military achievements in all the wars of his time. A hunter in peace, a soldier in war; and as a soldier always the foremost and the b
An Historical and a Sociological function.
According to Aristotle, seeking the good, or seeking pleasure, is the purpose of what?
All voluntary action
Because the written law of the State of New York forbade women from voting, Susan B. Anthony was unlikely in her defense to rely on arguments based on what?
particular law

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