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English Vocab ballard1


undefined, object
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Aegis n.
shield or protection
Adonis N.
Very handsome young man
amazon n
tall, strong, bold woman
ambrosial adj
exceptionally pleasing to taste or smell; extremely delicious
atlas n
book of maps
auroral adj
pertaining to or resembling the dawn
bacchanalian adj
jovial or wild with drunkenness
cassandra n.
one who prophesies doom or diaster; pessimist
chimerical adj
fantastic; unreal; impossible; absurd
draconian adj
cruel; harsh; severe; ironhanded
echolalia n.
automatic and immediate repetition of what others say
elysian adj.
delightful; blissful; heavenly
eristic adj
prone to controversy; disputatious; argumentative
fauna n
animal life
flora n
plant life
forum n
medium or place for open discussion and expression of ideas a public meeting, radio or tv discussion
hector v.
bully; intimidate with threats
herculean adj
very difficult; requiring the strength of hercules
hermetic adj.
airtight; secret; obscure; magical; mysterious
iridescent adj
having colors like the rainbow
labyrinthine adj.
full of confusing passageways
laconic adj.
using words sparingly; terse; concise
lethargic adj.
unnaturally drowsy; sluggish; dull
Lucullan adj.
sumptuous; luxurious
marathon n
long distance footrace 26 miles 385 yards
martial adj
pertaining to way; warlike
mentor n
wise and trusted adviser
mercurial adj
qucik; vivacious; active; lively
myrmidon n
obedient and unquestioning followers
narcissistic adj.
in love with oneself
nectar n
something exceptionally delicious to drink
nemesis n
due punishment for evil deeds
odyssey n
long series of wanderings or travels
Olympian adj.
Majestic; godlike; lofty
Paean n.
song or hymn or praise, joy, or triumph
palladium n.
safeguard; protection
panic n
sudden, overpowering terror
philippic n
bitter denunciation; tirade
plutocratic adj.
having great influence because of one's welth
procrustean adj.
cruel or inflexible in enforcing conformity.
protean adj.
exceedingly variable; readily assuming different forms or shapes
Pyrrhic adj
ruinous; gained at too great a cost
saturnine adj.
heavy; dull; sullen; gloomy; morose
siren n
dangerous, attractive woman
solon n
legislator; wise lawgiver
Spartan adj.
marked by simplicity and avoidance of comfort; marked by selfdiscipline, bravery, and ability to endure pain
stentorian adj.
very loud
stygian adj.
infernal; especially dark; gloomy
tantalize v
excite a hope but prevent its fulfilment
terpsichorean adj or n
pertaining to dancing
thespian adj. or n.
pertaining to drama or acting
titanic adj.
of enormous strength, size, or power

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