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Developmental Assessment screens:

a) determines if the child is normal

b) screens the cognitive & behavioral level of the child

c) screens what the child can do at the time

d) screens for intelligence quot
screens what the child can do at the time
The liver is ______ to palpate in a child.

a) difficult

b) easy
A pediatric assessment on younger children should:

a) start from the most intrusive to the least intrusive

b) begin with the least intrusive to the most intrusive
begin with the least intrusive to the most intrusive
In an otoscope assessment it is important to:

a) hold with the handle down

b) hold with the handle up
hold with the handle up
The tempanic membrane:

a) yellowish in color

b) pearly grey

c) pinkish

d) white
pearly grey
Fluid in the middle ear is:

a) otitis serous

b) otitis media

c) otitis externa
otitis media
In scoliosis a curvaqture of ______ is when a problem is acknowledged and _______ is when scoliosis is treated.

a) 5% / 10%

b) 5% / 20%

c) 10% / 15%

d) 10% / 20%
10% / 20%
A lateral S or C shaped curvature of the spine is:

a) kyphosis

b) lordosis

c) scoliosis
A disorder of the spine often associated with a rotational deformity of the ribs and spine is called:

a) kyphosis
b) lordosis
c) scoliosis
The incidence of scoliosis increases during:

a) infancy

b) toddlers

c) puberty

d) 16-20 years
The incidence of scoliosis increases during:

a) pre-school to 3rd grade

b) 3rd grade to 6th grade

c) 6th grade to 9th grade

d) 9th grade to 12th grade
6th grade to 9th grade
The Burns Classification:

a) a physical assessment framework
b) designed to evaluate IQ
c) emotional & behavioral assessment guide
d) organizes developmental, physiological, & psychosocial data
organizes physiological, psychosocial, & developmental data
In examining a toddler the nurse should:

a) begin with a head to toe approach

b) foot to head approach
foot to head approach
In examining the preschooler the nurse should:
a) assess childs willingness to be separated from parent

b) allow to touch & play with equipment

c) offer choices

d) distract by asing to count, name colors, etc
all are correct
In examining school age children the nurse should:

a) offer a gown

b) explain & give choices

c) let child listen to heart & lungs

d) head to toe exam
all are correct
Posture presenting a sway back, inward curve of the lower spine, is called:

a) kyphosis

b) lordosis

c) scoliosis
A humpback is called:

a) kyphosis

b) lordosis

c) scoliosis
A __________ is used to measure the % of curvature in the spine.

a) x-ray
b) MRI
c) Lineaospirometer
d) scoliometer
Lice is passed by all of the following EXCEPT:

a) combs & brushes

b) head to head contact

c) foot to mouth contact
he he he :)
Nits are:

a) mounds of lice

b) lice eggs

c) silvery white teardrop shaped close to the scalp

d) B & C
lice eggs & are silvery white teardrop shaped usually found close to the scalp
DDST-Denver Developmental Screening Test consists of four areas:
a) cultural; academic; socioeconomic; psychosocial
b) academic; physiological; psychosocial; psychological
c) personal; adaptive; motor; social;
d) personal/social; fi
personal/social; fine motor/adaptive; language; gross motor
Instrument used to visualize the tympanic membrane

a) stethoscope

b) oroscope

c) otoscope

d) otometer
Fluid in the ear, looks like bubbles on the eardrum & may cause muffled hearing, crackling, popping, pressure:

a) otitis media

b) serous otitis

c) otitis externa

d) serous media
serous otitis
Fluid in the middle ear is:

a) otitis media
b) serous otitis
c) otitis externa
d) serous media
otitis media
Otitis media:

a) fluid in the middle ear

b) outer ear infection

c) causes muffled hearing

d) outer ear infection
fluid in the middle ear
Otitis externa is characterized by:

a) fluid in the ear

b) looks like bubbles on the eardrum

c) muffled hearing, crackling, popping, pressure

d) pain when pressure is applied on the tragus
pain when pressure is applied on the tragus

(outer ear infection)
An irritation caused by the injection of louse saliva:

a) nits
b) ecchymiosis
c) errythemia
d) pruitis
Symptoms of lice in a child may present:

a) silvery white shapes close to the head

b) pruitis

c) swollen lymph nodes

d) nits behind ears, nape of the neck, crown of the head
all are correct
Female lice can lay:

a) 50 nits a month

b) 100 nits a month

c) 150 nits a month

d) 500 nits a month
150 nits a month
The lifespan of lice is:

a) 3 days
b) 1 week
c) 2 weeks
d) 1 month
1 month
Nits hatch in:

a) 1-3 days

b) 1-7 days

c) 8-12 days

d) 1 month
8-12 days
Conditions for lice are:

a) feed on blood every three to six hours

b) can survive 15-20 hours without a blood meal

c) lay 3-6 eggs every 24 hours, usually at night

d) need 82 degree and 70% humidity
all are correct
The female matures & begins to lay eggs:

a) as soon as hatched
b) 1 day after reaching adulthood
c) 2 days after reaching adulthood
d) 1 week after reaching adulthood
2 days after reaching adulthood
2 days after reaching adulthood, Lice will lay:

a) 3-6 eggs every hour

b) 3-6 eggs every 8 hours

c) 3-6 eggs every 12 hours

d) 3-6 eggs every 24 hours
3-6 eggs every 24 hours
What is the General rule of thumb when planning a pediatric assessment?
do everything that you can standing, then sitting, then lying
Least intrusive to most !intrusive
What would you assess first on a toddler?

a) chest auscultation
b) abdominal palpation
c) otoscopic exam
d) oral
1st- Chest auscultation; the least intrusive choice;
2nd-abdominal is more intrusive
3rd-most intrusive is otoscope and oral examination
For an ear assessment, if the child is 3 years old or less:

a) pull pinna up

b) pull pinna down
pull pinna down
For an ear assessment of an adult:

a) pull pinna up

b) pull pinna down
pull pinna up
If the child is upset or crying during an ear assessment:

a) have parent or child immobilize child to continue exam
b) pre-medicate with short term anesthesia
c) remember the TM may become red due to increase blood flow from crying
remember the TM may become red due to increase blood flow from crying
During a pediatric ear exam:

a) Look at pinna & palpate for lesions & tenderness
b) palpate lymph nodes preauricular & postauricular for tenderness & enlargement
c) discharge or inflammation
d) wrestler with a he
all are correct
In an ear assessment:

a) observe placement of pinna
b) observe ear size & position
c) assess while patient is facing you
d) imagine a line between the eye’s outer canthus & ear pinna
all are correct
In an ear assessment imagine a line between the eye’s outer canthus & the pinna:
a) a deviation should not be observed
b) should not be a deviation of more than 10 degrees
c) should not be a deviation of more than 20 degrees
should not be a deviation of more than 10 degrees
When conducting an otoscope exam all of the following should be implemented EXCEPT:

a)use smallest speculum possible
b) hold the handle up
c) brace your hand against the head to prevent injury
d) straighten ear canal by pulling
Choose smallest speculum possible


always select the LARGEST speculum that will fit into the canal
In an otoscope assessment the malleus can be seen at about:

a) 1:00
b) 5:00
c) 7:00
d) 11:00
Assessment of TM in otoscope exam should reveal:

a) TM appears pearly grey
b) may see a “cone of light”
c) may see a “piece of pie”
d) TM in L-ear will be 7:00
e) TM in R-ear will be 5:00
all are correct
Relief for acute serous otitis media is all of the following EXCEPT:

a) chew gum
b) yawn
c) swallow w/ nose pinched
d) blow with nose & mouth closed
blow with nose & mouth closed
During scoliosis exam, the nurse observes 5 Cafe Ole spots on the patient.

a) indicate basal cell carcinoma

b) unusual but not abnormal

c) indicates neurofibromatosis

d) indicates child has excessive intake o
this finding is indicative of neurofibromatosis
During scoliosis exam, the nurse observes a hairy patch on the spinal cord:

a) basal cell carcinoma
b) indicates heuritism
c) indicates neurofibromatosis
d) indicates spina bifida
indicates spina bifida
The nurse observes dimpling in a localized area of the spinal cord:

a) indicates subarachnoid hematoma
b) indicates polyomyelitis
c) indicates neurofibromatosis
d) indicates spina bifida
indicates spina bifida
The nurse observes a 10 degree curve using a scoliometer. The nurse knows:

a) this is an acceptable deviation
b) curvature must be 20 degrees or more for a referral
c) knows a 20 degree curvature is referred & 25 degree is treate
refers patient for reassessment in 1 year
During a scoliosis exam, the nurse observes freckels under the axilla. The nurse knows:

a) freckles are caused by overexposure to the sun
b) this is not abnormal
c) indicates spina bifida
d) sign of neurofibromatosis
sign of neurofibromatosis
In assessing an adolescent:
a) provide gown & privacy for changing clothes
b) cover areas of body not being assessed during exam
c) perform exam in private unless adolescent requests parent or sibling
d) provides chaperone when pa
all are correct
Bruises are common findings in all the following areas except:

a) knees
b) shins
c) shoulders
d) lower arms
When a skin color abnormality is suspected, the nurse should:

a) inspect the soles of feet

b) inspect the sclera of the eyes

c) inspect the buccal mucosa

d) inspect the tongue
inspect inspect the sclera of the eyes, buccal mucosa & the tongue
The nurse observes the child as excessivly warm when palpated and recognizes this as:

a) normal because the skin should be warm to the touch
b) a sign of fever
c) a sign of inflammation
a sign of fever &/ or a sign of inflammation
The nurse observes the child as cool when palpated and recognizes this as:

a) normal because the skin should be cool to the touch
b) a sign of cold exposure
c) a sign of hyperthermia
d) a sign of shock
normal because the skin should be cool to the touch
The nurse observes the child's skin as abnormally cool when palpated & recognizes this as:

a) normal because the skin should be cool to the touch
b) a sign of cold exposure
c) a sign of hyperthermia
d) a sign of shock
sign of cold exposure, a sign of shock
When palpating the childs skin, the nurse detects an abnormality in texture & knows all of the following are true EXCEPT:
a) this is normal due to hormonal changes taking place
b) abnormalities in texture are associated w/endocrine disorder
this is normal due to hormonal changes taking place
The nurse observes that the child is sweating excessivly without exertion & knows this indicates:

a) the child is overweight
b) excessive caffiene intake
c) fever
d) uncorrected heart defect

c) the child
fever &/or uncorrected heart defect
The nurse pinches a small amount of skin on the abdomen of a child & observes poor turgor & knows this:

a) indicates poor nutrition
b) indicates an endocrine disorder
c) is a sign of a potential pulmonary defect
d) dehyd
Acute otitis externa is:

a) inflammation of the pinna
b) infection of the external ear canal
c) inflammation of the external ear canal
d) inflammation of the tempanic membrane
inflammation of the external ear canal
Dry scaley skin on the external ear or in the auditory canal indicates:

a)endocrine disorders

b) chronic dehydration

c) diabetes

d) psoriases or seborrhea
psoriases or seborrhea
Hard nodules or calculi on the auricle rim or outside the opening of the external auditory canal is associated with:

a) gouty tophi

b) chronic sinusitis

c) pulmony disorder

d) renal disorder
gouty tophi
Observation of low set ears is usually associated with:

a) congenital heart disease

b) Down's syndrome

c) renal disorders

d) b & c
Down's syndrome & renal disorders
If signs of inflammation or obstruction are present before an otoscopic exam:

a) gently pull pinna down & quickly inspect w/otoscope
b) use a Q-tip to manipulate obstruction out of the canal
c)lubricate canal w/water soluble gel
do not insert the otoscope
When inspecting the TM the "cone of light" is:

a) a triangular reflection visible in the right lower quadrant of the left ear

b) a triangular reflection visible in the left lower quadrant of the left ear
a triangular reflection visible in the left lower quadrant of the left ear

(and the right lower quadrant of the right ear)
Reddened tympanic membrane w/ purlulent, foul smelling ear drainage suggets:

a) otitis media
b) otitis interna
c) otitis externa
d) serous otitis
otitis externa
Bulging, reddened, or perforated TM may be the result of:

a) acute otitis media
b) otitis interna
c) otitis externa
d) acute serous otitis
acute otitis media
Absence of the cone of light when inspecting the TM may be due to:

a) otitis media
b) otitis interna
c) otitis externa
d) serous otitis
otitis media

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