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Art 395 midterm


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Space, line, shape, form, color, value, and texture. The tools the artist works with to create an artwork.
Elements of Design
Balance, unity, contrast, rhythm, movement, repetition, and harmony. The techniques that artists use to organize or design artworks when working with the elements of design.
Principles of Design
A continuous mark made on a surface with a pointed tool.
Lines indicated indirectly at edges where two shapes meet or that are suggested by positioning several objects in a row.
Implied Line
Indicates areas between, around, above, below, or within something.
Method by which artists depict 3D space on a flat surface. The illusion of space can be achieved by overlapping shapes, making objects up close larger, putting details on closer objects, using brighter colors on closer objects, putting closer objects clo
Creating the illusion of depth by having parallel lines recede into the distance, converging at one or more vanishing points.
Linear Perspective
An enclosed space defined by elements of design such as line, color, value, etc. It is 2D and has only height and width while form is 3D and also encloses volume such as a cub or sphere.
Darkness or lightness of a color or object.
Surface quality of an object (perceived through touch).
The appearance of texture (usually it is drawn or painted to represent the actual texture of an object).
Simulated Texture
Texture you can feel.
Actual texture
The character of surfaces created by the response of vision to wavelengths of reflected light. 3 properties: hue, intensity, value
Name of a color
Purity of a color
Red, yellow, blue - make it possible to mix all other colors.
Primary colors
Orange, green, violet - made by mixing two primary colors.
Secondary colors
Produced by mixing a primary and its adjacent secondary color.
Intermediate colors
Reds, yellows, oranges (advance)
Warm colors
Blues, greens, violets (recede)
Cool colors
Grays (made by mixing pairs of complements)
Neutral colors
Colors adjacent on the color wheel
Analogous colors
Colors exactly opposite on the color wheel and are in extreme contrast. When mixed, they neutralize each other. When placed in close proximity, they appear their brightest.
Complementary colors
One color with its tints and shades.
Monochromatic color scheme
A color plus white
A color plus black
Combining the elements to produce the appearance of movement through repetition or progression of an element.
A sense of wholeness which results from a successful combination of the elements.
Principle of design referring to the arrangement of elements to create stability so that the picture looks equally weighted.
Each side is different yet looks balanced.
Asymmetrical balance
Both sides are identical
Symmetrical balance
Design based on a circle with the design radiating from the center.
Radial balance
Size relationship between parts of an object or between objects.
Using differences in the elements of a composition to offset unity and make it more interesting.
Differences between elements such as value or color
A condition in which elements fit together well (usually referring to the colors in a composition)
Philosophy of art that emphasizes the importance of structure (stressing the art elements and principles over other aspects such as realism)
Philosophy of art that states the most important reason for making art is to express an emotion or state a message.
Philosophy of art that stresses the importance of imitating or copying nature or the natural world.
Theory of perceiving and enjoying something for its beauty and pleasurable qualities.
Using the vocabulary of art to describe, interpret, or judge a work of art. Includes description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment.
Art criticism
The study of art, especially with regard to the ways it has existed through time (periods of art, periods of history, social context of art, styles of art, etc.)
Art history
Method of teaching visual art, using four disciplines of production, art criticism, aesthetics, and art history.

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