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The Renaissance


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Christian humanism
Emphasis on early Church writings that provided answers on how to improve society and reform the Church.
Republic of Florence
Cradle of the Renaissance. Medicis ruled. Starting point for Italian progress.
Wrote In Praise of Folly -- Criticized immorality and hypocrisy of Church leaders and the clergy. The book inspired renewed calls for reform, and influenced Martin Luther.
Jacob Burckhart
Claimed the Renaissance period was in distinct contrast to the Middle Ages.
Charles V
King of Spain during the Sack of Rome.
Isabella d'Este
"First lady" of the Renaissance. Founded a school for young women. Set and example for women to break away from their traditional roles as mere ornaments to their husbands.
The "father of hummanism." Considered the first modern writer. He was the first to use critical textual analysis to ancient taxes.
Sforza family
Ruled the Duchy of Milan after 1450.
A city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside.
His statue of David was the first of it's antiquity. First Renaissance artist to utilize a nude figure in sculpture.
Civic humanism
Idea that education should prepare leaders who would be active in civic affairs. Often, hummanism was more secular and lay dominated.
Medici family
Dominated the Republic of Florence.
Decameron is his most famous work. Consisted of 100 earthy tales that comprise a social commentary of 14th century Italy.
Baldassare Castiglione
The Book of the Courtier -- the most important work on Renaissaince education. Described the ideal of a "Renaissance man."
Sandro Botticelli
Painter of Birth of Venus. The painting is a good example of humanism as the subject is Venus, the Roman goddess of love
Fugger family
Significant in patronizing art of the Northern Renaissance.
Cosimo de' Medici
Allied with other powerful families of Florence and became unofficial ruler of the republic.
Lorenzo de' Medici (the Magnificent)
Significant patron of the arts. (son of Cosimo)
Machiavelli, The Prince
The quintessential political treatise of the 16th century.
Painter. Expulsion of Adam and Eve shows tremendous emotion; both figures are nude.
Reaction against the Renaissance ideals of balance, symmetry, simplicity and realistic use of color.
Revival of antiquity in philosohpy, literature and art. Focused on studying ancient languages: latinand greek. Strong beliefe in individualism and the great potential of human beings.
Il Duomo -- the largest dome in Europe at the time of it's constructions. He was considered the "father" of perspective.
Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote
Among the greatest of Spanish literature. Critical of excessive religious idealism chivalric romance.
Painted School of Athens -- it's a quintessential example of humanism. Plato and Aristotle are in the center of the painting.
3-d effects on a 2-dimensional surface.
Use of darm and light colors to create the illusion of depth.
Albrecht Durer
Foremost northern Renaissance artist. Mastered Italian Renaissance techniques of proportion, perspective, and modeling.
Francois Rabelais
Gargantua and Pantagruel -- attacked clerical education and monastic orders; championed secluar learning.
Pico Della Mirandola
Oration of the Dignity of Man -- the most famous Renaissance work on the nature of humankind. Humans were created by God and therefore given tremendous potential for greatness, and even union with God if they desired it.
Sack of Rome, 1527
Beginning of the Northern Renaissance. Symbolized the end of the Renaissance in Italy.
William Shakespeare
Greatest of the English Renaissance authors.
Northern Renaissance
Writings led to criticism of the church thus leading to the Reformation.
Leonardo da Vinci
Painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, writer, scientist. Painted Mona Lisa -- considered one of the greatest masterpieces in all of art history.
Italian Renaissance
The early period when Italy was the center of the Renaissance.
The quality of being a great man in whatever noble persuit.
"High Renaissance"
Centered in Rome. Classical balance, harmony, restraint.
Painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Did sculptures, David and Pieta. Designed the enormous dome atop St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican.
Papal States
Pops served both as religious and political leaders; controlled much of central Italy.
Thomas More
Utopia -- humanistic masterpiece. Mixes civic humanism with religious ideals to describe a perfect society located on an imaginary island. He sees the accumulation of property as a root cause for society's ills; a few have it--most don't.
Lorenzo Valla
Foremost expert on the latin language: Elegances on the Latin Language. One the False Donation of Constantine -- exposed the Donation of Constantine as an 8th century fraud, using textual criticism.
Greatest painter of the Venetian school. Use of vivid color and movement, in contrast to more subtle colors and static figure of the Florentine style.
Johann Gutenberg
The development of the movable type made possible the spread of humanistic literature to rest of Europe with astonishing speed.
Cesare Borgia
Son of Pope Alexander VI. Had ambitions of uniting Italy under his control.
El Greco
Greek artist who did most of his greatest work in Spain. Greatest of the Mannerists.
quattrocento, 1400s
Massive patronage for the arts came from wealthy merchant-families who commissioned countless works from the great artists.

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