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Chapter 15


undefined, object
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New religious order formed by Ignatius de Loyola
Leonardo da Vinci
He was an architect, painter, sculptor, and scientist; He painted "The Last Supper", and the "Mona Lisa"
"rebirth"; Was both a philosohical and artistic movement of the era of the 1300s, when that movement flourished
A painting technique to make paintings more lifelike
William Shakespeare
Leading literary figure of the time; wrote Hmalet, Macbeth, & Romeo & Juliet
People who specialized in the humanities (grammar, history, poetry, and rhetoric)
Isabella d'Este
Used her wealth to support artists and scholars; filled her palace with paintings and sculptors by the finest Renaissance artists
single, printed sheets
Henry VIII
The king who caused the break between England and the Roman Catholic church; called the Protestant Reformation
Council of Trent
Church leaders who met in Trent and defined the official church position on matters of doctorine
Flemish School
A group of painters who created theri own distinct style; These painters are credited with perfecting certain techniques of painting in oil on canvas
Painted frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican
The idea that at the beginning of time, God had decided who would be saved
Baldassare Castiglione
An Italian diplomat; In 1528 he published what was probably the most famous book of the Renaissance-"The Book of the Courtier"
People who converted to Calvanism
Martin Luther
Developed beliefs that later became called Lutheranism; posted his 95 theses about indulgences on a church door
Index of Forbidden Books
Method of combating heresy that was introduced by Pope Paul IV
Desiderius Erasmus
Felt that humanists had made Christianity less spiritual and argued for a return to the original, simple message of Jesus; His most famous book was "The Praise of Folly"
Johannes Gutenberg
1st European to use movable type to print books
standard of living
The measure of the quality of life; affected by many factors including environment, health, home life, income, and working conditions
John Calvin
Founded a Protestant Church in Switzerland; published a set of religious beliefs called "The Institutes of the Christian Religion"
A governemnt ruled by religios leaders who claimed God's authority
Niccolo Machiavelli
A Florentine diplomat and historian; wrote the essay "The Prince" in which he described government in the ways it actually worked
A religous movement that split the church in western Europe
Major reform effort ; an attempt to return the church to an emphasis on spiritual matters
His paininting "The Assumption of the Virgin" is known for its sense of drama and rich colors; One of the 1st painters to become wealthy form his work
Francesco Petrarch
One of the 1st humanists; His sonnets to laura, an imaginary woman are considered some of the greatest love poems in literature
Thomas More
He published "Utopia" in which he condemned governments as corrupt and argued that private ownership of property caused unnecessary conflicts between people
new religious groups that formed in Germany and Switzerland

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