Japans 432
undefined, object
copy deck
- shazai suru (謝罪する)
- to apologize, to beg pardon, to make an apology
- sharin (車輪)
- a wheel
- shiai (試合)
- a match, a game, a tournament
- shiageru (仕上げる)
- to finish, to complete, to get through
- shazaikōkoku o dasu (謝罪広告を出す)
- to publish an apology in a newspaper
- shashin o hikinobasu (写真を引き伸ばす)
- to enlarge a photograph
- shian ni kureru (思案に暮れる)
- to be lost in thought, to be at a loss
- shi (シ)
- [Music.] si
- sharyō (車両)
- vehicles, cars, [鉄道の] the rolling stock
- shiagaru (仕上がる)
- to be finished, to be ready
- shiagatta (仕上がった)
- finished, completed
- sharei suru (謝礼する)
- to reward, to remunerate, to pay a fee
- shateigai ni (射程外に)
- out of range
- shashi (斜視)
- a squint (eye)
- shashi no (斜視の)
- squint, cross-eyed, squint-eyed
- shashindensō (写真電送)
- facsimile
- shazaikōkoku (謝罪広告)
- an apology in a newspaper
- shi (詩)
- [Generally] poetry, verse, a poem
- shiage (仕上げ)
- finish, completion, finishing touches
- shateinai ni (射程内に)
- within range
- shashinban (写真版)
- a photogravure, a phototype
- shasetsu (社説)
- an editorial, a leader
- shi ni itarashimeru (死に至らしめる)
- to cause [a person's] death, to cause [a person] to die
- shiai o suru (試合をする)
- to have a match/game
- shǐ shǐ (しっしっ)
- Hush!, Silence!; Shoo!
- shi o itamu (死を悼む)
- to mourn over a person's death
- shareru (洒落る)
- to joke, to make a joke, to pun; to be smartly dressed, to dress up
- shashin'ya (写真屋)
- a photo studio [-> 写真館]
- shasei (写生)
- sketching, a sketch
- shi no (市の)
- city, municipal
- shayōsangyō (斜陽産業)
- a declining industry
- shiagari (仕上がり)
- finish, completion, the result
- shasen (斜線)
- an oblique line, a virgule, a slanting bar, a slash
- oshare (お洒落)
- a dandy
- shazetsu suru (謝絶する)
- to refuse, to decline
- shi (市)
- a city, a town, a municipality
- shashin o toru (写真をとる)
- (to take a) photograph, to have a photograph taken
- shashinkan (写真館)
- a photo studio [-> 写真屋]
- shashinshokujiki (写真植字機)
- a photocomposer
- shasen (車線)
- a lane
- shateki (射的)
- target practice, shooting
- shashin (写真)
- a photograph, a photo, a picture, photography
- shayō de (社用で)
- on the business of the company
- shian (私案)
- one's private plan
- shareta (洒落た)
- witty, humorous, stylish, smart
- shattoauto suru (シャットアウトする)
- to shut out
- shashinfukusha (写真複写)
- a photocopy, a photostat
- shasō (社葬)
- a company-sponsored funeral
- shasei suru (写生する)
- to sketch, to paint/draw from life
- shasei (射精)
- ejaculation
- shian (思案)
- meditation, consideration
- shashin o genzō suru (写真を現像する)
- to develop a film
- shian ni amaru (思案に余る)
- to be at one's wit's end
- shatekijō (射的場)
- a rifle range, a shooting gallery
- shasuru (謝する)
- to apologize, to beg one's pardon, to thank
- shian (試案)
- a temptative plan
- shiai ni deru (試合に出る)
- to take part in a game
- shashu (射手)
- a marksman, a shooter
- shashi (奢侈)
- luxury, extravagance
- shian (シアン)
- [Chem.] cyanogen
- sharyōtsūkōdome (車両通行止)
- No Thoroughfare For Vehicles
- daishi no (第四の)
- the fourth
- shiai o mōshikomu (試合を申し込む)
- to challenge
- shashinchō (写真帳)
- an album
- shashinshokuji (写真植字)
- photocomposition
- shattoauto (シャットアウト)
- shutting out; [Baseball] a shutout
- shatei (射程)
- a (shooting) range
- shi (師)
- a teacher, a master
- shashin o yakitsukeru (写真を焼きつける)
- to print a photograph
- shasatsu suru (射殺する)
- to shoot dead
- shi (死)
- death, decease, [Baseball] out
- shataku (社宅)
- a company's house
- shashutsu suru (射出する)
- to emit, to shoot out, to radiate
- shatai (車体)
- the body, [自転車の] the frame
- share ga umai (洒落がうまい)
- to be a good punster
- sharei (謝礼)
- a remuneration, a reward, [医師の] a fee
- shashinka (写真家)
- a photographer
- shian suru (思案する)
- to think, to consider, to meditate
- shazetsu (謝絶)
- denial, refusal
- shasei suru (射精する)
- to ejaculate
- shiai ni makeru (試合に負ける)
- to lose a game
- shatsu (シャツ)
- an undershirt, a vest, a shirt
- shashinki (写真機)
- a camera
- shiankōgai (シアン公害)
- cyanide pollution
- shasai (社債)
- a debenture, a bond
- shiai ni katsu (試合に勝つ)
- to win a game
- shiasatte (明々後日)
- two days after tomorrow, three days hence
- shazai (謝罪)
- an apology
- shi (史)
- history, a history
- shashu (社主)
- the proprietor [of a firm]
- shashō (車掌)
- a conductor, a conductress, [列車の] a guard
- shi no hai (死の灰)
- atomic dust, radioactive fallout
- shi o kessuru (死を決する)
- to prepare for death
- shi (四)
- four
- shayō (斜陽)
- the setting sun