College Chem
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- Nuclear Fission
- the splitting of a large nucleus such as U-235 into smaller ones with the release of energy
- Chain reaction
- a reaction that becomes self-sustaining. For example nuclear fission become a chain reaction under certain conditions
- Critical mass
- the amount of fissionable fuel required to sustain a chain reaction
- Primary coolant
- a liquid that come in direct contact with a nuclear reactor to carry away heat
- Moderator
- a material that slows the speed of the neutrons in nuclear reactor making them more effective in causing fission
- Secondary coolant
- the water in steam generator that does not come in contact with the reactor
- Enriched uranium
- uranium that has a higher percent of U-235 than .7% the natural abundance
- Gaseous diffusion
- a process in which a gas is forced through a series of permeable membranes to separate molecule of different masses
- Depleted uranium (DU)
- uranium (U-238) that has been depleted of the small amount of U-235 that it once naturally contained
- Half-life
- for a particular radioisotope the time required for the level of radioactivity to fall to one-half of its value
- High-level radioactive waste (HLW)
- nuclear waste with high levels of radioactivity. HLW requires essentially permanent isolation form the biosphere because of the long half-lives of the radioisotopes involved. It consists of the radioactive materials that result from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel
- Low-level radioactive waste (LLW)
- waste such as clothing, shoes, filters, or medical equipment that is contaminated with smaller quantities of radioactive material than HLW contains. This category specifically excludes spent nuclear fuel
- Spent nuclear Fuel (SNF)
- the radioactive material remaining in fuel rods after they have been used to generate power in a nuclear reactor
- Breeder reactor
- a type of nuclear reactor that created new fissionable fuels (e.g., Pu-239) while the current fissionable fuel of the reactor (U-235) undergoes fission
- Radioactivity
- the spontaneous emission of radiation by certain radioisotopes, such as C-14 or I-131
- Alpha particle
- (α) a positively charged (+2) particle that consist of the nucleus of helium atom-two protons and two neutrons
- Beta particle
- (β) a high speed electron emitted from a nucleus
- Gamma ray
- (γ) high energy, short wavelength photons that may be emitted form the nucleus during the process during the process of nuclear decay
- Radioisotope
- a radioactive isotope of an element
- Radioactive decay series
- a characteristic pathway of radioactive decay that begins with a heavier isotope such as U-238 and ends with a stable isotope such as Pb-206
- Background radiation
- the average daily amount of radiation to which we each are exposed. The amount of background radiation depends on location
- Curie (Ci)
- a measure of radioactivity equivalent to the number of decays per second from one gram of radium
- Rad(radiation absorbed dose)
- a unit of radiation that indicated the absorption of 0.01 J of radiant energy per kilogram of tissue
- Rem (roentgen equivalent man)
- a unit of equivalent dose that indicated the damage done by a particular dose of radiation. A rem is the number of rads multiplied by the quality factor Q
- Sievert (Sv)
- a unit of equivalent dose equal to 100 rem
- Greenhouse Gases
- gases that are capable of absorbing and reemitting infrared radiation to the atmosphere
- Greenhouse effect
- the process by which atmospheric gases trap and return a major portion of the heat (infrared radiation) radiated by the earth
- Enhanced greenhouse effect
- often used to refer to an energy return of greater than 81%
- Quantized
- only certain energy levels are permitted; a noncontinuous energy distribution that consist of many individual, or discrete, steps
- Atomic mass (atomic weight)
- the mass of an atom expressed relative to a value of exactly 12 for an atom of C-12
- Avogadro’s number
- the number of atoms in exactly 12g of C-12 (6.02 X 10^23); also the number of particle per mole of substance such as covalently bonded molecule
- Mole
- Avogadro’s number of particles being specified
- Molar mass (molecular weight)
- the mass of one mole, or Avogadro’s number, of whatever particles are being specified
- Anaerobic bacteria
- bacteria that thrive without the use of molecular oxygen
- Global warming potential(GWP)
- a number that represents the relative contribution of a molecule of the indicated substance to global warming
- Work
- the form of energy describing movement against a restraining force; equal to the force multiplied by the distance over which the motion occurs
- Energy
- Capacity to do work
- Heat
- the energy that flows for m hotter to a colder object
- Temperature
- the property that determined the direction of heat flow
- Calorie (kcal) calorie (cal)
- the unity used in nutrition 1 cal = 1 kcal = 4.184 kJ
- First law of thermodynamics
- the principle that energy is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction; also called the law of conservation of energy
- Potential energy
- the form of energy related to the position of atoms and molecular structure and stored in chemical bonds
- Kinetic energy
- the energy of motion
- Thermal energy
- the random motion of molecules
- Second law of thermodynamics
- the principle that states that it is impossible to completely convert heat into work without making some other changes in the universe
- Entropy
- randomness or disorder in position or energy
- Combustion
- rapid combination of oxygen with a substance (e. g. fuel) to form products
- Exothermic
- describes any chemical or physical change that releases heat
- Endothermic
- describes any chemical or physical change that absorbs heat
- Heat of combustion
- the quantity of heat energy given off when a specified amount of substance burns in oxygen
- Bond energy
- amount of energy that must be absorbed to break a specific chemical bond
- Activation energy
- the energy necessary to initiate a reaction
- Hydrocarbons
- compound of hydrogen and carbon
- Alkanes
- a hydrocarbon with only single bonds between carbons
- Distillation
- a purification or separation process in which a solution is heated to it’s boiling point and the vapors are condensed and collected
- Cracking
- chemical process by which large molecules are broken into smaller ones suitable to be used in gasoline.
- Catalytic cracking
- a process by which catalysts are used to promote molecular breakdown at lower temperatures than those used in thermal cracking
- Thermal cracking
- the heating of starting material to a high temperature
- Isomer
- molecules with the same chemical formula ( same number and kinds of atoms) but different molecular structures and properties
- Oxygenated gasoline
- blends of petroleum-derived hydrocarbon with oxygen-containing compounds such as MTBE, ethanol, or methanol
- Reformulated gasoline (RGFs)
- an oxygenated gasoline that contains a lower percentage of certain more volatile hydrocarbons such as benzene found in conventional gasoline
- Biomass
- material produced by biological processes
- Mixture
- A physical combination of two or more substances that may be present in variable amounts,substances retain their identity,may be separated by ordinary physical means
- Pure substance
- matter consisting of only one identifiable substance,cannot be separated by ordinary physical means – you have to change the identity of the substance to break it down further (chemical means)
- Element
- pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler ones by any chemical means (carbon, gold, copper, oxygen, nitrogen, silicon)
- Compound
- pure substance made up of two or more elements in a fixed, characteristic chemical combination (water, carbon dioxide, calcium carbonate)
- Pure substances
- are distinguished from one another by their properties
- Physical properties
- can be determined without changing the identity of the substance (color, phase at 25oC, density)
- Chemical properties
- have to be determined by changing the identity of the substance (i. e. by chemical means: e. g. how elements combine to form compounds or whether a substance burns in air or not)
- smallest unit of an element that can exist as a stable, independent entity
- two or more elements in fixed chemical combination
- Chemical Formulas
- Symbolic way to represent the elementary composition of a pure substance
- Diatomic Elements
- is a molecule composed of two atoms is the elementary particle,H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
- Volatile
- readily vaporized (passes into the vapor phase)
- Catalyst
- chemical substance that influences the speed of a chemical reaction without being changed itself
- Risk assessment
- Evaluation of scientific data and making predictions in an organized manner about the probabilities of occurrence
- allotropes
- two or more forms of the same element that differ in their properties due to differences in molecular structure or crystal structure