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Holocaust Test


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Reinhard Heydrich
made the final solution
Hans Frank
governor of Nazi-occupied Poland
IVB-4 (4B-4)
system to make sure all the trains and stuff ran smoothly, and on time. made sure they had all the cattle cars and everything they needed.
concentration camps
where they sent the Jews during the Holocaust. There were many of them throughout Europe. some were just concentration camps and others were death camps. these were all used in the process of exterminating the jews
large warehouse in Auschwitz that held the belongings of the Jews who had been gassed
underground fighters. used gorilla attacks. killed leaders, destroyed things
Nuremburg Rallies
(sorry i forgot to ask...ill find it somewhere)
Yittish word for Holocaust
concentration camp. was a model camp. when health people were coming to look at the camps, the Nazis would bring them here because they kept their "slaves" in the best condition. they had health care, clothing, and more food.
everybody should be aryan. Jews were fired from their jobs and expelled from school.
useless eaters
all inferior people- Jews, Gypsies, Prisoners of War...ext.
Jews that worked in the killing centers of the camps. had the dirtiest jobs. fed well. killed quickly. usually were the ones to take the dead bodies out of the gas chambers and put them into the crematoria.
Reichstag Fire
the Reichstag building was set on fire. Hitler blamed the communists. started the anti-communist belief. Nazis set out to kill all communists
special treatment
this was what they did to the "incurably sick". called it special treatment so it sounded better. (sent them to doctors who would later kill them- Operation T4)
Wilhelm Marr
author. wrote The Triumph of Jewry Over Germanism. marked a change in the history of Jewish persecution. made the term "anti- semitism"
Joseph Mengele
"Dr." Was one of the people who determined the fate of the Jews just by telling them to go to the left or the right. said to be a machine that just moved its finger. had no expression
S.A (Sturmabteilungen)
storm troopers. private Nazi army seperate from government armies. called the "Brownshirts". Lead by Ernst Roehm
General Lendendorff
important in WWI. involved in the Beer Hall Putsch. gave Hitler respectabilty
Heinrich Himmler
head of SS. could only respond to Hitler. had almost unlimited power
Munich Pact
agreement between Britain, France, Germany, and Italy. Sudetenland was taken from Nazi Germany. Happened on september 29, 1938
Rudolf Hoess
Auschwitz commander. (may be more, but i dont think so...?)
National Origins Act
set up a quota system regarding the immigrants that came from other countries. this ended up being the quota during the war.
Jews were moved from their homes in the ghettos to the concentration camps. the Nazis told many lies and used tricks to get the Jews to believe that they were being moved to a better place. some Jews hid to avoid being resettled.
euthanasia program
the doctors killed the "incurably sick" because they were though to be inferior, and damaging to the race
Jewish Problem
too many Jews, not enough food to go around, not enough housing to hold them

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