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Willa Cather Bonanza


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What was Willa Cather's first published novel?
Alexander's Bridge (1912)
Which work of Willa Cather's gave her the Pulitzer Prize for fiction?
One of Ours (1922)
How did Willa Cather arrive to UNL?
As William Cather, her male twin.
Who did Willa Cather condemn in Lincoln, NE's Journal?
Oscar Wilde.
What was Willa Cather's first published work?
A poetry collection, April Twilights (1903)
What was The Troll Garden?
A short story collection.
What does Willa Cather have to do with McClure's Magazine? (!?)
She was the editory from 1906-1912.
What is Ms. Cather's full name, and where was she born?
Willa Sibert Cather, and Back Creek County, Virginia.
Where does the Cather family originate?
Her ancestors came from Ireland to Pennsylvania in the 1750's.
Why did Willa's family move to Nebraska?
To join Willa's parents, William and Caroline, and her uncle George.
When does the Cather family move from Webster County, NE to Red Cloud?
1884, one year after moving to Webster County.
Who is the muse for the literary character Antonia in My Antonia?
Annie Sadilek.
What short story, published in a Boston magazine, later becomes part of My Antonia?
What does Ms. Cather do after she graduates UNL?
She moves to Pittsburgh to edit "Home Monthly", make reviews for "Pittsburgh Leader", and teach English and Latin in Pittsburgh high schools.
What did Willa Cather win for Death Comes for the Archbishop?
(1930) Howells Medal for the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters
What did Ms. Cather win in 1932 for distinguished literary accomplishment?
Prix Femina Americaine
Where did Ms. Cather receive honorary degrees?
University of Nebraska, University of Michigan, University of California, Columbia University, Yale University, Princeton, and Creighton.
Who did Willa Cather live with for 39 years?
Edith Lewis
When and where did Ms. Cather graduate high school?
Red Cloud High School, 1890.
In her visit to the Southwest, what was Ms. Cather facinated with?
Anasazi cliff dwellings.
Up until A Lost Lady, what were Ms. Cather's novels focused on?
The destruction of provincial life and the death of the pioneering tradition.
At the time of her death, what did Ms. Cather order?
She ordered to have her letters burned.
Where is Ms. Cather buried?
New Hampshire.
What family placing was Willa Cather?
She was the eldest of seven children.
What book would a "coming change between cultures" represent?
My Antonia.
When did Ms. Cather publish The Song of the Lark?
What is Ms. Cather's birthplace now named?
Back Creek Valley is now Gore, Virginia.
What sort of people did Willa Cather grow up around?
She grew up among immigrants of Europe, mostly from Scandinavia.
As a teenager, what was strange about Ms. Cather?
SHe would dress in men's clothing and signed her name "William Cather, Jr.", and later "Dr. Will"
What accomplishment did Cather achieve at fifteen?
She was in charge of the local newspaper for three months.
In Red Cloud, what activities did Ms. Cather participate in?
She was active in the community theater, and preferred male roles.
What theme did her later works incorporate?
disillusionment with the industrial world
When was Ms. Cather born?
December 7th, 1873.
When was Ms. Cather inducted in the National Women's Hall of Fame?
When Ms. Cather was inducted into the NWHF, what was her achievement in?
When did Ms. Cather move to New York to be editor to McClure's magazine?
Who did Ms. Cather travel Europe with?
Isabella McClung.
Who is an inspiration for Ms. Cather's later works?
Sarah Orne Jewett.
When does Ms. Cather meet Sarah Orne Jewett?
Where does Ms. Cather befriend Sarah Orne Jewett?
New Hampshire
Who is Ms. Sarah Orne Jewett?
A regional writer from New Hampshire that inspired Ms. Cather's later works.
What is Ms. Cather's second short story collection, and when is it published?
Youth and the Bright Medusa, 1920.
In Pittsburg, what high school does Ms. Cather teach at?
Central High School.
What is the essay collection Ms. Cather published called, and when was it published?
Not Under Forty, 1936.
What was the last book Ms. Cather published before her death?
Sapphira and the Slave Girl, 1938.
What happens in 1922 that alters her literary focus considerably?
Ms. Cather joins the Episcopal church.
When is A Lost Lady published?
What book does this quote come from: "He had seen the end of an era, the sunset of the pioneer."?
A Lost Lady
Where does Ms. Cather consider was the "birthplace" for her writing career?
Where did Ms. Cather's musical knowledge come from?
Isabella, Cather's Europe travel companion, married a musician, Jan Hambourg.
Where was Cather the head of the English department?
Allegheny High School, 1901, in Pittsburgh.
Where was her first, "important" writing published?
Cosmopolitan magazine.
What did Cather call Pittsburgh?
the "city of steel"
Who were Ms. Cather's parents?
Charles Fectigue Cather and Mary Virginia Boak.
Who were Ms. Cather's siblings?
Roscoe, Douglass, Jessica, James, Elsie, and Jack.
Who submits Ms. Cather's essay on Carlyle, which appears in the Nebraska State Journal, without her knowledge?
Ebenezer Hunt.
When do both her essays on Carlyle and Hamlet appear in the Nebraska State Journal?
March and November, 1891.
What is "Peter", and where is it published?
her first published work of fiction, and The Mahogany Tree.
Who is "Peter" submitted by?
Ms. Cather's teacher, Professor Herbert Bates.
What is Ms. Cather's first published poetry?
"Shakespeare: A Freshman Theme"
Where is Ms. Cather's first published poetry published in?
A student newspaper, The Hesperian.
When does Ms. Cather first travel to Chicago and see a week of opera?
November, 1893.
When is Willa Cather's youngest brother born?
Fall 1892.
When does Ms. Cather meet author Stephen Crane, and what does he write?
February, 1895, and Red Badge of Courage.
When does Ms. Cather contribute drama criticisms to the Pittsburgh Leader?
October through November 1896.
What is her review on November 24th signed as (to the Pittsburgh Leader)?
When does Ms. Cather travel to London/begin work on Alexander's Bridge?
May 1910.
In 1907, who does Ms. Cather write about in Boston?
Mary Baker Eddy.
Who does Ms. Cather introduce herself to in Spring 1920?
Alfred A. Knopf.
What is the significance of introducing herself to Alfred A. Knopf?
They will have a publishing partnership that will last 27 years.
What does Ms. Cather read that formulates soon to be A Lost Lady?
She reads a copy of the Red Cloud newspaper about the death of Lyra Anderson, wife of former Governer Garber.
When does Lyra Anderson, the Lost Lady muse, die?
April 1921
Where does Ms. Cather spend three weeks teacheing in July 1922?
Bread Loaf School in Middlebury, Vermont.
What does Ms. Cather's father die of?
A heart attack
When does Ms. Cather's father die?
March 1928.
When does Ms. Cather travel to Quebec, and what is this significance?
June 1928, and it is the genesis for Shadows on the Rock.
How many more times does Ms. Cather visit Quebec before finishing Shadows on the Rock?
What does Ms. Cather's mother die of?
a stroke.
When does Ms. Cather's mother die?
December 1928, while in California.
When does Ms. Cather's brother Douglass die? What is strange about this?
He does in June 1938. She is so devestated that she doesn't attend the funeral.
What does Ms. Cather's brother, Douglass, die of?
A heart attack.
When does Isabelle Hambourg die?
October 1938.
Why does Willa Cather write "There seems to be no future at all for people of my generation" in her diary?
World War II broke out in France.
When does her brother Roscoe die?
What is the significance of her brother Roscoe dying?
She and Roscoe always kept in close contact, and his death broke the link to her past.
What does Ms. Cather die of?
A massave cerebral hemorrhage.
What does Ms. Cather's headstone read?
December 7, 1876 - April 24, 1947


"...that is happiness; to be dissolved
into something complete and great."
From My Ántonia
What age was Ms. Cather when she died?
Where in New Hampshire was Ms. Cather buried?
Jaffrey, NH.
When does Ms. Cather receive an honorary degree from Princeton?
June 1931.
When is the Cather family reunion in Red Cloud?
December 1931.
When and where does Ms. Cather give lectures?
Bowdoin College, the University of Chicago, and Cleveland in August 1925.
When does Ms. Cather receive her honorary degree from the University of Nebraska?
June 1917.
When does Ms. Cather have her tonsils removed?
Winter 1921.
What happens after Ms. Cather's tonsils are removed?
She hemorrhages badly and becomes very ill.
Where does Ms. Cather recuperate after her tonsils are removed?
Wernersville, PA.
When does Ms. Cather return to Red Cloud for Thanksgiving/ her parents' 50th wedding anniversary?
November 1922.
When, in summer, did Ms. Cather come down with grippe, and for how long?
Summer 1898, for six weeks.
In June, 1890, what happens at Ms. Cather's high school?
She graduates, giving the commencement address "Superstition vs. Investigation."
Where does this quote come from: "Human love was a wonderful thing, he told himself, and it was most wonderful where it had least to gain."
One of Ours.

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