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- What does NPK stand for in fertilizers?
- nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
- Cutting forage earlier and more often can help to.... while maintaining quality
- boost yields
- What is the largest cost in producing livestock?
- feed
- What are prices determined by?
- supply and demand
- What is the budget?
- a plan for estimated expenses, income and returns
- Define assests
- anything owned or recievable that has exchange value
- Name a belted breed of dog
- hampshire
- If a horse is well balanced, how much longer is his bottom line in relation to his top line?
- twice as long
- When evaluating market animals, where is the best place to look to determine muscularity?
- forearm or stifle
- If a horse is 15 hands tall, how tall is he in inches?
- 60 inches
- Where is the National Western Stock Show held?
- Denver, Colorado
- What is the average rib eye area of a market lamb?
- 2.5 square inches
- What is the gestation lenght of a cow?
- 283 days
- What 2 breeds are crossed to produce what is called a black baldy?
- hereford and angus
- What do you call a casturated male pig?
- barrow
- What is a stag?
- A steer that had started to develope secondary sex characteristics before casterated
- What is a female pig called before she has pglets?
- gilt
- At what weight does a pig become a hog?
- 180 lbs.
- Think of a 1100 lb. mature cow. What % of her body weight will she eat per day?
- 2-3%
- What is the purpose of a chin-ball marker on a gomer bull?
- To identify females in heat
- What are the 5 of the 6 essential nutrients?
- water, carbs, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals
- What are the 4 soluble vitamins?
- A, D, E, K
- What is the gestation length of swine?
- 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, or 114 days
- What is the major health concern in feed lots?
- acidiosis or feed engorgement
- Where is the poll located on the sheep?
- Top of the head
- What are the top 4 quality grades of beef?
- prime, choice, select, standard
- How many yeilds of beef are there?
- 5
- Which breed of cattle have red, white, or roan color pattern?
- shorthorn
- What mineral shot is required but pigs soon after birth?
- iron
- What is the most common limiting amino acid in swine nutrition?
- lysine
- What is the minimum # of teats per side a gilt should have before considering her for a replacement?
- 6
- What are the muscle scores of swine carcasses?
- 1, 2, 3
- Which breed of sheep is noted for having an extremely fine grading fleece?
- merino
- Where is the rack located on a sheep?
- on the back directly behind the shoulder
- What is the major factor affecting the immune system?
- stress
- What is the national FFA dues?
- 5 dollars
- What are the official colors of the National FFA organization?
- corn gold and national blue
- What is the motto of the National FFA Organization?
- Learning to do, doing to learn, earning to live, living to serve
- What is the salute of the National FFA Organization?
- The pledge of allegiance
- Who wrote the FFA creed, and at what convention was it adopted?
- E.M. Tiffany, 3rd National Convention
- How long is a hank?
- 560 yards
- How long is the gestation period of ewes?
- 5 months
- Which breed uses the slogan "America's Most Versatile Horse"?
- The Quarter Horse
- What distinguishes a horse as beinga bay?
- black mane, tail, and black points
- Where is the National FFA Center located?
- Indianapolis, Indiana
- Under waht Act of !917 were courses in VOcational Agriculture established?
- Smith Hughes
- What are the 4 degrees of membership in the FFA?
- Greenhand, Chapter, State, and American
- What are the 4 types of membership in the FFA?
- Active, collegiate, alumni, honorary
- When was the FFA organized?
- 1928
- Who is recognized as the father of FFA?
- Henry Groseclose
- What year did the FFA recieve it's federal charter?
- 1950
- When did Colorado recieve its charter?
- 1929
- What year was the FFA Foundation started?
- 1944
- What year was the National FFA magazine started?
- 1952
- What year did the FFA and NFA merge?
- 1965
- What year were girls allowed into the FFA for the first time?
- 1969
- Who is the State FFA advisor?
- Kenton Oshner
- Who is the stat FFA executive secretary?
- Ernie Gill
- Who is the national FFA advisor?
- Larry Case
- Who is the national FFA executive secretary?
- C. Coleman Harris
- In the year 2000, where is the National FFa convention held and during what month?
- Louisville, Kentucky in Oct.
- Where id the National FFA foundation located?
- Madison, WI
- When was the National FFA Alumni Association established?
- 1971
- Who was the first Star Farmer of America, and what state was he from?
- Carlton Patton, Arkansas
- What are the four types of voting?
- voice, show of hands or standing, roll call, or secret ballot
- What is the purpous of using Parlimentarian Procedure during a meeting?
- to keep the meeting in order and running smoothly
- Why was Parlimentary procedure designed and who's right does it protect?
- To insure the rights of the majoriety and protect the rights of the minority
- Name 3 of 6 types of SAEP?
- supervised farming, farm placement, cooperative work experience program, exploratory, improvement projects, supplement frm practices
- Proficiency awards are based on a students...
- When writing a farming agreement, what person should the agreement be written in?
- 3rd person
- What is an asset?
- It is proporty owned that has value
- What is liability?
- It is the outstanding amount a person owes
- What is a budget?
- It is a plan or protection of anticipated expenses, incomes, and net returns.
- Why was the future farmers of America changers to just FFA at the national level?
- There was the feeling that the organization needed name change for the reason that the FFA wasn't just for students who wanted to go into the production of agriculture?
- What are the 3 areas the FFA seeks to develop in its members?
- 1) premier leadership 2) personal growth, 3) career tests
- What are the 6 constitutional FFA officers?
- Prisident, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and sentinel
- Career Development Events are designed to test what?
- knowledge and skills
- How many taps of the gavel tells the members to be seated?
- one
- What are the 4 classifications of motions?
- privileged, incidental, subsidiary, unclassified
- What are the four functions of livestock?
- food, clothing, power, and recreation
- Define Mutton
- Meat fom a sheep that was slaughtered over 14 months of age
- define shorn
- a sheep that has been sheared?
- Define colostrum.
- known as the 1st milk, rich in vitamins and minerals, give offspring antibodies, act as a laxative
- What does the word cattle mean?
- mean possession
- What is bos Indicus?
- Humped cattl ecommon to the tropical countries that belong to the Zebu group
- What are the 4 types of cattle?
- beef type, dairy type, dual purpose type, draft type
- What percent of U.S. cows never calve?
- 8%
- What two factors affect age of puberty?
- breed and environmental factors
- What are the 5 U.S. Quality Grades of beef?
- Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Utility
- What are the 5 u.s. yield grades?
- 1,2,3,4,5
- What two areas are sheep divided into the u.s.?
- farm flock and range
- Why has the importance of wool declined in the last century?
- the competition of other natural and synthetic fibers
- The "Columbia" sheep breed is a cross of...
- Lincoln ewe and Rambouillet ram
- What is a band of sheep?
- 900-1100 head
- A rambouillet is an example of waht type of wool?
- fine
- What is meant by tagging sheep?
- removal of dirty wool around the dock
- What are the slaughter swine U.S. grades?
- 1,2,3,4, and utility
- What year did the horse population reach and all-time high?
- 1915
- When did the horse population in the U.S. bottom out?
- 1960
- What is the average gestation period of a mare?
- 336
- A mule is a cross between...
- jack and a mare
- Who was the 1st female State FFA president for Colorado?
- Denise Tappy
- What is the gestation period of a cow?
- 283
- What is the gestation period of a sow?
- 114
- Assets minus Liability equals what?
- net worth
- What is the highest quality grade of beef cattle?
- prime
- What is the highest yield grade of beef cattle?
- #1
- An uncastrated male hog is a...
- boar
- What kind of barley is grown under dry land farming conditions?
- 2 row barley
- What color lens is required to arc weld?
- Sheath
- What is the degree of acidity of alkalinity of a substance?
- pH
- The principal root of a plant is called?
- Tap root
- What is maure from worms?
- Castings
- Any deviation from the normal state of health?
- disease
- Name the 4th or true stomach division of a ruminant animal?
- Abomasum
- What is the lean to fat ratio?
- The amount of lean mean in a carcass compared to the amount of fat
- what is the word that refers to birds?
- avians
- Qwhat are 2 methods of harvesting corn?
- picking/combining, cutting for silage
- Which breed of cattle have the largest horns?
- watusi
- What meat comes from 4-5 month old beef calves?
- veal
- Name 2 things that sheep produce each year?
- Lamb wool
- TDN is an abbreviation for?
- Total Digestable Nutrients
- What type of plant completes it's life cycle in 2 years?
- Biennial
- In a 10-20-10 mixture of fertilizer, 20 is a measurement of what nutrient?
- phosphorus
- How many tons of manure will an average a beef cow produce each year?
- 8.5
- What arethe 5 main colors of horses?
- Bay, brown, chestnut, black, white
- What are the 2 basic types of castration?
- Surgical, bloodless
- What are 2 characteristics of an A horizon in soil?
- Dark color and hig organic matter
- What is a male sheep called after castration?
- Whether
- What is the Latin name for beef cattle?
- Bovine
- What is the proper name for a male breeding hog?
- Boar
- What is the proper name for a mature female breeding hog?
- Sow
- What does the term subcutaneous mean?
- under the skin
- which breed of dairy cow is the smallest?
- Jersey
- What gasses can be used in a MIG welder?
- Inert gasses that do not react to anything, CO2 and Argon
- What surroounds the electrode in an arc welding rod?
- flux
- how far do you turn the oxyaetylene welding rod?
- 1/2 rotation
- what types of bronding are there?
- hot iron, freeze, chemical
- what is a toxin?
- when microorganism enters an animals body and causes poison
- what are 2 basic types of records?
- financial and physical
- name 2 of the 5 factors responsible for soil developement?
- parent material, life, topography, climate, time
- In soils, a natural soil aggregate is called a?
- ped
- how is soild texture determined in the field?
- feeling and touch
- what is the difference between a porterhouse and a T-bone steak?
- Porterhouse has 3 meat groups instead of 2
- What is a heifer?
- a female bovine that is under 2 years old and had not had a calf
- What is A horizon?
- topsoil
- What is B horizon?
- subsoil
- what are 3 invader grasses?
- tumbling russian thistle, cheat grass, and Canadian thistle
- when a 2/3 vote is required state 1 way that you may vote
- show of hands, standing
- what bree dof cattle originated from texas?
- Texas Longhorn
- name 2 breeds of cattle that originated in the U.S.
- polled hereford and polled shorthorn
- list 3 aims or goals of the FFA
- develope, complete, and strive in leadershiip
- List 3 brands of swine
- Duroc, landrace, yorkshire
- do incidental motions have an order of precedence?
- no
- what breed of dairy cattle produce the most butter fat?
- Guernsey
- name 2 breeds of cattle that originated in France
- Limousine, saler
- Name an english breed know for excellent carcass quality
- Black Angus
- What does the plow on the FFA emblem stand for?
- signifies labor and tillage of soil, backbone of agriculture and the historic foundation on our countries strength
- Name 3 things that have to be accomplised to earn the Greenhand degree.
- Memorize and understand the FFA creed, be enrolled in ag, have satisfactory plans for an SAE, and know and understand the FFA motto
- in welding with an arc, what is a butt joint?
- welding of 2 pieces of metal
- what is a range site?
- a part of the range are with a simialr soil slope and moisture
- What is a A.M.U.?
- animal unit month
- who is the secretary of the department of ag
- Dan Glickman
- what does CRP stand for?
- conservation reserve program
- can you give an equine la2000?
- no there is a chemical that makes your heart stop
- what are mully calves?
- calves with no hearts
- who owns the supply service?
- the national FFA organization
- how long may a member keep their act of membership?
- until November 30th following the 4th national convention following high school
- what year was the dress code adopted?
- 1976
- when was the 1st world conference in ag held?
- 1976
- when was the 1st national public speaking contest?
- 1930
- sun on emblem
- progress in ag and confidence
- what 2 words are written on the emblem?
- agricultural education
- does it require a second to lay an item of business onthe table?
- yes
- which degrees are given by the chapter?
- greenhand and chapter farmer
- which degree is given by the state ass.
- state FFA degree
- which degree is given by the national FFA ass.
- American FFA
- who supports the financial needs of FFA
- self supporting
- what does the creed mean?
- statemeant beliefs held by FFA mambers
- what is the code of ethics
- set of guidelines for conduct of FFA members adopted by the members
- who publishes the FFA calender
- FFA supply serive
- who may purchase the calenders?
- chapters, state, individual members
- who is the national FFA alumni ass.
- former FFA members
- what is the goal of membership developemt
- recruitment retenttion of members
- what are 4 reasons FFA members are put in competitive settings
- tech knowledge judgement resoning sportsmanship
- what is the reporter stationed by?
- flag
- what does SAEP mean?
- Supervised Ag Experience program
- how many areas are there in state judgin?
- 17
- when was national FFA week
- 1948
- how many yearsa can a member hold office?
- 1 no re-elections
- what is a membership year for FFA
- sep. 1 aug. 31
- when was FFA times paper publishes?
- 1981
- what is the cost of national dues?
- 5$
- the extent, size, volume, SAE
- scope
- how many activities above ch. level must a member be involved in to be eligible for state degree?
- 5