Huge vocabb
undefined, object
copy deck
- -mir-
- wonder
- magnate
- powerful person
- petroglyph
- rock carving
- demi-
- half
- plutocracy
- government of the wealthy
- -verge-
- incline
- -ism
- doctrine
- -itis
- inflammation
- induction
- factual reasoning
- scribe
- writer
- unison
- one sound
- uni-
- one
- anarchist
- one who is against government
- -phil-
- love
- -plu-
- more
- -oid
- appearance
- euphemism
- pleasant name
- ultra-
- beyond
- metamorphosis
- change of shape
- se-
- apart
- dissonant
- inharmonious
- retrograde
- backward
- -hyper-
- over
- -chron-
- time
- -clam-
- cry out
- -fort-
- strong
- euphoria
- joy
- -ist
- one who
- deduction
- reasoning down from principles
- -string-
- bind
- polyglot
- multi-lingual
- acro-
- high
- sanguine
- blood red
- an-
- without
- extra-
- beyond
- ab-
- away
- luminary
- enlightening person
- -cise
- cut
- platy-
- flat
- -metro-
- mother
- audiophile
- stereo buff
- -tempor-
- time
- kilo-
- thousand
- heliograph
- transmit a message via sunlight
- -lat-
- side
- ante-
- before
- mal
- bad
- neologism
- new word
- ad-
- to
- -nym-
- name
- -phor-
- carry
- -soph-
- wisdom
- contra-
- against
- alter-
- other
- -ard
- always
- primeval
- of the first ages
- epi-
- on
- tri-
- three
- omniscient
- all-knowing
- per-
- through
- matricide
- mother killing
- impending
- overhanging
- anomaly
- abnormality
- polyphonic
- multi-melodic
- preponderance
- bulk
- -rat-
- think
- -clud-
- close
- atheist
- one who does not believe in god
- detract
- to take something away
- osteo-
- bone
- pac-
- peace
- -corp-
- body
- -cide-
- kill
- -vid-
- look
- -son-
- sound
- expatriate
- banish
- idiosyncrasy
- peculiarity
- -greg-
- group
- de-
- down
- tetra-
- four
- co
- together
- -erg-
- work
- refractory
- stubborn
- -polis-
- city
- -cracy
- government
- micro-
- small
- -rupt-
- break
- -dors-
- back
- renovate
- restore
- -plasto-
- molded
- mis-
- bad
- -brev-
- short
- -dorm-
- sleep
- octa-
- eight
- dyna-
- power
- -tang-
- touch
- binocular
- using both eyes
- -nov-
- new
- -act-
- to do
- aqua-
- water
- in-
- in or not
- -lith-
- rock
- penta-
- five
- pre-
- before
- -form
- shape
- -ate-
- cause
- prim-
- first
- medi-
- middle
- philosophy
- pursuit of wisdom
- -tion
- act or state
- disconsolate
- inconsolable
- pseudo-
- false
- resurgence
- uprising
- recant
- retract
- milli-
- thousandth
- omni-
- all
- -viv-
- life
- auto-
- self
- -put-
- think
- pyro-
- fire
- euphony
- beautiful sound
- equi-
- equal
- -mort-
- death
- topo-
- place
- mutable
- changeable
- -hypo-
- under
- ethnocentrism
- racial or cultural prejudice
- -choro-
- place
- poly-
- many
- dec
- ten
- -spec-
- look
- -sess-
- sit
- im-
- not
- audi-
- hear
- osis
- condition
- prototype
- first model
- -derm-
- skin
- -hedron
- sided object
- -sol-
- sun, alone
- pop-
- people
- -reg-
- rule
- -urb-
- city
- -vest-
- clothes
- a-
- not
- -curr-
- run
- acr-
- sharp
- -pend-
- hang
- multi-
- many
- -mar-
- sea
- imperative
- vital or "a command"
- sanguinary
- bloody
- -eu-
- good
- apo-
- away or up
- oligarchy
- government of a few
- con
- together
- em-
- in/into
- -trib-
- pay
- asteroid
- resembling a star
- -pater-
- father
- ego-
- I
- nondescript
- of no category
- -punct-
- point
- -tort-
- twist
- neuro-
- nerve
- thermo-
- heat
- ingrate
- ungrateful person
- anthropoid
- resembling man
- bilateral
- two sided
- -tion
- act or state
- idio-
- peculiar
- -cle
- small
- -grat-
- pleasing
- -vert-
- turn
- com
- together
- -morph-
- shape
- amorphous
- shapeless
- -ician
- specialist
- ponderous
- weighty
- inanimate
- not moving (as in "lifeless")
- mobocracy
- mob rule
- -andro-
- man
- -cap-
- take
- intra-
- within
- dis-
- away
- ag-
- to do
- -syn-
- together
- post-
- after
- inter-
- between
- -gyro-
- turn
- di-
- two
- bi-
- two
- -demo-
- people
- -carn-
- flesh
- macro-
- large
- gerontocracy
- government by the old
- extract
- pull out
- ornith-
- bird
- cent-
- one hundred
- aqueduct
- water conveyance
- irrevocable
- beyond recall
- egocentric
- self-centered
- -grav-
- heavy
- Russophobe
- one who fears Russia
- acrophobia
- fear of heights
- monomania
- obsession with one thing
- -helio-
- sun
- gregarious
- sociable (talkative)
- demigod
- partial god
- -ann-
- year
- meta-
- change
- misanthropist
- a people-hater
- pugnacious
- combative
- -zo-
- animal
- sanction
- authorize
- introspective
- inward-looking
- apotheosis
- raising to god status
- preclude
- rule out in advance
- -ous
- full of
- culpable
- blameworthy
- -sym-
- together
- -dox-
- opinion
- -sens-
- feel
- -luna-
- moon
- -fin-
- end
- -agog-
- leader
- -ventr-
- belly
- polychrome
- multi-colored
- -cogn-
- know
- bibliophile
- book lover
- -duct-
- lead
- -graph-
- write
- mundane
- worldly
- -i
- plural
- -phobia-
- fear
- necro-
- death
- -fy
- make
- endo-
- within
- dia-
- across
- semi-
- half
- -culp-
- blame
- convivial
- jovial or festive
- -geo-
- earth
- -leg-
- read
- malediction
- a curse
- -pond-
- weight
- intercede
- mediate
- -sed-
- sit
- -bell-
- war
- hema-
- blood
- mono-
- one
- retro-
- backward
- en-
- in/into
- -nomy
- law
- philanthropy
- love of mankind
- un-
- not
- exculpate
- to be free from blame
- -bas-
- low
- hexa-
- six
- patricide
- father killing
- -spir-
- breathe
- -calor-
- heat
- peri-
- near/around
- -fer
- carry
- -ject-
- throw
- octogenarian
- eighty-year-old
- collateral
- side by side
- -astr-
- star
- -gon-
- angle
- germ-
- vital or related
- ortho-
- straight
- -non-
- not
- -liber-
- free
- -pugn-
- fight
- -fus-
- pour
- theo-
- god
- ex-
- out
- -cur-
- care for
- -fic-
- make
- -sangui-
- blood
- -cred-
- believe
- -nounce
- tell
- -vita-
- life
- -anim-
- mind
- -mob-
- move
- quadr-
- four
- -tract-
- pull
- intractable
- stubborn
- -tele-
- far
- -ocul-
- eye
- anti-
- against