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334 test 4 social/emotional book material


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young children
____ spend more time in front of the tv and computer screens than do people of any other age group
school years
this stage is an emotionally quiet period
type of aggression that is seen in the early stages but by 5 should be able to stop and think
solitary play
a child plays alone, seemingly unaware of any other children playing nearby
cooperative play
children play together, creating and elaborative a joint activity or taking turns
school years
during this stage children demand more of their friends
prosocial behavior
being helpful and kind without gaining any obvious benefit
school years
during htis stage children tend to choose best friends whose interests, values, and backgrounds are similar to their own
withdrawn rejected
disliked because of their timid, withdrawn, anxious behavior
antisocial behavior
delibrately injruing someone or destroying something that belongs to another
a dynamic process encompassing postive adaptation within the context of significant adversity
bullies and victims
imparied social understanding and problems with human relationships are social costs of
victims or adoring girlfriends, not leaders
in media women are portrayed as
gender differences
which are culturally imposed masculine or feminine roles and behaviors
play years
throughout this stage children confuse gender and sex
neglected not rejected
first type of unpopular children are those who are
children's coping depends more on_____ than on the nature of the circumstances
sociodramatic play
in wihch children act out various roles and plots they creative, taking on any identity, role, or activty that they choose
children choose peers who are
aggresive rejected
disliked becasue of their antagonistic, confrontational behavior
extrinsic movitivation
comes from outsid ethe person, who is moved to do something to earn praise, avoid punishment, or gain money, posessions or some desired award
play years
in this stage when children play games they may be unaware of the score the fun is more in playing than winning
type of aggression that is more common as children become socially aware
self concept
understanding of themselves which includes not only self esteem but also facts such as gender and size
rejected, socially perceptive but lack empathy
most bullies are not_______ because they usually have a few admiring friends and are _____
school years
during this stage children change friends less often
popular and friendless
most children in school years would choose having friends rather than being
well liked children
children who assume that social slights, form a push to an unkind remark, are accidental and not intended to harm so it does not provoke fear or anger as it would in withdrawn or aggresive rejected child
is not the absence of pathology but a positive adaptation to stress
fearful withdrawn, turing emotional distress inward
informal code
lanuage also reflects the culture of chidlren though the
type of aggression that focuses on objects more than people and is a result of egocentrism not antiscoialness
type of aggresiton that is a sign of poor emotional regulaiton in both parties invovled, and adults should intervene
onlooker play
a child watches other children play
fewer close friends
children from various homes and backgrounds had the same amount of acquaintences but children from violent homes had
culture of children
peers pity others who parents kiss them in public, tease chidlren who please the teachers, and despise those who betray other children to adults are examples of
often become the marker of independence
bully victoms
a bully who is or has been a victom
last out in impulsive anger, attacking other people or things
deviancy training
children validate one another's urge to be free of adult influence
at this age children are convinced that cerntain toys and certain roles are appropriate for one gender and not the other
educational television
young children who watched_______ became teenagers who earned higher grades and read more (esp boys)
culture of chidlren
encourages independence from adults
longer attention span
along with the development of initiative is the development of a
social interaction
sociodramatic play can occur without
controlled / balanced
each emotion is ___ and ___ by another emotion
school years
during this stage children become upset when a friendship breaks up
become more violent themselves
children of all ages who watched violence on television
type of aggression that indicates lack of emotional regulation
sociodramatic play is more common with
type of agression that increases from ages 2 to 5
culture of children
includes particular set of rules and rituals that children develop and understand and that are passed down from older to younger children without the approval or even the awareness of adults
play years/ intiative
in this stage kids predict they can solve impossible puzzles, remember long lists of words, change every undesireable trait, and control their dreams when they are asleep because of
understand and agree with them
same sex, age, ethnicity, and socieconomic status are invovled when chossing friends but not because they are more prejudiced but because they seek friends who
emotional regulation
the ability to inhibit, enhance, direct, and modulate emotions
sex differences
biological differences between males and females
male and white
in media good guys are portrayed as
school years
in this stage children become attunded to social comparison, experince in effortful control, loyal to friends, and appreciative of both peers and parents
intrinsic motivation
internal arising form within the person, who enjoyes accomplishing something for the joy of doing it
is a dynamic not stable trait
3 hours
most young children of every ethnic group in the US spend more than _____ per day using some sort of media
key part of bullying is that it is
rough and tumble play
play that looks quite rough and children seem to tumble over one another
because children in play years have developed self awareness they feel ____ when they make mistakes
neglected not rejected
when nobody picks them as friends but avoids them either
video games
these are worse than television
school years
changing residences is particularly hard for this stage
low income households
these type of children were just as likely to have cable television as children in middle and high income housholds
daily routines
these are curcial to coping with stress
may be physical, verbal, or social
type of aggression that is directly antisocial and can be very harmful
girl bullies
usually mock or riducule their victims, making fun of clothes, behavior, apperaence, revealing secrets, or spreaking rumors
key aspects of daily routines as contributers to resiliance
whether children can develop their own friends, activites, and skills without control by the parents are
have less trouble with emotional regulation
confusion of gender and sex
when children don't understand that sex is a biological characteristic and not determined by words, opinion, or clothing
boy bullies
usually use force or threat of force to bully
afterschool activities
a place children can develop their own friends, activites, and skills without control by the parents
strengths to flourish, eliminating risks
we need to allow children's ______ wihtout ______
school years
during this stage children find it harder to make new friends than they did when they were younger
highest values of children
in school years protect your firends, don't tell adults what really goes on, and try not to be too different form the other chidlren are
associative play
children interact, observing each other and sharing material but their play is not yet mutual and recipricol
the adversity must be significant for child to be
children in the play years have_____ motiviation
imaginative and social play
media reduces the amount of time children spend doing
school years
stage when children are eager to learn about their expanding social universe
when children's emotional drives are quiet, psychosexual needs repressed, and their uncouncious confilcts submereged
social cognition
crucial difference between children who are accepted and children who are rejected
school years
in this stage childrens self concept is no longer tied to the parents perspective
adult influence
when it comes to a code of behavior peer influence outweighs
prosocial behavior
expressing concern, sharing food or a toy, incluidng a shy child in a game are examples of
effortful control
power to mdify impulses and emotions
mastery v. inferiority
children judge themselves as either competent or incompetent, productive or failing, winners or losers
at this age children know whether they are boys or girls, identify adult strangers as mommies or daddies, and apply gender labels consistantly
the only children who tend to watch less tv is those who
self esteem
the belief in one's own ability, a personal estimate of success and worthiness
rought and tubmle play
type of play that is physical but not meant to be aggressive
play years
in this stage they believe they are strong, smart, and good looking so any goal is achieveable
informal code
includes words whose meanings adults do not understand and grammar that adults have repeatedly told them is wrong
children learn lessons from _____ that adults cannot teach
school years
in this stage children become passionate about moral issues
becomes a time for acquiring cognitive skills and assimilating cultural values as children expand their world to include teachers, neighbors, peers, club leaders, and coaches
moral rules
children teach each other
parallel play
children play with similar toys in similar ways but they do not play together
example and attitudes
parents have an affect on school years children's view of right and wrong through
withdrawm rejected, bully victom
two types of victoms from bullying
antisocial behavrio
verbal insults, social exclusion, and phsical assults are examples of
good guys
in media you see violence from the bad guys as well as the_______ only the second is justified
social cognition
ability to understand human intereactions, an ability that begins in infancy with social referencing and continues into early childhood with theory of the mind

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