undefined, object
copy deck
- kenesics
- anything & everything to do with the body
- paralanguage
- vocal/nonverbal aspects of speech (voice with no words)
- space
- perception of social& personal area
- time
- who keeps who waiting; punctuality
- artifacts
- things we carry around w/ us; clothes people cars
- environment
- interior decoration, music, smells, noise, lighting, temperature,etc.
- primary group
- types of small group comm; intimate face to face; emotional investment; interact with them as total human being
- Secondary group
- type of small group comm; more formal; impersonal; interact at status level
- posture of involvement
- attending skill; relaxed alertness
- appropriate body motions
- attending skill; moves in response to speaker; avoids movement
- non-distracting environment
- no significant barriers; inviting environment
- Equivocation
- more commonly used than lie "your outfit is unusual
- Telling Truth
- Alternative to lying
- values
- strongly held general ideas; general notions of what is good/ bad. 2 types (instrumental & terminal)
- Instrumental values
- means values
- Terminal Values
- ends values; values in & of themselves; where you want to end up
- tag words
- Words of affirmation
- survey
- population or portion is questioned to reveal specific facts about itself to discover the DISTRIBUTION & INTERRELATION of certain variables relating to large #s of people
- Types of Survey
Interview - alignment/framing
- how person is aligned to you
- metamessage
- non intentional; message goes beyond explicitly stated message
- Scientific method
- particular system of rules, principles, procedures, & guidelines for collecting evidence
- intimacy
- Content Analysis
- involves DESCRIBING, ANALYZING, in an OBJECTIVE SYSTEMATIC WAY the CONTENT of lit, speeches, mass media, etc.
- Case Study
- complete and detailed RECORD of an EVENT, GROUP, or SOCIAL PROCESS
- decoder
- taking things out of code and putting into thoughts & ideas
- receiver
- one who takes in information
- double bind
- contradiction between content & treatment (message of model); contradiction of what you say & how you say it
- channel
- WAY we get message from receiver to source
- high fidelity
- message gets to receiver w/ no problems (channel)
- Noise
- anything that interferes with fidelity; distorts message
- internal noise
- noise within the source or receiver
- external noise
- source in external/ physical world
- source
- original idea to be communicated; idea person
- encoder
- takes idea and puts into code - ie speaking or writing
- Code
- meaningful structured group of symbols (Message)
- Content
- (message) what is being communicated
- Treatment
- (Message) how communicate something
- Feedback
- a circular model; people switching back & forth from source & receiver; increases fidelity but takes more time
- Circumscribing
- 7th stage of relationship; decline in quality/quantity of comm; subtle hints of dissatisfaction more evident; withdraw from each other
- Stagnation
- 8th step in relationship: going through the motions; behavior towards each other but there is no growth or joy
- Avoidance
- Step 9 relationship: create distance; direct or indirect
- Termination
- Step 10 Relationship; the end
- Initiating
- step 1 relationship: showing interest; involves phatic comm
- expirementing
- Step 2 relationship: after contact has been made; search for common ground & favorable qualities
- intensifying
- step 3 relationship. First stage of true interpersonal relationship; spending time together; meeting friends; more commitment but still doubts
- Intigrating
- Step 4 relationship: take on identity as a social unit
- Bonding
- Step 5 Relationship: symbolic action taken to show the world a relationship exists; builds social support
- Why we choose to form relationships with some people & not other
1. physical appearance
2. Similarity
3. Complementarity
4. Reciprocity
5. Exchange
6 Competency
7. Proximity
8. Disclosure - physical appearance
- why we form relationship: * in beginning of relationship
- similarity
- why we form relationship; comforting validates beliefs
- complementarity
- why we form relationship: helps satisfy others needs
- reciprocity
- why we form relationship;
- exchange
- why we form relationship: benefits/ rewards
- competency
- why we form relationship: attracted to talented people
- Proximity
- why we form relationship: interaction allows to get information; helps benefits
- Disclosure
- why we form relationship: telling info can lead to liking (similarities/ trust)
- Dimensions of Intimacy
- Inclusion
- Basic Drives for Humans to Communicate: need to belong to something larger than ourselves
- Control
- Basic Drives for Humans to Communicate: sense of power of people or situations; authority, respect
- Affection
- Basic Drives for Humans to Communicate: need to give & get love, gentleness & kindness (overpersonal/ underpersonal)
- Reception
- physiological 5 senses step of perception
- Analysis
- Perception: active stage; focusing, organizing interpreting & selecting process; varies from person to person
- Perception
- A complex process by which people recieve, select, interpret, & organize sensory stimuli into a coherent & meaningful picture
- Emblems
- Kinesics: body movement directly translatable into a word or phrase
- Illustrators
- Kinesics: body movements that accompany verbal communication; emphasis or accent
- Affect Display
- Kinesics: body movements conveying emotion
- Regulator
- Kinesics: movements that regulate the back & forth flow of speaking & listening
- Adaptor
- Kinesics: movements to establish comfort
- Others (Kinesics)
- Physical Characteristics (body temp, odor, physique, etc.)
- Instrumental Leader
Types of Leaders: moves group toward achieving a goal
1. democratic
2. authoritarian
3. laissez faire - Socio-Expressive Leader
- concerned with maintaing group harmony; mediate conflict
- Vocal Segregate
- Paralanguage: like sounds of language but not words - ie uh huh= yes or shhh= be quite
- Vocal Fluences
- Paralanguage: uncodified sounds used to fill gaps of silence & smooth over transitions
- Vocal Qualifier
- Paralanguage: use of voice to modify what you say to indicate emotional state -ie excited use high volume
- SIlences/Pauses
- Paralanguage: emphasis; pregnant pause; respect
- Other (Paralanguage)
- vocalizations: yawning, crying, sighing, laughing
- Anticipation
- 3 Stages of Interpersonal communication: expectation of upcoming event; self concept influences
- Direct Contact
- 3 Stages of Interpersonal communication: begin interaction; speak * anticipation stage affects
- 3 Listening Skills
1. attending
2. following
3. Reflecting - Attending
- Listening Skill: physical attention
- Reflecting
- Listening Skill: paraphrase; reflects back what has been communicated
- Why we cannot use common sense
1. We overgeneralize
2. We overlook
3. We have subjective biases
4. Contradictory (birds of a feather flock together vs opposites attract) - Functions of Words
1. Standing for Things
2. Perform Actions
3. Evoke Emotions
4. Reduce Uncertainties
5. Express Complexities
6. Promote Human Contact - Problems with words serving as references
1. Equivocation/Bypassing
2. Abstraction
3. Euphemism
4. Relative Language
5. Static Evaluation
6. Limited in Unlimited World
7. Subcultural differences - Equivocation/Bypassing
- Problems with Words as Referring to things in the world: many ways to same the same thing or 1 word can have different meanings
- Abstraction
- Generalizing about similarities among events, people, objects, ideas
- Euphemism
- substitution of a blunt term for a pleasant one
- Relative Language
- Problems with words as references: certain words only gain precise meaning by comparison
- Static Evaluation
- Problems with words as references: using words to make reality seem more concrete, unchanging or static
- Door Openers
- Following Skill (Listening skill) non-coercive invites for someone to talk
- Questions
- Following SKill (Listening Skills): open ended & closed
- Attentive Silence
- Following Skill (listening skill): frees speaker to think, feel express; nudges to go on (no awkward silence); uses attending skills
- Self Identity
- Social positions that you occupy
- Self Image
- refers to ones sense of ones qualities, attributes, characteristics, & skills
- sense of self
relatively stable set of perceptions we have about ourself
1. Self Identity
2. Self Image:
3. Self Esteem - Self Esteem
- Emotionally ow you feel about yourself; how you stack up to others; positive & negative responses
- Why we lie?
1. Save Face
- kind
- make ourselves look good
2. Avoid Tension or Conflict
3. Guide Social Interaction
4. Expand or Reduce Relationships
5. Gain or Protect Power/Resources
6. Protect yourself or someone else from punishment - To save face
- Why we lie?: to prevent embarrassment
- Avoid Conflict
- avoiding hassle that would result if you expressed annoyance
- Guide Social Interactions
- Why we lie?: make everyday relations run smoothly
- Factors w/in ourselves affecting Perceptions
1. Past experiences
2. Culture
3. Language
4. Motivation
5. Stereotypes
6. Roles
7. Moods
8. Attitudes
9. Psychological Tendencies
- selective exposure
- selective attention
- selective retention - past experiences
- Factors w/in ourself that affect perception: shows us what is true and certain in the world
- stereotypes
- factors w/in ourselves that influence perception: generalizations about certain groups
- attitudes
- factors w/in ourselves that influence perception: evaluative thoughts or feelings
- Influential Variables in Interpersonal Communication
1. Degree of Perceived Openness
2. Dramaturgy
3. History of previous interactions
4. Channel - degree of perceived privateness
- influential factors that influence interpersonal communication: important to know who your audience is; how private the communication is influences what we say & how we talk
- Dramaturgy
Influential Variables in Interpersonal Communication: what stage you are on; sociological way of looking at world
1. front stage
2. back stage
3. deep back stage - History of Previous Interactions
- Influential Variables in Interpersonal Communication: general & specific sense with certain people
- Why we self disclose?
1. Get things off our chest- reciprocity
2. To make people think certain things about ourself
3. Manipulate
4. self clarification: helps better understand ourself
5. maintain & enhance relationships/intimacy