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Japans 434


undefined, object
copy deck
shien (支援)
support, backing
shieki suru (使役する)
to employ, to use, to work, to set to work
shieibasu (市営バス)
a city bus
shidan (詩壇)
poetical circles
shigaisenfirutā (紫外線フィルター)
a UV filter
shigaku (私学)
a private school/college/university
shien (私怨)
private malice, (personal) grudge
shichijū (七十)
shichijūdai no (七十代の)
~ in one's seventies, septuagenarian ~
shigaidensha (市街電車)
a streetcar, a tramcar, a tram
shīemu (シー・エム)
a commercial
shifuku suru (雌伏する)
to bide one's time, to lie low
shichūni (市中に)
in the city/town/streets
shichōkakukyōzai (視聴覚教材)
audio-visual aid
shidōsha (指導者)
a guide, a leader, a coacher
shidareyanagi (枝垂柳)
a weeping willow
shigaisen (紫外線)
ultraviolet rays
shichiya (七夜)
the seventh day of a newborn child
shidan (師団)
a division
shichō (思潮)
the trend of thought
shichō (市庁)
a city hall, a municipal office
shidōshuji (指導主事)
a teacher's consultant
shiganhei (志願兵)
a volunteer
shigaku (詩学)
shigai (市外)
the suburb(s), the outskirt(s)
shieijūtaku (市営住宅)
a municipal dwelling house
shichōritsu (視聴率)
an audience rating
kimi shidai da (君次第だ)
It's up to you
shida (羊歯)
[Bot.] a fern
shichō o atsumeru (視聴を集める)
to attract public attention
shidashiya (仕出し屋)
a caterer; a caterer's (shop)
shidoromodoro no (しどろもどろの)
disordered, inconsistent
shifuku (私服)
plain clothes
shigansha (志願者)
an applicant, a candidate
shieichikatetsu (市営地下鉄)
a city subway
shiei (私営)
a private enterprise
shigaidenwa (市外電話)
a long-distance call, a trunk call
shidō suru (指導する)
to guide, to lead, to give a lead, to coach
shigamitsuku (しがみつく)
to cling, to hold on fast
shidō (私道)
a private road
shichōson (市町村)
cities, towns and villages; municipalities
shiei no (市営の)
shidō suru (始動する)
to start
shiden (市電)
a (municipal) streetcar, a tramcar, a tram
shichikaiki (七回忌)
the sixth anniversary of a person's death
shidashi o suru (仕出しをする)
to supply dishes to order
shigaikyokuban (市外局番)
an area code, an STD code
shichoku (司直)
the judicial authorities
shichō no ninki (市長の任期)
shidōgenri (指導原理)
a guiding principle
shigan (志願)
desire, application
daishichijū no (第七十の)
the seventieth
shichitenbattō suru (七転八倒する)
to (roll and) writhe in agony
shichiya (質屋)
a pawnshop; a pawnbroker
shichōshitsu (試聴室)
an audition room
shiei (市営)
municipal management
sore wa koto to shidai ni yorikeri da (それは事と次第によりけりだ)
That depends
shiei ni suru (市営にする)
to municipalize
shidō o aogu (指導を仰ぐ)
to look for guidance
shifuku o koyasu (私服を肥やす)
to fill/line one's own pocket, to enrich oneself
shichū (支柱)
a prop, a stay, a support
shidai (次第)
order; circumstances, the state of things; as soon as, directly
shigai (死骸)
a corpse, a (dead) body
shichōkakukyōiku (視聴覚教育)
audio-visual education
shigaichi (市街地)
a town area
shiganai (しがない)
poor, miserable, wretched
mōshikomishidai (申込み次第)
on application
shigaisen (市街戦)
street fighting
tsukishidai (着き次第)
as soon as a person arrives
shidarezakura (枝垂桜)
a drooping cherry tree
shigaku (史学)
history, historical science
shichō (試聴)
an audition
shīdosenshu (シード選手)
a seeded player
shiei no (私営の)
shien suru (支援する)
to support, to back, to back up
shidō o ayamaru (指導を誤る)
to misguide
shigai no (市外の)
shichijūdai no hito (七十代の人)
a person in one's seventies, a septuagenarian
shichō (市長)
a mayor
shigan suru (志願する)
to desire, to aspire, to apply, to volunteer
shidaini (次第に)
gradually, bit by bit
no shidō no moto ni (の指導のもとに)
under the guidance of
shichimenchō (七面鳥)
a turkey
shichōsenkyo (市長選挙)
a mayoral(ty) election
shigatsu (四月)
shidanchō (師団長)
a division(al) commander
shifukukeikan (私服警官)
a plainclothesman
shidoromodoro ni naru (しどろもどろになる)
to be thrown into confusion, to falter
shichōsha (視聴者)
a TV viewer, [Collectively] the TV audience
shidō (指導)
guidance, direction
shigai (市街)
the streets, a town
shichō (支庁)
a branch administrative office
shiga ni mo kakenai (歯牙にもかけない)
to take no notice of, to make light
shīdo suru (シードする)
to seed

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