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mideavil chruch


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vikings settled
in russia, normandy, england, and north america
germany becomes a country
land that the vassel got
elonor and henery
arranged marrage, had two sons (ritchard the lion hearted and john)
kinghts served and in exchanged got land (polotical system)
church incouraged antisymitism
called them 'Crist killers' & balmed them for all problembs (also were money lenders and had better hygene so didnt die as often surng the plague)
battle of hastings
battle between harold and williom (williom the conquerer wins) hes from normandy, speaks french, and is part viking but now both french and engligh king
give 10% income to chruch
philip the fair
fair, like louis 9, estates general and helped king rule france
treason agenst the teachings of the cruch (dotrine or dogma)
reformers (St. Frances, St. Dominic) helped commen ppl and took vow of poverty
reforms of pope gregory
wanted total control over peoples lives - exconmnication & interdict
the first level of knight hood
owned by the capatians
payments to the chruch to keep doing not good things
a person who obtained land and owed homeage to the king
bribes in the church
helped the kings and nobled control the church
peter pence
like if every 1 payed a doller to the pope
doomsday book
will's census
battle that introduces sturrups form the musims
henery the second
spoiled & will's grandson
threatened the pope and so pepin conqured them and gave their land to the pope as the papal states
convents and monistaries
taught, wrote/copied acent manuscripts (ex. illistrated manuscripts) food for the poor, helpe the sick, housed travlers
innocence reforms
simony = the selling of church positions
7, babtisem (in bible), communion (in bible), confession, conformation, marrage, anointhing of the sick, holy orders
settled in hungary
common law
will said that nobels dont get special treatment
collage of cardnils
propose was 2 choose the pope (were religious so ended the noreligous pope thing)
what happened to john
1215, john started taxing nobels so one day while he was hunting, they forced him to sign the manga carta under pain of death (great charter)
last step before knight hood
chozen by powerful ppl (like a king maybe) didnt have to be religious because he was usaly baught out by the person who put him in place
chruch quart = inqusition (ditermined if person was innocent or guilty not 4 punishment) chruch never does the persacution and the punishment was carried out by the goverment and the punishment 4 heresy was tourcher
secular preists
parish preist, unsheltered/didnt cut selves off from the world
crowned by the pope, son gives his kids empires (holy roman emporor)
manga carta
or the great charter, nobels couldnt be taxed w/o concent and that limited the power of the king (but did nothing for the peasents)
tax based on welth
will also had sheriffs as tax collectors but the tax was fair
ppl that by law had to live on manors (like slaves that payed taxes)
chruch forbaid intrest on loans so Jewish ppl became $lenders
4 parts of a castle to were 4 protection
tower, moat, drawbridge, walls
the gift of land form the frankish king to pope was called
papal states
language of the church, same mass & sam language every day, most ppl couldnt speak or understand latin
mayor of the palace
advisor to the frankish king
robin hood
sir robin - anglo saxton and robed king johns extra taxes ans gave them back (john was king while ritchard was doing the crusades)
pepin the short
gave land to the pope
Louis 9
St. Louis, king of francee, good king, only king of france thats asaint
popes city
first leader to be christian
the first born son gets all the money and land of the family and the other sons eighter become knights or get linked w/ the church
(economic system) where ppl lived and ran manors that were self suffecant and in exchange for being allowed to live there they got protection
nonsecular preists (regular)
regulated, lived in monastaries, mante cassino - first monastary (St. Benidict) - self suffecent -grew own food made communion wine and had sheep for clothes
capation vikings
area aroud paris
the code that said what kinghts could do and not do
the village preists
(not that fryers) but the secular preists that the commen people had contact with
Tomas Becket
friend of king john (like a party buddy) but the arch bishop (that was telling john to repent but then passed away) was replaced by Tomas Becket by the king but then he started to become religious and annoyed the king a little (one day when john was probably drunk, he said something that his probably also srunk friends though ment kill the archbishop so they did and that was BAD... (killing a member of the chruch...)
say anything considered heresy and get kicked out of church
bcame the Holy Roman Empire but the part thats today germany the nobles and pope didnt want strong government and the weak govenment gave them control
could excommunicate subjects of nobels
charles martel
defeated the muslims
anglo saxton
1066 king ed had 2 cousions that wanted 2 e king ao when he died it was between harold (england) and william (france)
church teaching that wont change
pepins gift
papel states
will's council
when the king didn't speak english he needed a council 2 speak for him
rules of monastary
3 tules (took vow of poverty/could own nothing, odience/had to take orders w/o question, vow of chastity, the ppl they had 2 obey was the abbot (monastaries) and abbess (convents)

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