undefined, object
copy deck
- surely
- seguramente
- clothing store
- roperia
- riddle
- rompecabezas
- rite/ritual
- rito
- river
- rio
- the health
- la salud
- mixed up/scramble
- revuelto
- saint/holy
- santo
- roar
- rugido
- to greet
- saludar
- syllable
- silaba
- to feel (hot/cold/etc.)
- sentirse
- dry
- seco
- to sit down
- sentarse
- simple
- sincillo
- magazine
- revista
- bloody
- sangriento
- to serve
- servir (i)
- yes
- si
- mountain range
- sierra
- century
- siglo
- to feel/to regret/to be sorry
- sentir (ie)
- meaning
- significacion
- rescue
- salvamento
- September
- septiembre
- to be (someone/something)/to be (characteristically)
- ser
- the series
- la serie
- red
- rojo
- sense
- sentido
- to sprinkle
- salpicar
- to calm down
- serenar
- the rail
- el riel
- frying pan
- sarten
- jump
- salto
- Saturday
- sabado
- to mean
- significar
- to go out
- salir
- to pray
- rezar
- week
- semana
- wealth/riches
- riqueza
- the corner
- el rincon
- security/certainty
- seguridad
- to take out
- sacar
- jungle/forrest
- selva
- to know (a fact)/(thoroughly/by heart)
- saber
- broken
- roto
- seated
- sentado
- seven
- siete
- to shake
- sacudir
- the salt
- la sal
- the thirst
- la sed
- sausage
- salchicha
- at once/immediately
- en seguida
- simply
- sincillamente
- second
- segundo
- sure
- seguro
- shrine/sanctuary
- santuario
- the living room/the hall
- el salon
- to taste/to savour
- saborear
- seventy
- setenta
- secret
- secreto
- to pray/to beg
- rogar (ue)
- fight
- rina
- dew/spray
- rocio
- to break
- romper
- clothing/clothes
- ropa
- blond
- rubio
- to surround
- rodear
- calmness/poise
- sangrefria
- laughter/laugh
- riza
- noise
- ruido
- sauce
- salsa
- wheel
- rueda
- noisy
- ruidoso
- to gather/to meet
- reunir(se)
- to be thirsty
- tener sed
- (the) rest/remainder
- resto
- rich
- rico
- to turn out/to result
- resultar
- exit
- salida
- the blood
- la sangre
- feeling/sentiment
- sentimiento
- risk
- riesgo
- knee
- rodilla
- living room
- sala
- king
- rey
- to revolve
- revolver(se)(ue)
- six
- seis
- tasty/savoury
- sabroso
- rhythm
- rimo
- following/next
- siguiente
- always
- siempre
- serious
- serio
- to separate
- separar
- according to
- segun
- greeting
- saludo
- sack/small bag
- saquito
- (suit)jacket/bag
- saco
- the flavor/the taste
- el sabor
- rudimentary/elementary
- rudimentario