Japans 246
undefined, object
copy deck
- kinenshashin (記念写真)
- a souvenir picture
- kingyo (金魚)
- a goldfish
- kinen suru (記念する)
- to commemorate
- kinen no (記念の)
- commemorative, memorial
- kinagani (気長に)
- patiently, leisurely, without haste
- kindaitekina (近代的な)
- modern, modernistic
- kinchisansha (禁治産者)
- an interdict
- kin (菌)
- a bacillus, a germ, a bacterium, a fungus
- kimyaku o tsūjiru (気脈を通じる)
- to conspire, to have a secret understanding
- kingan no (近眼の)
- near-sighted, short-sighted
- kinenkitte (記念切手)
- a commemorative stamp
- kimo no chiisai (肝の小さい)
- timid, cowardly
- kimitsusei (機密性)
- airtightness
- kimitsushorui (機密書類)
- secret documents
- kingashinnen (謹賀新年)
- (I wish you a) Happy New Year
- kinenbi (記念日)
- a memorial day
- kinbenka (勤勉家)
- a hard worker
- kinbuchi (金縁)
- gold rims, a gilt frame, gilt edges
- kinikakaru (気に掛かる)
- to weigh on someone's mind
- kimon ni ataru (鬼門に当たる)
- to face northeast
- kinchōkanwa (緊張緩和)
- détente
- kimusume (生娘)
- an innocent girl, a virgin
- kinhon'isei (金本位制)
- the gold standard
- kiniiri (気に入り)
- a favourite, a pet
- kimochi no warui (気持ちの悪い)
- unpleasant, uncomfortable
- kinbenna (勤勉な)
- industrious, diligent, hard-working
- kindan no kinomi (禁断の木の実)
- the forbidden fruit
- kine (杵)
- a pestle, a pounder
- kin'enseki (禁煙席)
- a nonsmoking section
- kingaku (金額)
- an amount of money, a sum (of money)
- kimono o kiru (着物を着る)
- to put on one's clothes, to dress oneself
- kimono o nugu (着物を脱ぐ)
- to take off one's clothes, to undress oneself
- kinenhi (記念碑)
- a monument
- kimitsushitsu (気密室)
- an airtight chamber
- kinchō (緊張)
- tension, a strain, seriousness
- kinan (危難)
- danger, a peril
- kimono (着物)
- a kimono; clothes, [Generally] clothing
- kiniiri no (気に入りの)
- favourite
- kin'en (禁煙)
- No Smoking
- kimon (鬼門)
- the ominous direction, one's defect
- kimo ni meijiru (肝に銘じる)
- to be deeply impressed
- kimochi no yoi (気持ちの良い)
- pleasant, comfortable
- kinbotan (金ボタン)
- a brass button
- kimochiyoku (気持ちよく)
- cheerfully, willingly
- kin (金)
- gold, money
- kindenzu (筋電図)
- an electromyogram
- kingenna (謹厳な)
- serious, grave, solemn
- kin'en suru (禁煙する)
- to prohibit smoking; to give up smoking, to abstain from smoking
- kimo o hiyasu (肝を冷やす)
- to be scared/frightened [-> 肝をつぶす]
- kimyōna koto ni (奇妙なことに)
- strange to say, strangely enough
- kimo o tsubusu (肝をつぶす)
- to be frightened [-> 肝を冷やす]
- kindaika (近代化)
- modernization
- kingen (金言)
- a wise/golden saying, a maxim
- kinbae (金蠅)
- a greenbottle (fly)
- kinaishoku (機内食)
- an in-flight meal
- kimoiri (肝煎り)
- good/kind offices, auspices; a promotor
- kimitsuhi (機密費)
- a secret service fund
- kimitsu no (気密の)
- airtight
- kinema (キネマ)
- a cinema, the movies
- kinengō (記念号)
- a memorial number
- kindanshōjō (禁断症状)
- an abstinence syndrome
- kinensutanpu (記念スタンプ)
- a commemorative postmark
- kinbyōbu (金屏風)
- a gold-leafed folding screen
- kinikuwanu (気に食わぬ)
- to do not like, to be displeased with, to displease, to be against one's taste
- kinchisan no senkoku o ukeru (禁治産の宣告を受ける)
- to be declared incompetent
- kingami (金紙)
- gilt paper
- kimochi (気持ち)
- a feeling, a sensation, a mood
- kin'ensha (禁煙車)
- a nonsmoking car
- kinba (金歯)
- a gold tooth
- kimitsubunsho (機密文書)
- secret papers
- kingan (近眼)
- near-sightedness, short-sightedness
- kimo (肝)
- the liver; courage, pluck
- kindaika suru (近代化する)
- to modernize
- kinchisan (禁治産)
- incompetency
- kindaigoshukyōgi (近代五種競技)
- the modern pentathlon
- kiniiru (気に入る)
- to suit a person's fancy, to please
- kinbuchimegane (金縁眼鏡)
- gold-rimmed spectacles
- kinako (黄粉)
- soybean flour
- kinen ni (記念に)
- in memory (of)
- kinbuchi no gaku (金縁の額)
- a gilt-framed picture
- kimuzukashii (気難しい)
- hard to please, particular
- kinchiten (近地点)
- the perigee
- kinben (勤勉)
- industry, diligence
- kinagana (気長な)
- patient, leisurely
- kindai (近代)
- modern ages/times
- kinchaku no (近着の)
- recently received, just/newly arrived
- kin no (金の)
- gold, golden
- kinchō suru (緊張する)
- to be(come) tense, to be strained
- kindan (禁断)
- prohibition
- kingankyō (近眼鏡)
- spectacles/glasses for a near-sighted/short-sighted person
- kimitsu***u (気密服)
- an airtight suit
- kingō (近郷)
- the neighbouring districts
- kinen (記念)
- commemoration, a souvenir, a memorial, a keep-sake
- kinakusai (きな臭い)
- There is a smell of something burning; suspicious
- kimo no futoi (肝の太い)
- bold, daring
- kimyōna (奇妙な)
- strange, curious, queer