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Disorders of the Esophagus


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Mechanical dysphagia
congennital defects, CA, hiatal hernia;first with solids, then semisolids, then own secretions
Histamine Receptor Antagonists
inhibit histamine action; inhibits gastric acid secretion; may cause thrombocyytopenia (low platelets)
Surgical management for diverticula
cervical approach for zenker's divertuculum, thoracic approach for diverticula in lower esophagus, diverticulum is excised and esophageal mucosa is reanastomosed, cut out and put two ends back together
hiatal hernia types
Sliding hernias (type I), rolling or paraesophageal hernias (typeII)
resecting the lower portion of the esophagus and anastomosing the remainder to the stomach brought up into the thorax
Angelchick prosthesis
synthetic C-shaped silicoone prosthesis is tied around the distal esophagus, prostesis anchors the LES in the abdomen and reinforces sphincter pressure
ND for diverticula
risk for altered respiratory function, acute pain, risk for FVD or FVE, risk for injury, PC's: electrolyte abnormality; atelectasis; DVT; paralytic ileus; infection
saclike outpouching in one or more layers of the esophagus, as food is ingested, it becomes trapped in a diverticulum and can later be regurgitated, Zenker's diverticulum is most common
Dietary management for GERD
Small frequent meals, aadequate fluids at meals, eat slowly and chew thoroughly, avoid extremes, avoid eating and drinking 3 hrs prior to bed, elevate HOB 6-8 inches, lose wt if overweight
interventions for diverticula
pre/post- op teaching, NG tube care, Do not irrigage or reposition NG unless physician ordered, IV fluids, pain control, assess for s/s esophageal perforation: chest pain, elevated temp, SQ emphysema
painful swallowing, usually severe, deep, long lasting and may radiate to neck, back upper thorax and shoulder, may be triggered by a cold or carbonated beverage
Medical management for GERD
Antacids, histamine receptor antagonists, cholinergics, prokinetic agents, proton pump inhibitor, AVOID anticholinergic drugs, Ca+ channel blockers, theophyline, valium cuz of decrease inLES pressure and delay in gastric emptying
heartburn, odynophagia, dysphagia, acid regurgitation, eructation
Esophageal dilation
dilating the LES; usually done as outpatient; also corrects esophageal spasms adn strictures
interventions for esophageal neoplasms
qd wt, diet change/feedings, provide emotional support, assist client/family to prepare for death
AKA indigestion or heartburn, painful sensation of warmth and burning in the lower retrosternal midline
Nursing diagnosis for surgical management for GERD
risk for altered respiratory function, acute pain, risk for FVD or FVE, risk for injury, PC's: electrolye imbalance, atelectasis; DVT; paralytic ileus; infection
Difficulty swallowing, mechanical, cardiovascular, neurologic
evaluation appearance of gastric mucosa
Rolling or paraesophageal hernias type II
the gastroesophageal juncion stays below the diaphragm, but all or part of the stomach pushes through into the thorax, c/o fullness after eating or difficulty beathing; also pain when in recumbent position
ND: Altered comfort
position changes to reduce pressure while eating, dietary changes, daily wts, medication administration
neutralize gastric acid; coats GI tract, take 1hr ac and 2-3 hr pc so pH remains constant, given immediately after meals delays gastric emptying, can bring pH up to 3 (normal 1.5)
disorder characterized by progressively increasing dysphagia, 20s and 30s, men=women, unknown cause, impaired motility of the lower tow thirds of the esophagus, regurgitation of undigested food eaten many hours earlier as well as large amounts of mucous
removal of all or part of the esophagus and replaced with dacron graft
S/S of esophageal neoplasms
dysphagia, odynophagia and/or wt loss
Esophageal neoplasms
cancer of esophagus, usually squamous cell carcinoma or adenocarcinoma, links to heavy smoking, nutritional deficiencies, habitual ingestion of alcohol, hot foods/drinks, expand locally and very rapidly with early spread ro lymph nodes, pulmonary complications common due to development of tracheoesophageal fistual
Interventions for surgical management for GERD
Pre-op teaching, NG purpose and care, wound care and assessment, slow advancement of diet, small frequent meals, early ambulation, avoid carbonated berverages and using straw, report dysphagia, epigastric fullness, bloating, excessive borborygmus (gas-bloat-syndrome)
Esophagomyotomy (Heller's procedure)
enlarging the sphincter; may need PEG or PEJ short term
Diagnostics for diverticula
barium swallow, endoscopy may be contraindicated due to risk of perforation
Diagnosis for esophageal neoplasms
barium swallow, endoscopy, biopsy, CT
Types of Antacids
Aluminum containing (amphojel)- constipation, Calcium contaiming (TUMS)- systemic, Magnesium containing (MOM)- laxitive, Aluminum/Magnesium combo (Maalox, Mylanta)
nutritional support 2-3 wks prior to surgery, monitor wt, fluid and electrolyte status, pre-op teaching, oral caare QID, post-op respiratory care: C & DB, pain management, assess shock, wound assessment, PO when indicated, small frequent meals, upright at meals and 1 hr PC, appropriate referrals
Nissen Fundoplication
most frequently used surgery, abdominal approach to suture the fundus around the esophagus, increase in pressure or volume in stomach closes the cardia and blocks reflux into the esophagus
Barium swallow
shows nonpropulsive waves and esophageal dilation
Types of PPI
end in "prazole", Lansoprazole (prevacid), omeprazole (prilosec), Rabeprazole (aciphex), Pantoprazole (protonix)
Cardiovascular dysphagia
enlarged heart, aortic aneurysm
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
syndrome resulting from backward flow of gastric contents into esophagus, occurs in any age grp, inappropriate relaxation of the LES, allowing reflux, cause unkown, pain usually occurs after meals and is relieved with antacids or fluids
Nursing DX
risk for altered respiratory function, acute pain, risk for FVD or FVE, risk for injury, PC's: electrolyte abnormality, atelectasis, DVT, paralytic ileus, infection
Medical management for esophageal neoplasms
if found early then cure, but usually detected in late stages when tx is palliative, RT reduces tumor size and slows growth; may cause stenosis of esophagus, chemo provides a symptom relief, nutritional management may require enteral feeding or TPN, elevate HOB 30 degrees
Surgical Management for esophageal neoplasms
Esophagectomy, esophagogastrostomy, esophageoenterostomy
Sliding hernias type I
upper stomach and the gastroesophageal junction are displaced upward into the thorax, c/o heartburn 30-60 mins after meals
Types of histamine receptor antagonists
End in "tidine", Cimetidine (Tagamet), Famotidine (Pepcid), Nizatidine (Axid), Ranitidine (Zantac)
Prostaglandin Analog
inhibit the sexretion of gastric acid, used with NSAID, Misoprostol (cytotec)
Causes of diverticula
esophageal weakness from congenital defect, esophageal trauma, scar tissue or inflammation
S/S of diverticula
dysphagia, eructation, regurgitation of undigested food, halitosis, sour taste in mouth, coughing, bad breath
ejection of small amounts of gastric juice from mouth without antecedent nausea, usually caused by incompetent lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
Medical management for esophageal disorders
relieve clinical manifestations, Ca+ channel blockers or nitrate to reduce LES pressure, pain controlled with non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics, small frequent meals, avoid hot, spicy, iced foods, alcohol, tobacco, chew foods thoroughly, sleep with HOB elevated
Causes of hiatal hernia
aging, congenital muscle weakness, trauma, surgery, obesity, pregnancy, ascites
Hiatal hernia
condtion in which the cardiac sphincter becomes enlarged, allowing a part of the stomach to oass into the thoracic cavity, r/t muscle weakness in the esophageal hiatus
Hiatal hernia management
medical and surgical same as GERD
increase LES pressure and prevents reflux, Take AC, Bethanechol (Urecholine)
Esophagoenterostomy (colon interpostion)
resectioning the esophagus and replacing it with a segment of the descending colon, helps prevent GERD
Medical management for diverticula
small frequent meals of semisoft foods, elevate HOB for 2 hrs PC, avoid constrictive clothes and vigorous exercise PC
Neurologic dysphagia
Proton Pump Inhibitor
supresses gastric acid secretion, may increase bleeding incidence in pts on warfarin (coumadin), may interfere with absorption of ampicillin and digoxin
Prokinetic agents
increase LES tone, improves esophageal peristalsis, increase rate of gastric emptying, taken ACHS, Metoclopramide (Reglan)
ND: knowledge deficit for GERD
teaching of diet, meds, evaluate tx understanding, ID life-style changes to reduce risk factors
Interventions for esophageal surgies
teaching for specific procedure, possible thoractomy approach for esophagomyotomy, PEG/PEJ instructions, sleep with HOB up, S/S respiratory complications, infection, esophageal perforation
Diagnostics for GERD
barium swallow, esophagoscopy, esophageal biopsy, analysis of gastric secretions, acid perfusion tests
nursing dx for esophageal neoplasms
risk for altered respiratory function, acute pain, risk for FVE or FVD, altered nutritional status: less than, altered coping

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