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MKT 3352 CH 15

Chapter 15 - Age Subcultures


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Gen Yers values
tend to hold traditional values and believe in the value of fitting in rather than rebelling, stress teamwork-team teaching, team grading, collaborative sports, community service, service learning, and student juries. The reject violence, tobacco, alcohol, teen pregnancy (more responsible) and the trust the government and parents. (worst is baby boomers)
Mature consumer want to give something back to the world. (Thrifty found that older consumers would select a rental car company if it sponsored a program that gives van discounts to senior citizens' centers which made them launch the "Give a Friend a Lift" program; they have everything they need so they are very generous to churches, charities, and others)
Mature Marketing Messages
older adults respond positively to ads that provide an abundance of information. They are not amused, or persuaded by imagery-oriented advertising. A more successful strategy involves the construction of advertising that depicts the aged as well-integrated, contributing members of society, with emphasis on their expanding their horizons rather than clinging precariously to life. (they don't like to hear long stories, they'd rather talk; more words less images)
describe the 27 million children aged 8-14 who spend $14 billion a year on clothes, CDs, movies, and other "feel good" products. They are "between" childhood and adolescence and they exhibit characteristics of both children and adolescents; Consumers in training. (Music-Hannah Montana, repositioning Barbie dolls for teenagers)
Puberty and Adolescence
uncertainty, need to belong, finding unique identity. This process can be the best/worst of times, Choices of activities, friends, and clothes are crucial to social acceptance. Teens actively search for cues for the "right" way to look and behave from their peers and from advertising. Advertising portrays the "in" teens using the product.
Segmenting Seniors
Senior subculture is extremely large market (# of Americans 65 and older exceeds the population of Canada. They are easy to identify by age and stage in the family life cycle, most receive SS benefits (easy to locate), and many belong to organizations such as AARP. Segment dimensions such as Age cohort, marital status(widowed vs married) and their Health/outlook on life (Self-sufficiency and perceived opinion leadership) The self-sufficiency group was more independent, cosmopolitan and outgoing. Others were more likely to read a book, attend concerts and sporting events and dine out.
Four basic teen conflicts
Autonomy vs. belonging, Rebellion vs. conformity, Idealism vs. pragmatism, and Narcissism vs. intimacy.
born <1994; have a number of needs, including experimentation, belonging, independence, responsibility, and approval from others. Express needs via product usage (e.g., smoking cigarettes). The most important social issues for teens are AIDS, race relations, child abuse, abortion, the environment, additional family responsibilities. Have had to cope with insecurity, parental authority, and peer pressure throughout history. (Internet provides anonymous forum for experimentation)
a lifestyle term coined by the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi to describe young consumers who place high value on being both footloose and connected.
Understanding Seniors
Hallmark had a "Time of Your Life" section for cards for older ppl but no one wants to be seen buying cards in the "old section" so the line was scrapped.
Autonomy vs. belonging
Teens need to acquire independence, so they try to break away from their families. On the other hand, they need to attach themselves to a support structure, such as peers, to avoid being alone. (Only 11% consider themselves popular)
kids in major markets (New York, Los Angeles, or London) who roam the streets to report on cutting-edge trends. Other companies send researcher to "live with the natives" and observe how they really use products in their daily lives. (Street Marketers of Cosmetic companies created foundation with changing shades)
Baby Boomers
Consumer born b/t 1946 and 1965 and consists of ppl whose parents established families following the end of WWII and during the 1950s when the peacetime economy was strong and stable (more likely to have children when ppl feel confident in the world). "Woodstock Generation" created revolution in style, politics, and consumer attitudes, freespeach movement and hippies in the 1960s and yuppies in the 1980s, Active and physically fit (active in sports), Currently in peak earning years by "Feathering their nests", Food, apparel, and retirement program, "Midlife crisis" products ("reward cars"). They had many children known as Baby boomlets. Levi's changed marketing strategy to aim toward them/older ppl. Marketers talked to stylists about what they liked.
Chronological age
the actual number of years lived.
Idealism vs. pragmatism
Teens tend to view adults as hypocrites, whereas they see themselves as being sincere. They have to struggle to reconcile their view of how the world should be with the realities they perceive around them.
Product Adaptations
Marketers must provide more welcoming advertising for mature market, Packaging sensitive to physical limitations, seniors won't buy products if they don't like the way the person/product is being portrayed/stereotyped.
Age cohort
consists of ppl of similar ages who have undergone similar experiences. They share common memories about cultural heroes (John Wayne vs. Brad Pitt), imp. historical events ( WWII vs. 9-11), etc. Although there is no universally accepted way to divide up ppl, each of us seems to have a pretty good idea of what we mean when we refer to "my generation."
A Consumers age
exerts a significant influence on his or her identity. We are more likely to have things in common and speak in a common language with others of our own age. The era we grow up creates a cultural bond with the millions of others who come of age during the same period. As we grow older, our needs and preferences change, often in concert with others who are close to our own age.
Gray Power: Seniors' Economic Clout
They control over 50% of discretionary income and spend nearly $400 billion a year. 2nd fastest growing market segment in the USA (1st-baby boomers). Most brand loyal of any age group; Economic health of gray market is good and getting better due to Exercise facilities, cruises/tourism, cosmetic surgery/skin treatments, "how-to" books/classes however most advertising campaigns don't recognize gray market
how old a person looks.
mature consumers want to lead active lives and to be self-sufficient. (Depends shows women going out without having to worry)
Rules for Speaking to Teens in Their Language
must be authentic and not condescending, they make their minds up very quickly about if it's phat or not or if they want it or don't want it.
Perceived Age
how old a person feels as opposed to his or her chronological age. Ppl think they are really 10-15 yrs younger than they really are, which is why we don't have old models (younger ppl think they are about 5 yrs older; Age is more a state of mind than of body)
Generation Y
Born 1977-1994; go by several names: "Echo Boomers" and "millennials" make up one-third of U.S. population, spend $170 billion a year. They are the first to grow up with computers at home, and 500-channel TVs. They are multi-taskers with cell phones, music downloads, IM on the Internet. Most diverse generation ever, most raised by single parent and/or working mother. (least racial tensions)
Narcissism vs. intimacy
Teens are often obsessed with their own appearance and needs. On the other hand, they also feel the desire to connect with others on a meaningful level.
how old a person feels
Big (Wo)Man on Campus
Advertisers spend about $100 million a yr on campuses to woo college students, and with good reason: students spend more than $11 billion a yr on snacks and beverages, $4 billion on personal-care products, and $3 billion on CDs and tapes. College market is attractive because many students have extra cash/free time and an undeveloped brand loyalty (cleaning products). College students are hard to reach via conventional media (newspapers), Online advertising is very effective, Wall media (posters; declining in USA but very high in Asia or Europe b/c most stars in the USA so they can't go to their concerts that aren't in their country so they buy the posters), and Spring break beach promotions
Feelings of Nostalgia
evoked by the values and symbolism marketers use to appeal feelings, adults over 30 are particularly susceptible to this phenomenon. References to their past influence young ppl as well as old. Research indicates that some ppl are more disposed to be nostalgic than others, regardless of age.
Key values of mature consumers
Autonomy, Connectedness, and Altruism
Marketing to Gen Y
They spend about $100 billion that goes toward "feel good" products: cosmetics, posters, and fast food(occasional nose rings). High birth rates = large proportion of young in population, not very brand loyal, more accepting of generic labels. Buy products on the spur of the moment and change brands if the mood strikes.
Rebellion vs. conformity
teens need to rebel against social standards of appearance and behavior, yet they still need to fit in and be accepted by others. They prize "in-your-face" products that cultivate a rebellious image, like those the retail chain Hot Topic sells. (1 persons rebellion is another's disobedience)
Marketing rules of engagement
1)Don't talk down; 2)Don't try to be what you're not. Stay true to your brand image; 3)Entertain them. Make it interactive and keep the sell short (Church's are mostly seniors, hard to attract teens); 4)Show that you know what they're going through, but keep it light.
Selling to Seniors
most older ppl lead a more active, multidimensional lives than we assume, many engage in volunteer activities or take care of grandchildren. Older consumers are finished with many financial obligations, Most own their own homes and Child-rearing costs are over
mature consumers value the bonds they have with friends and family. (Quaker Oats commercial with gpa giving advice to grandson on eating right)
Basic guidelines for effective advertising
Abundance of information; Simple language; Clear, bright pictures; Use action to attract attention; Speak clearly, and keep word count low; Single sales message, emphasize brand extensions (familiarity); Avoid extraneous stimuli (excessive pictures)

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