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Chapter 5 test


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What was the impact of the Plague
China population decreased by 1/2. 2. 1/3 Europe population died.3. Peasants started to revolt
Why was the plague called the Black Death
Black and Blue Blotches that appeared on the skin of victims
The Magna Carta document was an early attempt to separate what
church and state
What is Habeas corpus
the principle that accused people people cannot be heald in jail without the consent of the court
How did the Magna Cart lead to the decline of fuedalism
gave more power to the lower classes 2. pelple could earn a living and keep money 3. less taxes 4. gave self government to towns and cities 5. encourage trade and commerce along the cities
a person who hold beliefs that are contrary to the teachings of a church or other group
How did the politcal developments in England contribute to the decline of feudalism in Europe
1. It strengthen the royal athority at the expense of nobles. 2. It shifted power to the common people.2. Henry II legal reforms strengthend the power of the royal authority 3. King John Magna Carta- created enemy with church shifting power and rights of people 4. King Edward- Model Parliment included commoners
What was the hundred year war
a series of War between England and France to control lands- 1337-1453
Why did England win most of the battles against France
French Army had heavy armour on horse back. Used swords, lances and crossbows. English used light armour- foot soldiers, archers and long bows that could go fast and longer.
What areas of the world were affected by the spread of the plague in the 14th century
Central Asia- Egypt and Arabia - Europe: Southern, Germany,France, Spain & Itlay - England
agreed upon halt in fighting
What changes did the Magna Carta bring about in the English government?
The barons agreed that the king could continue to rule. The king agreed to observe common law and the traditional rights of barons and the church. Free men could not be jailed except by lawful judgement of his peers or by law of the land. It protected the rights and priveleges of the nobles and eventually people of England.
a large bow used for firing feather arrows
What is most important document of the Middle Ages
Magna Carta
What were symptoms of Balck Death or Bubonic Plague
fever,vomitting, fierce caughing, sneezing fits, swelling or bumps
How did Henty II improve English Law
Made English reforms- 1. Insisted a Jury formally accuse a person of serious crime. 2. Cases tried before royal judge.
How was the plague spread
Dirty conditions contributed significantly: rats, fleas, bacteria- lack of washing body and clothes. Streets filled with human waste, dead animals and trash
What key events contributed to the decline of feudalism
1. politcal developments shift power to king. Bubonic plague- the need for workers shifted power to common people 3. The Hundred years War- increased feeling of national pride in England and France and decreased importance of knights in war.
Who was Joan of Arc
17 year old girl led the French during 100 year war. Battle of Orleans. Heard saints voices. Accused of being heretic and witch
What was blamed for the Plague
Jews, lepers and positions of the planets
a medieval wapon made up a bow that was fixed across a wooden stack and operated by a trigger
a person who is not in noble rank
What covered in the d Magna Carta document
1. more power to lower nobles 2. new code of ethics for treating free men 3. sparation of church and state 4. rules for laws of land 5. women's rights as widows and marriage 6. money- taxing borrowing money 7. limits King's role 8. authority of courts
What is Bubonic Plague
A deadly contagious disease caused by bacteria and spread by fleas, rats
What was the model parliament
Model P- a governing body that included- commoners, lower rankiing clergymen, church officials and nobles.
why was model parliament created
It gave a voice to the common people as well as lords

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