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Chapter 26: Herpesviridae


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What characteristics do the herpes viruses have in common?
1. Can develop a latent state - sensory ganglia
2. Sub-family alpha members have a cytopathic effect on cells, which become multinucleated giant syncytial cells with intranuclear inclusion bodies
3. Herpes viruses are held at bay by cell mediated immunity
What are the alpha sub group herpes viruses?
HSV1 and HSV2, varicella-zoster
Which herpes viruses have less cytopathic effects than the alpha sub group viruses?
Clinical symptoms, when present, of HSV1 infections are...?
1. gingivostomatitis
2. reactivation - during stressed states, AIDS patients
3. Herpetic keratitis - corneal blindness
4. Encephalitis
What is the most common cause of viral encephalitis in the US?
HSV2 often causes which types of disease, in contrast to HSV1?
Genital disease that is sexually transmitted
What organisms can cross the blood-placenta barrier?
TO - TOxoplasmosis
R - Rubella
C - Cytomegalovirus
HE - HErpes, HIV
S - Syphilis
VZV causes which diseases?
Varicella and herpes zoster
What is the course and clinical manifestations of varicella infection?
Fever, malaise, and headache, followed by characteristic rash - red base with fluid-filled vesicles.
Describe the localization of zoster infection?
During reactivation, the latent VZV replicates and migrates to the peripheral nerves, causing burning and painful skin lesions in a dermatotomal distribution.
What is the most common viral cause of mental retardation?
What are the infectious states caused by CMV?
1. Asymptomatic infection
2. Congenital disease
3. CMV mononucleosis
4. Reactivation in the immunocompromised patient
Distinguish the CMV diseases in AIDS patients versus bone marrow transplant patients?
AIDS patients - CMV viremia, CMV retinitis, and CMV colitis
Transplant patients - CMV pneumonitis
EBV causes?
Mononucleosis and Burkitt's lymphoma
Describe EBV infection?
EBV infects human B-cells, which transform and proliferate. The immune system eventually destroys the infecting virus as well as the abnormal B cells.
Describe the clinical manifestations of "mono"?
Fever, chills, sweats, headaches, and a very painful pharyngitis. Enlarged lymph nodes and sometimes an enlarged spleen.

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