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Focus on Russian Grammar Chapter 5


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Когда (Когда он был здесь, я была счастлива)
(1) Adverbial clause (when) (When he was here, I was happy)
Когда он будет здесь, я буду счастлива)
(2) Adverbial clause (future) (When he is here, I will be happy)
Perfective, perfective (Когда мы съели суп, Марина поставила на стол индейку)
(3) Adverbial clause, two sequential actions (After we had eaten the soup, Maria put the turkey on the table)
Imperfective, imperfective (Когда мы обедали, Марина рассказывала о своей работе)
(4) Adverbial clause, two simultaneous actions (While we ate dinner, Marina told us about her work)
Perfective, imperfective (Папа вошёл в комнату, когда дети дрались)
(5) Adverbial clause, one action interrupted by another (Daddy walked into the room while the kids were fighting)
Imperfective, imperfective (Когда друзья встречались, они всегда шли в своё любимое кафе)
(6) Adverbial clause, repeated sequential actions (Whenever the friends got together, they always went to their favorite café)
Simultaneous, same subject, last two letters off in 3p. + я (Они стояли в аудитории, представляя членов делегации.)
(7) Imperfective verbal adverbs (They were standing in the lecture hall, introducing members of the delegation)
писать, петь, звать, ждать, ехать, хотеть, бежать, смотреть
(8) Imperfective verbal adverbs (exceptions)
Masculine past, - л, + в (вши) (Арестовав преступника, милиционер отвёз его в тюрьму)
(9) Perfective verbal adverbs (Having arrested the criminal, the policeman took him to prison)
(10) Verbal adverbs can replace adverbial clauses, including what

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