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- Levee
- A barrier built to contain the flow of water or to keep out flood waters
- The Fertile Crescent
- An arc of land that began between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and extended to the Mediterranean coast
- Hammurabi
- King of Babylon. Created one of the first written code of laws called the code of Hammurabi
- Mesopotamia
- "Land between two rivers". Area located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers
- Fertile Crescent
- A geographical area of fertile land in the Middle East stretching in a broad semicircle from the Nile to the Tigris and Euphrates
- Gilgamesh
- The oldest work of literature, dating back over 5,000 years
- Lower Egypt
- The northern part of ancient Egypt
- Papyrus
- Reedy type of plant used to make paper that grows along the Nile
- Dynasty
- Ruling family
- Sumer
- Name of the first civilization established in Mesopotamia
- Theocracy
- A system of government by priests claiming a divine appointment
- Egypt
- North African country called the "gift of the Nile".
- Persian Gulf
- Body of water that lies southeast of Iraq and east of Saudi Arabia. Used as a trade route in the ancient Middle East
- Ziggurat
- A temple tower of ancient Mesopotamians, having the form of a terraced pyramid.
- Mummification
- Practice of preserving the bodies of the dead
- Upper Egypt
- Southern Egypt
- Silt
- Rich soil deposited by floodwaters
- Stylus
- Wedge shaped reed used for writing cuneiform
- Pyramid
- Tombs built for the pharaohs
- Pharaoh
- Egyptian ruler
- Monotheistic
- Believing in one God
- Delta
- Triangular area of marshland formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of some rivers
- Sargon I
- The first emperor of Sumer
- Osiris
- Egyptian God of the Nile River. Responsible for the annual flooding of the Nile
- Cataract
- Waterfall
- Isis
- Egyptian goddess who appealed especially to women. She promised life after death to people who were faithful
- Hieroglyphics
- Form of picture writing developed by the ancient Egyptians.
- Mediterranean
- Sea located North of Egypt
- Cuneiform
- Wedge-shaped writing of the ancient Sumerians and other ancient peoples
- Phoenicians
- Sailing and trading people who had many colonies on the Mediterranean coast
- The Old Kingdom
- (The Pyramid Age): Time period in Egyptian history when the pyramids were built
- Afterlife
- An existence following death
- Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
- The land between these two rivers contained the early civilizations of Mesopotamia
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- Hebrews
- One of the first groups of people to believe in one God
- Rosetta Stone
- Stone that contained carved messages in hieroglyphics, Greek and demotic. Led to deciphering of hieroglyphics.
- Middle Kingdom
- Time period in Egyptian history when there was great turbulence.
- New Kingdom
- Time period in Egyptian history when the Egyptian Empire began.
- Hierarchy
- System of ranks
- Ur
- The first important city in Mesopotamia
- Nile River
- River that runs the entire distance South to North in Egypt.