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LFS Quiz One


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pre-Aztecs location
located in Central Valley of Mexico
December 24, 2011
end of world, after 5 major cycles end
Corbeled arch
stones placed closer and closer together until final gap closed by a keystone
Middle America
Includes Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean islands, a "watery nation"
Orinoco River
River through Venezuela
900 CE
Mayans move to Yucatan Peninsula and abandons the center of their civilization
Brazilian Highlands
Older, lower mountains on eastern shore of South America
recorded important events and names associated with great cities, a statue
branch of the Mayans, maintained oral traditions of ancestors
Latin America
Term created by French in 1860's to garner support, both Hispanic-American nations and Brazil and Haiti
Part of the mountain range that extends across the continent, the section in S. America
Pre-Columbian Period
Indigenous American peoples migration starting as early as 14,000, Euro-centric definition
ideograms and symbols mostly, only Mayans use phonetic symbols, eradicated by the Spanish
pre-Inca location
Andean region of South America
Classical Period
Mayan Empire from 4th to 10th century in Guatemala, golden age of Pre-Columbian civilization
South America
Mountains on each shore with broad plains in the center, some nations are also Caribbean
Uruguay and Climate
Most suitable climate for human activity, fertile soils and grasses
Euro-African Eastern Coast in Middle America, no indigenous peoples
basic unit of Mayan time, 20 years
Eye of God
Woven cross-like symbol, only cultural item not destroyed by Spanish
Mask of Duality
one evil face, one saintly, two sides to everything in life
Euro-Indian and Mestizo, place of PreColumbian civilizations, mostly indigenous
nomadic indigenous peoples in small tribes throughout the great plains and pampas
Beginning of conquest, thanks to Columbus
Organization of American States (Pan-American) = 23 countries
recorded important events and names associated with great cities, a statue
Two and half times the area of Europe, 20% of world's land surface
Antarandes Mountains
Part of the mountain range extending from Alaska, through the Drake Passage to Antartica
Most of the region is tropical or subtropical
Part of the mountain range extending from Alaska through Mexico
Popol Vuh
Mayan genesis, as recorded by a Quiche, venerates corn as source of life
Vertical Climates
Andes contains different climates at different altitudes, with hot tropics at base and ice at the top
Mayan art
most notably, architecture, in ceremonial cities
Greek Culture
similar to mayan's; politically w/ separate city states and no unifying empire
Short and unnavigable in Mexico and South America and don't go anywhere useful
Mixture of cultures with no one dominant culture
Maya's location
Central America and Yucatan Peninsula
when groups settled down b/c of suitability to grow a certain crop, eventual empire
Parana-Plata System
River system that drains out into the South Atlantic between Argentina and Uruguay
December 24, 2011
end of world, after 5 major cycles end
Cape Horn
Last island directly linked to South America
Amazon River
drains surface area equal to half of South America
mix of indigenous and Spanish

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