SS Terms 1-25
A list of SS terms for Mrs. Thomsen's Social Studies class in Lawson Middle School.
undefined, object
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- Hemispheres
- The world is devided into northern, southern, eastern, and western _____________
- A.D.
- Anno Domini
- B.C.E.
- Stands for Before Common Era.
- Cuneiform
- It is a wedge- shaped, Mesopotamian writing made with a reed stylus
- Oral Tradition
- Stories, myths and legends that are passed on by word of mouth from generation to generation.
- Prehistory
- History that took place before the development of writing.
- civilization
- A complex society with a stable food supply, specialization of labor, a government, social levels, and a highly developed culture that includes art, architecture, religion, music, and laws.
- Pictograph
- This is picture writing where a picture stands for a word or idea.
- Scribe
- It is a professional writer or record keeper
- Artisan
- A person skilled at making a particular product by hand(pottery,jewlery,tools) is called this.
- Irrigation system
- The Sumerians were the first to create this with dams, gates, and canals.
- Development of tools and use of fire
- They were key factors in the survival of early humans.
- Archaeolgy
- The recovery and study of artifacts, ruins, bones, and fossils remaining from the past.
- city-state
- This is an independant, self governing unit made of if a city and its surrounding villages and farmlands.
- hunter-gatherers
- The earliest humans were called this because they hunted for wild animals gathered wild plants for food.
- C.E.
- Common Era.
- B.C.
- Stand for Before Christ.
- Land Between the Rivers; Tigris and Euphrates
- Mesopotmia means this and it is located in the fertile valley between this.
- Artifacts
- Human-made objects that teach about the customs and beliefs of people of the past.
- Culture
- The behaviors, beliefs, customs, and attutudes of a group of people.
- Excavation
- The process of digging up remains of the past.
- Empire
- It is the city states and nations it has conquered under one ruler.
- Domestication
- As early humans settled, they began to control both the growth and behavior of plants and animals .
- Polytheism
- It is the belief of many gods.
- Barter
- A system of trade in which people exchange goods/sevices but do not exchange money.
- Sargon of Akkad
- He changed Mesopotamia's government of seperate rulers for each city-state by creating the world's first empire.
- River Systems
- Early civilizations developed near this which provided food, water, transportation, trade, and irrigation.