Greece Part 1
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- How did the geography of Greece impact the development of city-states?
- Mountains and seas prevented Greece from uniting under one ruler and instead they emreged as independent city-states
- Describe the geography of Greece
- mountainous terrain, jagged coastline, good harbors, lack of arable land, mild climate
- Who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
- Homer
- Agora
- market place/meeting place for Greek governments
- What were the two Aegean civilizations that preceded classical Greek civilization?
- Minoan and Mycenaean
- Who was the leader of the Athenian Golden Age?
- Pericles
- Who fought in the Persian Wars?
- Greek city-states vs Persia
- Who won the Persian Wars?
- Greece, especially Athens
- Who fought in the Peloponnesian Wars?
- Athens (Delian League members) vs Sparta (Peloponnesian League)
- Who won the Peloponnesian Wars?
- Sparta
- What is a city-state?
- city that performs all the functions of an independent nation
- What does POLIS mean?
- city-state
- Why was Draco's code an improvement?
- it limited the power of the aristocracy and inconsistent punishments
- Who could be a citizen in Athens?
- all free (non-slave) adult males born in Athens
- Why were Solon's reforms important?
- the increased citizenship and participation in Athens' government
- What were the results of Greek colonization?
- spreading of Greek ideas (cultural diffusion), establishment of Greek colonies and trading ports, Greece gained control of the Aegean region
- What were the 2 main victories for Greece in the Persian Wars?
- Marathon and Salamis
- Why was the Battle of Marathon important?
- it gave Greeks a sense of confidence
- What caused the Peloponnesian Wars?
- Greek city-states were jealous of Athens and angry with them
- What were the results of the Peloponnesian War?
- weakened power of Athens, slowing Greek cultural achievements, Greeks lost their sense of community, Greece was ripe for attack by Philip of Macedon
- How was the Council of 500 chosen?
- lottery (by lot)
- What civilization's government provided the foundation for the government of the United States?
- Athens
- What sea did the Greeks control and colonize?
- Aegean
- Which city-state prided itself on its militaristic and simple lifestyle?
- Sparta
- What type of government did Sparta have?
- oligarchy
- The Greek alphabet is based on the alphabet of what civilization?
- Phoenicia
- Monarchy
- government where one person inherits his/her power; queen or king
- Tyranny
- government where one person seizes power often by unlawful means
- Aristocracy
- government by the wealthy/nobles
- Oligarchy
- government by a select few
- Democracy
- government controlled by the people
- Zeus
- king of Olympic gods; god of weather
- Athena
- goddess of wisdom, warfare, crafts
- Hera
- queen of all Greek gods, motherhood, marriage and childbirth
- Apollo
- god of light and prophecy
- Aphrodite
- goddess of love and beauty